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CH3 Social Structure

Explore the building blocks of social structure, types of social interaction, societies, and groups within society. Learn about formal organizations, roles, conflicts, and strains. Dive into the challenges and benefits of bureaucracies.

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CH3 Social Structure

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  1. CH3 Social Structure

  2. CH3-1 Building Blocks of Social Structure • Social structure is a network of interrelated statuses and roles that guides human interaction. • Astatusis a socially defined position in society, while a role is the behavior, or the rights and obligations, attached to a status. • A social institution is a system of statuses and roles organized to satisfy one or more of society’s basic needs.

  3. Achieved vs. Ascribed Status • Achieved Statusis a status that is either earned or chosen through an individual’s direct efforts. • Ascribed Status is a status that is assigned and beyond a person’s control.

  4. Master Status • Master Status is the one status that ranks higher that all others and plays the greatest role in shaping a person’s life and determining his or her social identity.

  5. Role Conflict vs. Role Strain • Role Conflict-occurs with the fulfilling the role of one status makes it difficult to fulfill the role of another status. Ex: Mom who is also an executive Ex: Student who is also an athlete • Role Strain-occurs when a person has difficulty meeting the role expectations of a single status. Ex: Student during “finals week”

  6. CH3-2 Types of Social Interaction • Exchange • Competition • Conflict • Cooperation • Accommodation

  7. CH3-3 Types of Societies • Pre-Industrial • Hunter Gatherer • Pastoral • Horticultural • Agricultural • Industrial • Post-Industrial

  8. CH3-4 Groups within Society • Primary Group is a small group of people who interact over a relatively long period of time on a direct and personal basis. • Secondary Group is a group in which interaction is impersonal and temporary in nature.

  9. CH3-5 The Structure of Formal Organizations • Division of Labor • Ranking of Authority • Employment based on formal qualifications • Written rules and regulations • Specific lines of promotion and advancement

  10. Problems with Bureaucracies • They no longer fulfill original roles-for example governments agencies emphasize their need to exist, regardless of whether or not they continues to provide useful services. • Official structure of bureaucracies requires that rules be followed-sometimes at the expense of common sense. • Employees may tend to feel alienated.

  11. CH3 Review Assignment Comprehension & Critical Thinking p. 82 #1-15 Complete terms for CH3-1, CH3-2, CH3-3, CH3-4, CH3-5

  12. CH3 Test60 points possible • 15 Matching • 18 Multiple Choice • 5 True/False • 1 Extra Credit • 8 Short Answer • Role Conflict/Example • Role Strain/Example • Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment • 4 Key features of a group • Primary vs. Secondary Groups • 5 Types of Social Interaction/Example of each • 2 Benefits and 2 Problems with bureaucracies

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