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This presentation highlights the Department of Social Development's strategic perspective, vision, mission, and key initiatives to tackle poverty, social development, and community empowerment. It covers program performance, budget reports, legislative framework, and challenges faced in 2008/09. The Department aims to provide comprehensive social protection services, promote sustainable development, and strengthen governance and institutional capacity to build a caring society. Key programmes include administration, social security, welfare services, community development, and strategic governance.
DSD Annual Report2008/09 Draft presentation Select Committee on Social Services 3 November 2009 "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Presentation outline • Part A • Overview • Part B • Programme Performance 2008/09 • Part C • Budget and Expenditure report 2008/09 • Auditor General’s Report • Challenges • Part D • Legislative Framework 2008/09 "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Part AOverview "Building a Caring Society. Together"
DSD Strategic Perspective • The department has premised its strategies and services on two platforms: • services that deal with assisting society to deal with what they are currently experiencing as a result of poverty and social dislocation and • strategies to deal with factors that give rise to and sustain poverty, inequality and social discord. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Vision A caring and integrated system of social development services that facilitates human development and improves the quality of life. Mission To ensure the provision of comprehensive social protection services against vulnerability and poverty within the constitutional and legislative framework, and create enabling environment for sustainable development. The Department further aims to deliver integrated, sustainable and quality services, in partnership with all those committed to building a caring society. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Tackling child poverty. Tackling adult and older persons’ poverty. Youth development. Social cohesion. Civil society support and strengthening of communities. Governance and institutional development. Regional and international solidarity and development. Strategic Priorities "Building a Caring Society. Together" "Building a Caring Society. Together"
PROGRAMMES AND MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES Programme 1: Administration Provide for policy and strategic direction by the ministry and top management and for overall management and support services to the Department. Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security Ensure the development of norms and standards, facilitate financial and economic planning, monitor compliance with social assistance policy prescripts for the provision of a comprehensive system of social security, and facilitate the payment of social assistance grants to eligible households. Programme 3: Policy Development, Review and Implementation Support for Welfare Services Create an enabling environment for the delivery and accessibility of integrated developmental social welfare services in partnership with all relevant stakeholders. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
PROGRAMMES AND MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES [Cont.] Programme 4: Community Development Develop, monitor and facilitate the implementation of appropriate policies, strategies and programmes aimed at strengthening the potential of communities, including youth, to sustain and advance their livelihoods and further human development. Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Lead the strategic management component of the Department; foster operational efficiency through improved alignment between mandates, strategies and institutional capacity; provide strategic guidance on social policy development, coordination and evaluation; facilitate and develop the Department’s strategic plan; oversee all entities, agencies and boards reporting to the Department; and coordinate monitoring and evaluation across the sector. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Part B Programme Performance "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security Programme Objective: • Ensure the development of social security policies, monitor compliance with social assistance policy prescripts for the provision of a comprehensive system of social security, and facilitate the payment of social assistance grants to eligible households. • Social Insurance • Completed a draft policy on contributory social insurance which was subjected to review by international panel of social security experts and consulted with civil society on the policy. • Completed a Concept paper on the Institutional Framework for Social Security • Completed four research reports on improving access to economic opportunities by Social Assistance beneficiary households as follows: • Feasibility of a work seeker's grant. • Feasibility of wage subsidies. • Assessment of institutional framework to link beneficiaries to economic opportunities. • Profiling of unemployed beneficiaries. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security • Social Insurance (cont…) • The Southern African sub-regional liaison office of the International Social Security Association was opened in the Department in September 2008. • A steering committee comprising representatives from South Africa, Zambia and Swaziland was appointed, and its Terms of Reference agreed on. The office hosted an international seminar on extending access to social security on the African continent. