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Join Peter Ng, National Coordinator of Singapore, for a presentation on The Essential Teaching of Christian Meditation. Understand the practice, its purpose, and how to effectively communicate it. Discover the theology, benefits, and techniques of Christian meditation.
This presentation has 2 objectives: • Understand clearly the essential teaching • Communicate the teaching effectively
The “Essential Teaching” • What is meditation? • Why we meditate? • How we meditate?
What is Christian Meditation? • The word “meditation” comes from the Latin “Meditare” which breaks down into the roots “stare in medio” – to remain in the centre. • “Contemplation” is “being in the temple” with God. The temple is your own heart, where the Spirit of God dwells. “Surely you know that you are God’s temple, where the Spirit of God dwells.” (1Corinthians 3, 16). “The Kingdom of God is Within you.” (Luke 17, 20) Hymn: “God is Dwelling in my Heart.” • The Theology of Christian Meditation - The In-Dwelling Holy Spirit.
What is Christian Meditation? • Meditation is not thinking about God, but being with God. “In meditation, we do not seek to think about God, nor do we seek to think about His Son Jesus, nor do we seek to think about the Holy Spirit. We are trying to do something immeasurably greater. By turning aside from everything that is passing, we seek not just to think about God, but to BE with God, to experience Him as the ground of our being.” (John Main, OSB) • Meditation is about the whole person – body, mind and spirit – at prayer. • Meditation is the prayer of Attention, not Intention.
Why We Meditate? • As we meditate, personal, the inner change, in us can best be described in the words of St Paul as the harvest of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:5) Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Fidelity Gentleness Self-Control
Why We Meditate? • “Meditation can add a dimension of incredible richness to your life. You will find that your meditation is the great integrating power in your life, giving depth and perspective to everything you are and everything you do. You begin to live out of the power of the love of God, that power that is present in our hearts in all its immensity in the spirit of Jesus. The integrating power of meditation affects every part of your life. All your life is aligned on Christ, and his life and presence makes itself felt in every part of our life.” (John Main OSB) • “The reason why in the Christian tradition we meditate is that we believe that Jesus has sent His Spirit to dwell in our hearts. Or to use other words: The Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Creator of the Universe, dwells in our hearts, and, in silence is loving to all. Meditating is simply by being open to the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of God.” (John Main OSB)
Why We Meditate? • “The important aim in Christian meditation is to allow God’s mysterious and silent presence within us to become, more and more, not only a reality but the reality which gives meaning, shape and purpose to everything we do, everything we are.” (John Main OSB) • “My brothers, I implore you by God’s mercy to offer your very selves to him: a living sacrifice, dedicated and fit for his acceptance, the worship offered by mind and heart. Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world, but let your minds be remade and your whole nature thus transformed. Then will you be able to discern the will of God, and to know what is good, acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:1-2)
Why We Meditate? • The offering of our very “consciousness” to God. • Accepting the Gift of our Being from God, and offering it back to him.
How to Meditate? • The simplicity of meditation is expressed in the three simple instructions on how to meditate: a Meditate everyday, twice a day, morning and evening, for between 20 – 30 minutes. b Sit Still c Say Your Mantra
How to Meditate? • Why we say the Mantra “If anyone wishes to be a follower of mine, he must leave self behind. He must take up his cross and come with me. Whoever cares for his own safety is lost. But if a man will let himself be lost for my sake, he will find his true self. What will a man gain by winning the whole world at the cost of his own true self? For what can a man give that will buy that self back.” (Matthew 16:25-26) a Transcend Distractions b Express our Faith c Come to Simplicity d Transcend our ego; to shift the focus of our attention away from ourselves.
How to Meditate? • How to Say the Mantra a Sound the Mantra in your heart, clearly, gently and continuously, b Say it as an expression of faith and love c If possible, combine the saying of the Mantra with your breathing, d Listen to the Mantra as your sound it.
Communicating the Teaching • Share from your own experience Tell your story • Have empathy for the newcomer; remember your own struggle • Live the teaching “Meditation is caught, not taught” • The Art of Living and the Art of Dying