RIDDHIMA JOBS Job Portal For Women…
ABOUT US • “www.riddhimajobs.com" is a website specifically communicate with employment or careers of the real world. • Riddhima jobs are designed to allow companies to post job requirements for a position to be filled and are commonly known as job boards. • Riddhima Jobs offer companies reviews, career and job-search advice describe different job descriptions or companies.
Through Riddhima Jobs a prospective company can locate and fill out a job application or submit resumes for women over the Internet for the concerned posts. • there is also information on how to manage a job while you're still in college as well as networking ideas. • Whether you're getting ready to graduate and go into the workforce or just hunting for that perfect college job, having a better resume is an important part of getting your root in the door of industrial area.
The Riddhima Jobs model has proved successful because job seekers (only women) get to see all job details, including contact information of potential employees, and can contact the prospective employer directly - unlike the opaque agency model. • Riddhima Jobs despite a strong focus on female empowerment, equal representation of women has not yet been reached within the corporate sector. • Every job posted on the site will go through an approval process by the support staff. • Job seekers can post their resume after registration. They can view details of various jobs related to their field.