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security • Social Assistance Children’s Benefits • Completed a study on attaching conditions to the extension of the Child Support Grant (CSG) to children between 15 and 17 years of age. • The CSG was extended to children until their 15th birthday with effect from 1st January 2009. • The number of CSG recipients grew by 7% from 8,189,975 in March 2008 to 8,765,354 by March 2009 and the CSG was increased from R 210 to R 230 per month. • The Foster Care Grant was increased from 454,199 to 474,759 and this represent an annual growth rate of about 5%. • The Care Dependency grant saw an annual growth rate of 5%, with an increase in beneficiary numbers from 102,292 to 107,065 by March 2009. The care dependency grant income threshold for adults was increased from R1,962 to 2,296 per month. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 2: Comprehensive Social Security Disability Benefits • A policy on Social Assistance for people with chronic diseases was developed and taken for consultation in the Social Cluster Task Team and several stakeholders. Older Persons Benefits • The Social Assistance Act has been amended to equalise the qualifying age for age old grants between male and female applicants. This will enable males to receive old age grant from the age of 60 years in a phased manner during the current MTEF period. This change has brought over 70 000 men aged 63 years and above onto the social grant system. By March 2009, over 2,390,543 million elderly people were in receipt of the old age grant. • The old age grant was adjusted from R 940 to R 960 per month. • The care dependency income threshold for adults was increased from R 1 962 to R 2 296 per month and the value of the assets was increased from R 338 000 to R 460 800 per year for unmarried persons and doubled for married persons. The provision of Social Relief of Distress • The Social Relief of Distress budget was increased by R500 million from R124 million to R624 million to shield the poor from undue hardships caused by rising food prices (caused by the economic recession). "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 2 Comprehensive Social Security Provision of social assistance benefits to Vulnerable groups • The programme’s key achievements include : • The extension through SASSA, of the Child Support Grant and the Amendment of the Social Assistance Act to enable men to qualify for the age old grant from the age of 60. • The opening of the Southern African Liaison Office of the International Social Security Association in the Department was also a key achievement. Social Security transfers and administration • Over 13 million South Africans now access the social grants system. The table below indicates the total number of recipients over the last three years: Grant March 2007 March 2008 March 2009 Old Age pension: 2,193m 2,229 m 2,390 m Disability: 1,427m 1,408 m 1,268 m Foster Care: 394,194 454,199 474,759 Care Dependency: 98,096 102,292 107,065 Child support grant: 7,863m 8,189 m 8,765 m War Veterans grant: 2,340 1924 1500 "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Child Care and Protection Services • New Child Care Legislation • Children's Act regulations, norms and standards were approved by the NCOP in March 2009. • Finalisation of draft Intersectoral National Policy Framework • The Minister approved the five year National Surveillance Study on child abuse, neglect and exploitation • The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) approved funding to the value of R35 million and the Child Welfare League of Canada will serve as the technical expert on the national surveillance study on child abuse. • Early childhood development (ECD) • Department implemented the National Integrated Plan for Early Childhood Development (NIPECD) in partnership with key stakeholders, and this promoted a common understanding of the programme. • The Sector registered approximately 13,736 ECD sites in 2008/09 • There is on average an ECD site for every 455 children in the country. • Paid per diem subsidy for approximately 411,203 children registered in ECD. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Drug and Substance Abuse • T he Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Bill was passed by Parliament in November 2008 • DSD started with the implementation of Minimum Norms and Standards for in patience Treatment in Nine treatment centres located in provinces of Mpumalanga, North-west, KwaZulu- Natal and Eastern Cape provinces • The Mini Drug Master plan was approved and distributed for implementation • Capacity building workshops on the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan was held in Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal and Eastern provinces • Two hundred (200) service providers were trained in Limpopo and Gauteng provinces • Twenty members of western Cape Provincial Forum on Substance Abuse were trained on the development of the Mini Drug Master Plan • In Mpumalanga, 350 members of the substance abuse forum were trained on the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan. • The drug prevention programme, Ke Moja, reached over 20 million young people through radio, cell phones and other media "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Services to People with Disabilities • Completed the Implementation strategy for policy on Disability • Developed and piloted a training manual on the policy on the Management and Transformation on Protective workshop nationally (in 17 protective workshop). • Developed and piloted the implementation (Transformation) plan for the policy in KZN,WC, NW, GP and EC • Piloted Phases 2 and 3 of the Minimum Standards for Residential Facilities in 4 facilities in the Eastern Cape, and the implementation of Phase 1of the Policy and Minimum Standards on Residential Facilities was rolled out in all provinces • The policy on Rehabilitation and Community-based services for people with disabilities was edited and finalised. