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Applications of LC-MS in Chemical and Biochemical Sciences

Applications of LC-MS in Chemical and Biochemical Sciences. Presented By : Malaika Argade Department of Medicinal Chemistry Virginia Commonwealth University Email : argademd@vcu.edu Date : 25 th March 2011. LC-MS?. LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY. MASS SPECTROMETRY. Separates components

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Applications of LC-MS in Chemical and Biochemical Sciences

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  1. Applications of LC-MS in Chemical and Biochemical Sciences Presented By : Malaika Argade Department of Medicinal Chemistry Virginia Commonwealth University Email : argademd@vcu.edu Date : 25th March 2011

  2. LC-MS? LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY MASS SPECTROMETRY • Separates components • Identification from retention time is difficult • Component identification is superior • But, interference from other ions Ardrey, R. E. Liquid Chromatography Mass spectrometry: an introduction, Wiley, West Sussex, England, 2003

  3. HISTORY • 1906 : Mikhail Tsvet invented chromatography • 1930 : Edgar Lederer, Chromatographic separation of carotenoids • 1960s : Csaba Horvath, developed the first HPLC • 1990s: Engineering developments in HPLC • 2004: UPLC and monolithic columns Henry, R. A. et al. In Liquid Chromatography In Clinical Analysis; Humana Press: USA, 1981; p. 21-49

  4. Mass Spectrometry • 1897- Sir “J.J.” Thomson, charge/mass of electron • 1919- Francis W. Aston with Thomson developed a “mass spectrometer” to separate isotopes of elements • 1970s- Interfacing LC with MS • 1977-1980- Moving Belt Interface & Direct Liquid Interface • 1989- Electro Spray Ionization, John B. Fenn Watson, J. T. et al. In Introduction to mass spectrometry, 3rded, Wiley: Wiltshire, 2007.

  5. COMPONENTS OF LC LIQUID RESERVOIR SAMPLE INJECTOR PUMP RECORDER DETECTOR COLUMN Henry, R. A. et al. In Liquid Chromatography In Clinical Analysis; Humana Press: USA, 1981; p. 21-49

  6. COLUMNS Height equivalent to theoretical plate (HETP) Height • Backpressure overcome by, • Elevated temperatures • Monolithic columns Swartz, M.E. J. Liq. Chromatogr. R. T. 2005, 28, 1253-1263.

  7. Basic components of MS ION SOURCE MASS ANALYSER Time-of-Flight, Quadrupole, Magnetic Sector Frit-Fast Atom Bombardment (Frit FAB), Electro Spray Ionization (ESI) DETECTOR Electron Multiplier tube http://www.epa.gov/esd/chemistry/org-anal/reports/phthalates/Fig1phms.png (accessed on 3/23/2011)

  8. MASS SPECTROMETER • A mixture of molecules. • Different molecular weights and sizes. • Sorted by the mass spectrometer according to abundance and m/z. http://www.asms.org/Portals/0/Concept3.gif (accessed on 3/21/2011)

  9. TANDEM MS or MS/MS ESI,FAB CID SAMPLE MS 2 Product ion MS 1 Precursor ion Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) DETECTED!

  10. APPLICATIONS In areas such as, • Organic chemistry • Archaeological science • Toxicology studies • Forensic sciences and urinanalysis • Impurity detection or identification • Natural product dereplication • Identification of metabolites • Enzyme inhibition studies

  11. APPLICATIONS LC-MS has wide applications in, • Screening botanical extracts.

  12. DISCOVERING INHIBITORS FROM BIOLOGICAL EXTRACTS • Biological extracts are complex mixtures of compounds. • Difficult to isolate a particular compound. • Problems of co-extraction and interference. • So Ultrafiltration with LC-MS

  13. INHIBITORS OF QR-2 • Resveratrol, a natural product inhibitor of Quinone Reductase 2. 2 Extract Ultrafiltration Removal of unbound compounds Incubation QR-2 LC-MS Dissociation Liu, D. et al. Anal.Chem. 2007, 79, 9398-9402.

  14. Resveratrol • Test: Resveratrol + active QR-2 (solid line) • Control: Resveratrol + denatured QR-2 (dotted line) • m/z : 227 • Difference indicates active binding. Choi, Y. et al. Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 1048-1052.

  15. Actinomyces sp. EXTRACT • Test: Extract of Actinomyces + • active QR-2 • Control : Extract + denatured QR-2 • m/z of 317 • Structure of TME determined by NMR Choi, Y. et al. Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 1048-1052.

  16. HOPS EXTRACT • Test : Extract + active QR-2 • Control: Extract + denatured QR-2 • m/z : 353 & 369 • Structure confirmed by LC-MS, co-elution with standard. • But are they binding at the same pocket as that of Resveratrol ? Choi, Y. et al. Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 1048-1052.

  17. COMPETITIVE BINDING STUDIES • Difference in the peaks obtained indicate active binding. • Extract + QR-2 + Resveratrol Choi, Y. et al. Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 1048-1052.

  18. RESULTS • TME, xanthohumol and xanthohumol D bind at QR-2 and compete with resveratrol. • Enzyme inhibition assay determined, • X-ray Crystallography confirmed xanthohumol and X-D binding to active pocket of QR-2. Choi, Y. et al. Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 1048-1052.

