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CIDA and CSOs in Effective Development Nicole GESNOT Canadian delegation to the OECD

CIDA and CSOs in Effective Development Nicole GESNOT Canadian delegation to the OECD May 14, 2008 - Brussels. Overview. Part 1 : Civil Society and Development: The Canadian perspective Part 2 : CIDA’s Three Tracks Approach on CSOs and Development

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CIDA and CSOs in Effective Development Nicole GESNOT Canadian delegation to the OECD

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  1. CIDA and CSOs in Effective Development Nicole GESNOT Canadian delegation to the OECD May 14, 2008 - Brussels

  2. Overview • Part 1: Civil Society and Development: The Canadian perspective • Part 2: CIDA’s Three Tracks Approach on CSOs and Development • Partnership Renewal: rationale, process and results to Date (2005) • Advisory Group on CSOs and Aid Effectiveness: Mandate and Expected Outcomes (Since 2006) • A CIDA Discussion paper on Civil Society and Development (Expert Group since 2007 and on-going) • Part 3: Next Steps and other Challenges

  3. CIDA and CSOs in Development • CIDA: a long history of collaboration and support to Canadian CSOs in development in LDCs (+40 years) • CIDA’s Canadian partners: NGOs, Volunteer cooperation agencies, Colleges universities and other training institutions, private sector organizations, etc. • 800+ partners from across Canada with active agreements achieving concrete results • Through its main funding mechanisms, CIDA disburses between 20-25% of its ODA to CSOs. The Canadian Partnership Branch alone disbursed $260 million in Official Development Assistance in 2006-2007, roughly 10% of CIDA’s Aid Budget Disbursement.

  4. Track 1: Partnership Programming Renewal Process

  5. Partnership Renewal: Progress To date • Improved Efficiencies • Strengthened Accountability • Improved Relationships with Canadian Partners • Policy Leadership

  6. Track 2: Advisory Group on CSOs and Aid Effectiveness

  7. OECD’s Advisory Group on Civil Society and Aid Effectiveness • Membership: Multi-stakeholders • Criticism from CSOs that Paris Declaration was donor-driven; CSO feeling excluded from the Aid Effectiveness Agenda • Created by the WP-EFF (donors and recipient countries) in January 2007 • In practice not just “advisory” – building understanding and consensus

  8. The AG’s Mandate - Two dimensions • SPACE for CSO advocacy (as foreseen in the Paris Declaration) - about holding donors and governments to account for aid effectiveness and development policy • CSO AID EFFECTIVENESS – how to ensure that the contribution of CSOs to development reaches is full effectiveness potential • Not just about Official Development Assistance • Shared interest / shared responsibility

  9. Advisory Group’s Expected outcomes Three outcomes: • Recognition and voice • Applying and enriching the international aid effectiveness agenda • Lessons of good practice relating to CSOs as aid donors, recipients and partners

  10. Actions to date • Analytical work and knowledge sharing underway (All AG documents in extranet website: http://web.acdi-cida.gc.ca/cs • Extensive consultation process • National (15-20 countries already, 20 more in the wings) • Regional (6 to date, one in the wings) • International Forum (Feb. 3-6) • Work on good practice (directly and through parallel initiatives) on-going / template for case studies • For Accra: Synthesis Report with recommendations, Good Practice Paper and Case Book • Accra and beyond

  11. Track 3: CIDA Discussion Paper on CSOs and Development

  12. About the Discussion Paper • Felt need for an official CIDA policy statement on Civil Society & Development • 3 interrelated prongs: • Canadian Partnership • Direct support to Southern CSOs • Strengthening CSOs • A results-based perspective • Encourage open dialogue, synergies with AG process

  13. Key Principles • Draw on the Paris Declaration, but from a Civil Society perspective and add as required • Recognition of “agency” role of CS and specificity of CS • Local Ownership and Alignment • Balancing short-term and long-term • More comprehensive approaches • Managing for results and accountability

  14. Policy Issues • CSOs as a CIDA priority • A Multi-Prong Approach • Partnership Programming through Canadian CSOs including Canadian engagement • Direct support to LDC CSOs • Strengthening Civil Society • Enhanced coordination and harmonization vs responsive funds • Country and sector concentration (a differentiated response?) • Dialogue and learning • Accountable and Results-Based programming

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