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Service Standards • Implemented Minimum Norms and Standards for in-patient treatment centres in 9 treatment centres in Mpumalanga, North-west, KZN, Free State and Eastern Cape • Finalised Consultation (s) on draft Minimum Norms and Standard for out-patient Treatment centres. • The business plan for the implementation of Phases 2 and 3 of the development of norms and standards for social welfare services were developed and popularised within the structures of the Department and in all provinces • Established programme management structures nationally and provincially for the implementation of the norms and standards project. • Trained 500 stakeholders on the integrated Service delivery Model and generic norms and standards • Developed Quality assurance framework, implementation strategy and training manual framework on quality assurance . "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Services to Older Persons South African Plan of Action on Ageing developed • Tabled Regulations of the Older Persons Act in Parliament • Finalised Draft South African plan of Action on Ageing • Established coordinating structures to ensure collaborative service delivery to Older Persons • DSD created partnerships with the Department of Sports and Recreation, Health and Western Cape Social Development to promote Golden Games in order to promote a healthy lifestyle among elders • A protocol to manage elder persons abuse was developed to ensure that reported cases of Older Persons abuse are followed up appropriately • Developed and piloted Costing templates in Gauteng province " "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Social Service Provider Management and Support • Assessed all National Councils and conducted site visits in order to ensure that they comply with the Public Finance Management Act and the Policy on Financial Awards to Service Providers and as a result, R8,547m was spent on financial support t at least 20 organisations • Draft Social Services Professions Bill was taken for consultation and finalised with the South African Council for Social Services (SACSSP) and the Professional Boards for Social Work and Child and Youth Care. • Developed and a Draft Policy on Social Services and took it to the Transformation Management Team and Heads of Department (HSD) for consultation. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Child Care and Protection Services (continued) Strategies to Combat Child Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation • Part A of the Child Protection Register (CPR) has been maintained at all levels and the capturing of information on the CPR increased by 154% in six provinces. • Data base system for part B of CPR of capturing unsuitable people has been developed and the enhancement of Part A register according to the Children's Amendment Act was completed . • Plan developed and approved for the National Surveillance Study on Child Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation between DSD and CIDA (Canada) • Contract signed between DSD and Child Welfare League of Canada and detailed project plan submitted by the CWLC who will act as the technical expert on the study on child abuse and neglect. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Alternative Care • Initiated, with support from UNICEF, a research project on cluster foster care models to assist the DSD to decide on appropriate models to adopt for standardisation • Developed Protocols and guidelines for foster care. • Adoptions and International Social Services • Minister approved Inter-country adoption practice guidelines • Attended International Social Services Council and Executive Committee meetings in Geneva in May 2008 and paid ISS annual membership fee • Developed International Social Services (ISS) guidelines and took them to stakeholders for consultation • Dealt with 519 ISS cases and returned one distressed child to Brazil "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Services to Children and Young People • Orphans and Vulnerable Children • Developed Draft Guidelines for Statutory Services to Child-Headed • Finalised promotional material for Child Headed Households • Children Living and Working on the Streets -DevelopedFinal Draft Policy Framework for Children Living and Working on the Streets Information Management System for Early Childhood Development -Developed Draft Specifications for the Information system for new and existing ECD sites and took them for consultation with provinces. -Developed and Updated Manual database of registered ECD sites -Conducted Capacity Building on National Integrated Plan on Early Childhood Development (NIPECD) in the Western Cape, Limpopo, Gauteng and Free State provinces "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Families, Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP) and social crime prevention Services to Families Completed Phase 1 of the Social Crime Prevention Strategy Finalised Reception Assessment and Referral Centre (RAR, Home Based Supervision (HBS) guidelines and national resource directory. Developed a draft Social Crime prevention Strategy Conducted training for probation officers on the following: Norms and standards on Diversion =201 officers trained Report writing = 253 officers were trained Customer care = 164 officers were trained Conducted Re-orientation and training of 308 Assistant Probation Officers as Social Auxiliary Workers together with the South African Council for Social Services Profession "Building a caring society. together" 24