  19. APPLICATIONS LC-MS has wide applications in, • Identification of natural products • Structural characterization of peptides

  20. ESI-MS of Bovine Serum Albumin • Molecular weight by ESI-MS : 66465.8 Da • Average molecular weight calculated from 582 residues: 66267.1 Da • Difference: 198.7 Da • An undetected residue? Hirayama, K. et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006,173, 639-646

  21. Determining Amino Acid Sequence At DNA level Base sequencing technique • Chain terminators used • Errors • Time consuming At Amino Acid Level Edman degradation • Cleaving of peptide from N-terminal side • One peptide at a time • Not for more than 50 amino acids Frit-FAB LC-MS/MS • MS/MS gives valuable daughter ion information • Very quick


  23. PROCEDURE + Trypsin BSA Cleaved sequence Frit-FAB MS HPLC Hirayama, K. et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006,173, 639-646

  24. RESULTS FROM HPLC 75 peaks found Hirayama, K. et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006,173, 639-646

  25. Two cases encountered during comparison, Hirayama, K. et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006,173, 639-646

  26. a2≈266.3 y3≈416.3 a3≈303.3 Peak 12 : Daughter ions from HPLC-MS/MS indicating RHYPsequence . Hirayama, K. et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006,173, 639-646

  27. Two cases encountered during comparison, Hirayama, K. et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006,173, 639-646

  28. POSITION 94th AND 95th • Some peptides were not identified by Frit-FAB LC-MS after trypsin digestion like sequence 82 - 98 • So, BSA was digested with lysyl endopeptidase which matched the sequences, VASLRETYGDMADC*C*EK QEPERNEC*FLSHK • Glu82 to Arg98 was established • 94th and 95th : -QE- was established 77-93 94-106 Hirayama, K. et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006,173, 639-646


  30. APPLICATIONS LC-MS has wide applications in, • Identification of natural products • Structural characterization of peptides • Measuring enzyme activity

  31. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ACE is a target for anti-hypertensive drugs because, ACE Angiotensin 1 Vasoconstriction Angiotensin 2 AND Bradykinin Vasodilatation ACE Geng, F. et al. Biomed. Chromatogr. 2010, 24, 312-317.

  32. DETECTING ACE ACTIVITY • ACE activity is usually determined by formation of a product from a substrate. • Hippuric acid formed indicates ACE activity. ACE Hippuryl-Histidine-Leucine Hippuric acid Geng, F. et al. Biomed. Chromatogr. 2010, 24, 312-317

  33. METHOD • Standard solutions of HA were analyzed by UPLC-MS and peak area plotted against known concentration. • Inhibitors were added with HHL and ACE. • After incubation HA was analyzed by UPLC-MS and compared with standard solutions. HHL HA Geng, F. et al. Biomed. Chromatogr. 2010, 24, 312-317

  34. RESULTS Peak area Where, C0 = HA concentration without inhibitor C = HA concentration with inhibitor Advantages; • Quick screening • Lower limits of detection • Lesser analysis time Standard. HA curve Concentration Geng, F. et al. Biomed. Chromatogr. 2010, 24, 312-317

  35. APPLICATIONS LC-MS has wide applications in, • Identification of natural products • Structural characterization of peptides • Measuring enzyme activity • Forensic analysis

  36. Detection Of Steroids • For drug-free competitions • To avoid false positives • Sensitive method to detect drugs in small amounts from hair samples • E.g. Stanzolol and Nandrolone. ELISA • Traditionalmethod for steroid detection. • Based on competition between drug and drug-enzyme conjugate. Deshmukh, N. et al. Steroids. 2010, 75, 710-714.

  37. Y – Antibody - Drug - Drug enzyme conjugate ELISA Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S S S Tetra methyl benzidine S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Less drug More drug Voller, A. et al. J. Clin. Pathol. 1978, 31, 507-520

  38. UPLC-MS/MS RESULTS m/z transition 275.2 109.2 Nandrolone Stanzolol m/z transition 329.2 81.1 Deshmukh, N. et al. Steroids. 2010, 75, 710-714.

  39. ELISA Vs. UPLC-MS/MS Number of participants : 160 UPLC-MS/MS more sensitive than ELISA Deshmukh, N. et al. Steroids. 2010, 75, 710-714.

  40. APPLICATIONS LC-MS has wide applications in, • Identification of natural products • Structural characterization of peptides • Forensic analysis • Measuring enzyme activity • Wine Chemistry

  41. CONTENTS OF SHEDEH • Of religious importance in Ancient Egypt • Blood of God Osiris, symbolizes rebirth of the dead • Contents were unknown • Very small samples • LC-MS/MS in MRM mode: highly specific. Guasch-Jané, M.R. et al. J. Archaeol. Sci. 2004,33, 98-101.

  42. DETECTION • Tartaric acid: Wine marker • Syringic acid: Red wine marker • So, wine it is! • White or red ? Guasch-Jané, M.R. et al. J. Archaeol. Sci. 2006, 33, 98-101 Guasch-Jané, M.R. et al. Anal. Chem. 2004,76, 1672-1677

  43. Alkaline fusion • Why alkaline fusion? Malvidin-3-glucoside Syringic acid Guasch-Jané, M.R. et al. J. Archaeol. Sci. 2006, 33, 98-101

  44. RESULTS • Shedeh is indeed red wine. • Successful detection of syringic and tartaric acid in trace amounts. • MRM mode is a confirmation in itself.

  45. Summary • LC-MS applications are wide • Over the years, MS has been replaced by MS/MS and even MSn ; LC by UPLC . • The technique offers a lot of flexibility and adaptability. • Each engineering aspect plays an important role.

  46. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • Dr. Umesh Desai • The Desai Group • Department of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Pharmacy • Virginia Commonwealth University • Friends and family

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