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KIEV INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIOLOGY КИЇВСЬКИЙ МІЖНАРОДНИЙ ІНСТИТУТ СОЦІОЛОГІЇ. Добробут, здоров ’ я та щастя літніх людей в Україні (до міжнародної конференції «Літні люди в Україні: свої чи чужі», 15-16 лютого 2012).
KIEV INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIOLOGY КИЇВСЬКИЙ МІЖНАРОДНИЙ ІНСТИТУТ СОЦІОЛОГІЇ Добробут, здоров’я та щастя літніх людей в Україні (до міжнародної конференції «Літні люди в Україні: свої чи чужі», 15-16 лютого 2012) Володимир Паніотто, ген. директор Київського міжнародного інституту соціології, професор Національного у-нту “Києво-могилянська академія”
Бажаю доброботу, здоров'я та щастя !
Абсолютна бідність в Україні з 2001 до 2005 Найвищий рівень бідності був у 2001. Він знизився дуже швидко — на 24 відсотки! — за п”ять років.
ABSOLUTE POVERTY IN UKRAINE FROM 2001 TO 2005 We see that the highest level of poverty was in 2001. It has dropped substantially — by 24 percent! — over the five years.
Подивіться, будь ласка, на цю картку та скажіть, яке з цих суджень найбільш відповідає фінансовому становищу Вашого домогосподарства? Суб'єктивна бідність
Approach that KIIS has used for many years is self-assessment of the financial status of respondents. The question is phrased as follows: "Please look at this card and say which of the judgments best fits the financial status of your household" SELF-ASSESSMENT OF THE FINANCIAL STATUS
4 типи індикаторів • Державна та відомча статистика (“об”єктивні дані”) • Дані виборчих досліджень щодо фактів (скільки Ви витратили на сигарети протягом 2 тижнів?) • Суб”єктивні індикатори (задоволеність життям, наприклад) • Напів суб”єктивні ( між 2 та 3)
4 types of indicators • state or other statistics (is it objective?) • survey data about facts (what sum have you spend to buy cigarettes during last 2 weeks?) • fully subjective indicators (f.e. life satisfaction) • semi-subjective indicators (estimation of facts, something between 2 and 3)
Суб”єктивні та напів-суб”єктивнііндикатори Чи задовольняє Вас Ваше життя? Індекс задоволеності життям (IS) від -100 до +100. Населення Києва. • “Чи Ви маєте достатньо грошей на їжу?” - Більш конкретне запитання і менше залежить від очікувань
Fully subjective and semi-subjective indicators Do you satisfy with your life? Index of life satisfaction (IS) from -100 to +100. Kiev population. • “Do you have enough money to eat?” - is more concrete and less depend on expectation, it’s semi-subjective
Порівняння абсолютної і суб”єктивної бідності(не вистачає грошей на їжу)
Comparison of absolute and subjective poverty (not enough money even for food)
The dynamics of poverty in Ukraine We do not have enough money even for food, %
Динаміка бідності серед різних вікових груп
Як бачимо, рівень бідності населення України зменшувався, рівень бідності похилих людей теж знижувався, але він завжди був не менш, ніж вдвічі вищий, ніж рівень бідності населення 30-59. Зараз (2011) бідними є чверть похилих людей (а серед 70+ - навіть 30 відсотків)
% тих, хто вважає своє здоров”я поганим
Частка тих, хто вважають себе щасливими
Частка тих, хто вважають себе щасливими
Стресові ситуації в різних вікових групах, жовтень 2010 р.
Залежність самооцінки здоров’я від віку
Дякую за увагу ! Ще раз бажаю всім, а особливо похилим людям - добробуту, здоров”я та щастя paniotto@kmis.kiev.uawww. kiis.com.ua
Which of the following situations have you experienced during the year?
У яких iз цих ситуацiй Вам доводилося бувати впродовж року?
THE MEASUREMENT OF POVERTY The measurement of poverty can generally be represented in the form of these stages: • Individual s or households are ranked on the basis of one or several welfare criteria. • The poverty threshold separating the poor from the nonpoor is defined. • Data at the individual or household level are aggregated into poverty indicators for the country as a whole and for principal territorial-economic and sociodemographic groupings; the characteristics of the most vulnerable groups are found and a poverty profile is constructed.
ABSOLUTE POVERTY • The basic point - a physiological minimum of goods and services. If consumption is less than this minimum it can threaten normal development and even the physical survival of the individual over time. • Food component + non-food component. Many food combinations can provide some food energy level selected as a standard. • However the ideal consumption of foods at the minimum cost diet will most likely be alien to national food traditions; it would thus be difficult to find people who want to use it.