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services Families, Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP) and social crime prevention (continued) • Reviewed Shelter Strategy for Victims of abuse after consultation with key stakeholders • Completed a review and audit of the National Resource directory • Approved DSD strategy for families. • Evaluated and Piloted Strategy on the Engagement of Men and Boys in the Prevention of Gender-based violence in North-West province, • Developed Guidelines on human trafficking, domestic violence, rape and violent crimes • Finalised and Approved Framework and Guidelines on Positive Values (Moral Regeneration). "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services HIV/AIDS Home /community-based care and support Finalised National Action Plan on psychosocial support (after consolidating inputs from all stakeholders into the plan). Presented draft HCBC policy framework strategy at the HIV and AIDS coordinators workshop in June and October 20008 and presented final draft during meeting with Department of Health Reviewed current Memoranda of Understanding between DSD and Lovelife and PPSA Developed a module for monitoring and evaluating HCBC and data-collection tools for the module were implemented by 28 HCBC organisations in KwaZulu-Natal and North-West provinces 41908 community caregivers received accredited training in terms of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) levels 1-4 through NGOs Developed Draft modules on psychosocial care and support as part of the implementation of the National Action Plan on psychosocial support for children and adults living with HIV and AIDS "Building a caring society. together" 26
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services HIV/AIDS (continued) The National Action (NAP) Completed research study on situational analysis of Child-Headed Households in South Africa and distributed its findings to district and provincial HIV/Aids coordinators Developed Training manuals on Child Care Forums and succession planning National Audit of the Child Care Forums A service provider was appointed to conduct an audit of the child Care Forums through the country to determined the geographical location of forums, the range and coverage of their services, the nature of their capacity, their training and support needs and their sourcing of funding and costs The findings of the audit of Child Care Forums were presented at the NACCA meeting in February 2009 and at the provincial and district coordinators meeting in March 2009 "Building a Caring Society. Together" 27
Programme 4: Community Development Community Development Programme Objective: • Develop, monitor and facilitate the implementation of appropriate policies, strategies and programmes aimed at strengthening the potential of communities, including youth, to sustain and advance their livelihoods and further human development. Community Development Policy and Service Standards • Developed a draft community development policy framework. • Conducted a Skills Audit of Community Development Practitioners in all the 9 provinces. • Developed and took for consultation 8 new Community Development Standards at NQ level 3 and (took for consultation 2 generic unit standards at NQ level 4) • Appointed a national Community Development Professionalization Task Team to drive the process of registration of practitioners. • Developed a database of community development practitioners which will be translated into a register once the registration body is established. • Conducted a study to assess challenges and the support required by CBO’s in relation to coordination and integration of services at a local level (final report available) "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 4: Community Development Community Development (continued) Registration of NPOs • Registered 6,819 NPO applications (out of 14,207 received) within two months. This increased the total number of registered NPO’s to 56 237. • 507 organisations were de-registered for non-compliance with the NPO Act, and two of these were re-instated after complying with the legal requirements (e.g by submitting annual report to the Department) • Appointed 8 new members to the Panel of Arbitrators who convened four meetings that included orientation and adjudication of cases. Enhanced Institutional capacity of the sector • Completed research on the benchmarking and reviewing of NPO governance practices. • Undertook the evaluation of the CDP train-a trainer programme "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 4: Community Development Sustainable livelihoods Household profiling • Finalised a draft qualitative household profiling tool which was endorsed by all provincial Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA) programme managers in July 2008. The tool was piloted in Mpumalanga. • The tool was also used in profiling of 2 855 poor households from Western Cape, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, North West and Free State provinces. • Facilitated the participation of 200 Community Development Practitioners (CDPs) in the implementation of the quantitative household profiling tool, which was developed by the Presidency and Statistics South Africa for the War on Poverty campaign. War on Poverty campaign • DSD participated in provincial launches of the War on Poverty campaign, which is spearheaded by the Presidency. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 4: Community Development War on Poverty campaign (cont…) • The Department is represented in the National Task Team of the War Room on Poverty. • Facilitated the construction of 20 vegi-tunnels in Ga –Kgatla village in Limpopo in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and the office of the Premier. • Developed a draft community profiling framework, which was tested in Kagiso township, Gauteng province Integrated Portfolio of programmes • Facilitated the construction of 60 vegi-tunnels in NW, LP and EC provinces. 20 of these were erected in the newly resettled community of Bokfonten in North West, while 20 were erected in the Dutyini area of the Eastern Cape. The village of Ga-Kgatla in Limpopo received 20 vegi-tunnel as well. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 4: Community Development Sustainable livelihoods (continued) Fruit Trees • Aproposal for fruit trees to support deforestation, food security and greening in the three SLA learning sites, which are located in EC, LP and NW has been submitted to DWAF. The proposal was approved and the project will be roll out during the 2009/10 financial year. Food Banks • Developed a food banking concept document. • Facilitated the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the SA government, the Community Food Banking Network of SA and the Global Food Banking Network. • Supported 4 Community Food Banks in Cape Town (WC)Durban, (KZN) Port Elizabeth (EC), Johannesburg (Gauteng) and one rural food bank pilot in Umkhanyakude district municipality (KZN). "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 4: Community Development Sustainable livelihoods (cont…) Total Value Chain Model • Introduced the total value chain poverty alleviation model using a hemp project in the Eastern Cape to demonstrates the potential of the model in poverty eradication. • The first phase of the model has been successfully implemented with the participation of 100 beneficiaries and several stakeholders in East London, Eastern Cape. • Developed and tested the “Toolkit for CDP in SA” and piloted/tested it in the Northern Cape and key findings on the pilot were costed and training process plans are ready for implementation during 09/10 financial year. • Held consultations with Eastern Cape, North West & Limpopo provinces on the development of a social development cooperatives concept document. Monitoring of Sustainable Livelihoods Implementation Partners • Contracts of the National Association of People Living with HIV & AIDS (NAPWA), the National Association of Burial Societies of SA(NABSSA) Food Bank SA, South African Hemp Industries, Khanya-African Institute for Community-driven Development and Independent Development Trust were developed and service level agreements were also generated. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 4: Community Development Sustainable livelihoods (cont…) • Conducted site visits to Kalkfontein community to asses progress on construction of community hall • Conducted 3 monitoring site visits to Silindithemba Co-op and Siyaqhubeka Drop-In Centre • Conducted site visit workshops to 12 disability workshops in Limpopo • DSD facilitated the implementation of poverty relief projects that were supported by the Independent Development Trust (IDT) and handed over to provinces. Through this process 408 projects were successfully handed over while 102 of these are fully functional after being turned into cooperatives. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 4: Community Development Youth Youth DevelopmentPolicies and strategies • Developed guidelines on the Youth Development Strategy. • DSD audited 5 pieces of legislation affecting the youth. The audit had to be completed internally due to financial constraints. This requires further consultation. • A national youth policy was approved by Cabinet Improved services for youth • A youth service programme toolkit which covers the youth development strategy and national youth service was developed and distributed to provinces. • Facilitated the established youth directorates in 5 provinces to strengthen institutional capacity for youth development. • Cabinet approved the national youth development policy. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 4: Community Development Youth (continued) Mainstream and integrate the National Youth Service Programme (NYS) • Conducted a training in North West Province. Masupatsela Pioneer Programme • Developed a framework and 6 modules for the Masupatsela curriculum. • 10 Cuban experts were interviewed and selected for deployment and a contract between DSD and Cubatecnica was signed. • 2,114 youth pioneers were recruited and oriented while 1,754 pioneers participated in War on Poverty initiatives. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 4: Community Development Community Development (continued) Professionalisation of Youth Work • In March 2009, DSD hosted a national youth work policy conference. The research report on the state of youth work in SA was finalised and launched. The process of professionalisation is continuing and the declarations of the conference clearly give direction to the process of professionalizing youth work. Youth volunteerism • Held 4 roundtable workshops on youth volunteerism under the themes: • Youth Volunteers for Development • Creating an Enabling Environment for Youth Volunteerism in the Private Sector, • Creating an Enabling Environment for Youth Volunteerism in the Public sector , and • Strengthening Youth Volunteerism in Civil Society. • Consolidated a draft framework on youth volunteerism , although it still requires further consultation. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme5: Strategy and Governance PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE: • To lead the strategic management component of the Department; foster operational efficiency through improved alignment between mandates, strategies and institutional capacity ;provide strategic guidance on social policy development, coordination and evaluation strategic plan; facilitate and develop the department’s strategic plan; oversee all entities, agencies and boards reporting to the Department. Entity oversight and Management • Finalised and facilitated the approval of Compliance Reporting Framework for Public Entities (SASSA and NDA) • Developed and facilitated the approval of Terms of Reference for the Minister’s interface with SASSA and the NDA • Developed and facilitated the signing of MoU between the Minister of Social Development and the NDA Board • Conducted Performance reviews for entities based on their strategic plans "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Key Social Security Institutions (Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals) • Established an Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals • The tribunal adjudicates appeals emanating form the grant applications process administered by SASSA. • Minister appointed 128 individuals to serve on the tribunal, which includes 58 medical practitioners, 47 legal experts and 23 members of civil society. • By March 2009, the tribunal had considered and finalised 13,269 of the 60,970 appeals lodged during the reporting period. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Special Projects Coordination • Completed the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Social Sector Action Plan. • By March 2009, the social sector had created 174 255 jobs through EPWP, well above the five year target of 150 000. • Finalised the review of Phase 1 of the EPWP and findings of the review and broad principles for framing EPWP Phases 2 were endorsed by Cabinet. • Commenced with the process of designing Phase 2 of EPWP in May 2008 and pa reference group and steering committee to drive the process . "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Cont. Social Policy: • Completed Audit of research commissioned by Directorates in the Department and developed mechanisms to ensure value and quality of research. • 54 civil servants working in policy development at national and provincial departments received training in social policy. This brings to 200, the number of senior officials trained in social policy since 2005 • In order to promote the research-policy nexus and promote evidence based policy making in the SADC region, the DSD has embarked on a process of securing ‘joint leadership and ownership’ with other countries in the region , which will allow the holding and hosting of conferences and workshops in countries committed to this initiative. • With the adoption of the Draft SADC Regional Social Policy Framework, the DSD initiated a network of policy makers and high level civil servants in countries such as Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, Mauritius . The DSD is moving towards formalisation through the holding of annual events. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Cont. Monitoring and Evaluation. • In order to create facilitated an effective M&E system in the social sector, especially the provinces, DSD piloted an electronic monitoring system in 3 provinces as planned. • A modified electronic monitoring and paper-based tools were updated based on the pilot and pretesting projects is available. • Developed and finalised Non-Financial Performance Indicators and a compendium of indicators for monitoring social sector performance. • Facilitated the training of 35 officials from the social sector in the International Programmed for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) offered by the World Bank and Carleton University, Canada, in July 2008. This seeks to build M&E capacity in the social sector • An evaluation framework with appropriate indicators has been finalised. • An impact evaluation plan for the Child Support Grant has been developed and the project will be implemented in the next financial year. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Cont. Population and Development: • Finalised a series of thematic chapters for the country-wide report (see below) were finalised by 31 March 2009. The final report is joint policy+10/ICPD+15 report. The thematic chapters of the report were loaded onto the population website (www. population.gov.za). • The final ICPD+15 country report and related questionnaires, compiled on the basis of evidence derived from the policy+10 review process, were submitted to UNECA in Addis Ababa in March 2009. • The draft thematic chapters (for 10-year policy review) on migration and urbanisation, poverty and inequality, reproductive health and rights, gender equality & equity, children, families & households, youth, HIV and Aids, plus an overview of population trends & dynamics, as part of the population policy+10 review process were completed at the end of March 2009. • Concept paper on technical facility drafted, and taken for consultation to stakeholders to consider alternatives in June 2008. Concept was adjusted to properly link with the Toolkit for Integrated Planning (TIP), developed by DPLG, DST, and Housing in partnership with the CSIR. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Cont. Population and Development (cont…): • Completed Field work for second phase of nodal research project. • Submitted Final report on findings of Phase 2 of multi-year nodal point research to Minister in August 2008, and to Presidency, DPLG, and DSD Executive Committee in September 2008. • Deputy Minister launched the report, entitled, ‘Building Sustainable Livelihoods: An overview’, at a Public Seminar on Policy+10 in December 2008. • A major outcome of the research project was the production of evidence on socio-economic and demographic baselines for each node and an overview of each node, and information on urban and rural project designs and progress with the implementation of current UNFPA Country Programme and Poverty Relief Programme. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Cont… Population and Development cont… • The Department conducted Capacity Building on Population and Development as follows: • Applied Population Science in Training and Research (APSTAR) training programme • FBO capacity building (2 Training Sessions to FBOS which extended training to 80 Master Trainers in Limpopo and Eastern Cape) • Population, Environment and Development nexus training • Population, HIV&AIDS capacity development course • Towards sustainable development: Population environment and development in integrated development planning. • FBO sensitisation workshops conducted in Eastern Cape and North West in partnership with UNFPA and EC Council of Churches Sensitised and obtained commitment from the top leadership of the Shembe Group for the FBO capacity building project; -A Major outcome of FBO capacity building programme was a better understanding of population issues among religious leaders and the integration of population issues into church activities -Population and development strategies were disseminated via press and electronic media in Limpopo & KZN. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Cont. Population and Development cont. • Conducted Training on Population, Environment and Development (PED) Nexus in Cape Town (31 participants); and Free State (42 participants). • Presented a capacity building programme on Leadership Training in Environment and Sustainable Development for youth in the Eastern Cape in March 2009, focusing on issues of sustainable development and leadership skills for youth. • Population HIV and AIDS Capacity Development Course: Conducted 10 population HIV & AIDS training courses: Free State – 3 Mpumalanga – 2 North-West – 1 Eastern Cape – 1 Western Cape – 1 KwaZulu-Natal – 1 Gauteng – 1. A total number of 116 individuals from all spheres of government & civil society participated in and benefitted from this initiative. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Cont… Strategy, Planning and Development and Risk Management: • Produced a high level concept document that will guide the process of developing a sector strategy. A planning handbook was finalised and edited in January 2009. In support of the planning handbook, a checklist for the assessment of the Annual Performance Plans for provinces was also developed. • Institutionalised an enterprise risk management function within the Department with the necessary documentation, developed and operationalised processes and systems. • Developed a sector infrastructure framework with a toolkit to facilitate infrastructure planning and implementation. Developed a national and sector infrastructure plan for the MTEF period. • A Gender Needs Analysis Study has been completed and integrated into the DSD Gender Policy. • SADC Gender and Development Protocol was popularised on National Women’s Day 2008.Attended the 53rd session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Programme 5: Strategy and Governance Cont… Strategy, Planning and Development and Risk Management: • Launched the Customer Care Charter. -Final Customer Care Strategy is ready for implementation. -Launched and Distributed Customer Social Services Handbook at Nyandeni Great Place (Eastern Cape). -Launched Complaints Coordination guidelines and Manual that are ready for implementation. • Introduced, coordinated and managed an Internal Consulting Capacity Building Programme (ICON). The programme seeks to capacitate DSD staff with rare skills that so as to reduce reliance on external service providers. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
International Obligations: Key Achievements • During the 2008/09 financial year the Minister undertook 11 international official visits while the Deputy Minister undertook 9 such visits. Minister: Purpose of the visits • To pursue the social development mandate and discharge the Minister’s United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) leadership functions, in line with the International Relations Peace and Security Cluster objectives of promoting the African agenda and fostering international solidarity • International Conference on Decentralisation and Coordination: The Twin Challenges of Labour market Policy in Italy • World Ageing Conference in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates • 52nd session of the OECD Centre for Enterprise Development, Local Employment and Economic Development Programme in Paris, France • NAASP Plus Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine in Indonesia "Building a Caring Society. Together"
International Obligations: Key Achievements Purpose of the visits (cont…) • Dialogue on Social Policies in South East Asia (Bangkok, Thailand) • Summit on Geneva declaration on armed violence and development • World Economic Forum’s Global agenda Council on empowering Youth in Dubai • Second Forum of Arab Ministers of social Affairs/ Social Development, ‘The role of corporate social responsibility in social development in Arab Region’ in Amman, Jordan • Official visit in Sweden • 47th session of UN Commission on Social Development in New York • Meeting of the G8 Labour and Social Policy ministers in Rome "Building a Caring Society. Together"