THE ASSESSMENT OF THE NONFOOD COMPONENT • The assessment of the nonfood component of the absolute poverty line is subject of debates, because of absence of a standard basis for delineating those goods, as in the case of the foods. • More difficult to standardize - depend more on the family's demographic structure, natural and climatic conditions, and socioeconomic living conditions. • Experience shows that poverty is more than just the absolute minimum necessary for survival. In the majority of societies, the poverty line is a social rather than a physiological minimum.
Суб”єктивна бідність One of the approach to estimation of subjective poverty is self-assessment of the respondents: “For what category of population do you rank yourself? • poor • not poor, but have income level belowtheaverage • have mean income • wellprovidedfor, • wealthy” Other approach to defining the subjective poverty line is to define people's ideas regarding a minimal level of income based on questions such asin ULMS: “E12. What do you think with the current prices what monthly income should have a household with the same number of people as yours not to feel poor? Opinions of normal income are sometimes also elicited by questions such as, "What average monthly income per member of a family such as yours is required today so that the standard of living of the family can be considered normal?"
STUDIES IN UKRAINE • Studies of absolute poverty in Ukraine - request of the World Bank and using its techniques by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) in 1995, and repeated in 1996. • The research was not conducted in the next two years, but in 1999 the State Statistics Committee instituted regular household budget surveys. These data are used to calculate absolute poverty in Ukraine. • In 2007, the World Bank calculated that the level of absolute poverty in Ukraine has been dropping very quickly.
Відносна бідність • Many researchers say that we underestimate problems, using absolute poverty line. • Poverty should be defined more in relative than absolute terms—that is, not only by the correlation of living standards with some absolute standard or model of consumption but also considering the degree of social inequality. • Poverty is viewed as a lack of income and other resources needed to sustain living standards that are considered normal and suitable within the frames of a given culture.
RELATIVE POVERTY CALCULATION • People with incomes much lower than the average (or median) are considered to be relatively poor. • Relatively poor can be calculated in different ways in different countries Relative poverty is defined as the number of such people. The national poverty line in Ukraine has been set at 75 percent of the median income
Порівняння абсолютної та відносної бідності Критерії не скорельовані. Абсолютна бідність8% у 2005, а відносна 27%; за абсолютним критерієм бідність знижується, за відносним - ні.
IS THIS A USEFUL INDICATOR FOR THE GOVERNMENT? Is it good poverty line for Ukraine? It gives some idea of the inequality of income distribution (albeit worse than a Lorenz curve), but in no way reflects the rapid decline or growth in the number of people who lack money for food IS IT USEFUL FOR EXPLAINING THE POVERTY SITUATION TO THE PUBLIC? Also no,since it is a much worse reflection than are subjective criteria. The move to using a relative poverty line occurred in many countries only after absolute poverty declined to trivial levels. This approach should be used in Ukraine too.
SUBJECTIVE POVERTY • This approach is based on estimates of material status made not by experts but by the individuals themselves. • Perceptions of poverty arise in individuals or social groups not only in terms of the relationship between their standard of living and some absolute indicators, but also in terms of their comparing opportunities to satisfy their needs with the patterns of consumption of other people or with their own status in the past. • The perception of material status can thus be significantly affected not only by the actual state of affairs, but also by the expectations, and even stereotypes that live in social consciousness.
What are the advantages of this approach? • The concept of poverty was introduced to estimate the number of people who are suffering material deprivation. • This indicator thus takes into account more precisely the real behavior of the population and the social consequences of poverty. • The poverty level comes out somewhat higher than under the absolute approach. But the trend of both indicators is very close (the correlation coefficient for 2001-2005 is equal to 0.97)
STRATEGY IN USING POVERTY INDICATORS • Use absolute poverty as the main indicator for now and use other indicators (including relative) as supplemental ones. • After the indicator of absolute poverty declines to some small value (3-5 percent), use subjective poverty (the proportion of the population that is experiencing a lack of money for food) as the main indicator. • Only after that indicator declines to 3-5 percent, make the transition to relative poverty as the main indicator, and use the others as supplemental.
Суб”єктивна бідність, 1994-2009 Відсоток тих, кому не вистачає на їжу, 1994-2009
Суб”єктивна бідність – все населення та пенсіонери
Суб”єктивна бідність, дані за деякі місяці