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Department of Transportation State of Hawaii. Extreme Speeding Marketing Plan June 2004 Updated for the island of Hawaii February 2005. Project Overview. Objectives To decrease fatalities due to excessive speeding To identify behaviors & attitudes toward speeding 20 mph over the speed limit
Department of TransportationState of Hawaii Extreme Speeding Marketing Plan June 2004 Updated for the island of Hawaii February 2005
Project Overview • Objectives • To decrease fatalities due to excessive speeding • To identify behaviors & attitudes toward speeding 20 mph over the speed limit • To determine influential messages and approaches that would encourage fewer people to speed at that level • Methodology • Literature Review • Expert Interview • Focus Group Findings • Four focus groups • Two with young men ages 18 to 25 who have modified cars • One with male & female speeders ages 18 to 25 • One with parents of young drivers • Telephone survey of 400 households conducted in October & November • Focus on drivers by age group • Results are valid +/-5% • Telephone survey of 400 households conducted in October & November • Focus on drivers by age segments • Results are valid for 18 to 25 year olds +/-6.9% • Sample size for the Counties of Maui, Hawaii and Kauai are relatively small therefore the statistical error is significantly larger than for the State as a whole. • Marketing Plan
The Marketing Plan • Objective • To decrease fatalities due to excessive speeding • Strategies to change behaviors • To decrease the percent of drivers who speed 20 miles over the speed limit • To serve as the map for the multiple phases of execution including: • Advertising – Creative & Media • Public Relations • Legislation • Physical changes
Speeding is a major cause of fatalities in Hawaii • In 2001, 25% of 140 traffic fatalities were speed related. (35 fatalities) • In 2003, 29 of the 70 fatalities where a speed was known, was over 60 mph.
Speeding is Accepted Behavior in Hawaii • 88% (89%)* of drivers speed at least some of the time. • 52% (49%) of drivers believe driving 1 to 5 mph over the speed limit is acceptable, 35% (34%) 6 to 10 mph over. • 50% of drivers set their speed of driving based on the cars around them. • 75% (74%) of drivers believe that most people drive above the speed limit in Hawaii. • Speeding is extolled by car manufacturers throughout the country in advertising, product promotions & television shows. Island of Hawaii Statistics in Red – note sample size of 64
Hawaii Island drivers are a little less likely to agree that “Most people drive above the speed limit in Hawaii.” Caution smaller sample size on islands other than Oahu
For the most part extreme speeding is less acceptable However, 16% (13%)* of drivers exceed the speed limit by more than 21 mph at least some of the time Only 8% (5%)* of the population believes the unacceptable limit for speeding is over 20 mph over the speed limit. *Island of Hawaii – sample size of 64
Hawaii Island drivers are less likely to agree that “Extreme speeding is the major cause of highway fatalities.” Caution smaller sample size on islands other than Oahu
Hawaii Island drivers are less likely to believe that “They will be involved in a traffic accident in the future.” Caution smaller sample size on islands other than Oahu
Even though many “know someone who has been injured in a traffic accident.” Caution smaller sample size on islands other than Oahu
Young men ages 16 to 25 is the group most likely to extreme speed • 32% of young people ages 18 to 25 drive 20 mph over the speed limit at least some of the time. • 10% say that more than 26% of the time they are driving 20mph or more above the speed limit. • National & international studies confirm that excessive speeding is most likely to come from young men.
Hawaii Island drivers are more likely to believe that “teenagers drive too fast.” Caution smaller sample size on islands other than Oahu
Hawaii Island drivers are divided on whether “Teenage drivers cause most of the accidents in Hawaii.” Caution smaller sample size on islands other than Oahu
Steps to Fewer Fatalities General public considers excessive speeders to be a menace to society Parents stop enabling behavior of financing modified cars & speeding Young drivers face significant consequences for excessive speeding All High School students understand the consequences of speeding Fewer young men speeding Above 20mph over the limit Pass legislation to impound the cars of excessive speeders Fewer accidents & fatalities due to excessive speeding
Young People Speeding Behavior Cycle Confiscating cars will have a bigger affect on young speeders Today At the end of Year Two CONSISTENT USE OF NEW BEHAVIOR 2,728 fewer young men excessively speeding 32% of young men speed 20mph over the limit at least Some of the time 27% of young men speed 20mph over the limit at least Some of the time NEW BEHAVIOR 74% understand & fear that drivers’ licenses will be revoked for speeding over 90 mph 74% believe that drivers’ license revocation for extreme speeding will deter speeding EXCHANGE- ENFORCEMENT CONVICTION 75% of 18 to 25 year olds believe that extreme speeding is the major cause for highway fatalities 69% of 18 to 25 year olds believe that extreme speeding is the major cause for highway fatalities COMPREHENSION 90% of the population believe that The unacceptable limit for speeding is Below 20 mph over the limit AWARENESS 95% of the population believe that The unacceptable limit for speeding is Below 20 mph over the limit
Public Awareness Campaign: Speeders Kill Actions to Fewer Fatalities Parents movement to educate parents on their financing & the links to speeding General public considers excessive speeders to be a menace to society Parents stop enabling behavior of financing modified cars & speeding Young drivers face significant consequences for excessive speeding All High School students understand the consequences of speeding Partner with the schools to build awareness with all students the dangers of speeding through special programs Fewer young men speeding Above 20mph over the limit Legislation to impound the cars of excessive speeders Fewer accidents & fatalities due to excessive speeding Draft & pass legislation to impound the cars of excessive speeders. Make everyone aware of the new law & the enforcement
The message to the General Public is that Speeders Kill. • Speeding is currently acceptable to the majority of the population – must change this attitude in the same way that MADD changed the attitude toward drinking & driving • A study showed that people ranked driving 50mph in a 30 mph zone less of an offense than shoplifting or vandalizing a phone box
General public wants to be safer when they drive and want their children to be safer Desired Behavior In Exchange For Feel safe driving on the highways Never drive more than 20mph over the speed limit Feel your children are safe Driving on the highways Consider speeders the same as drunk drivers
Parents need to understand that their financial support enables Speeders that Kill themselves & others. They must stop the enabling behavior. • Only 51% of young drivers are employed fulltime, and yet.. • 44% of young drivers have newer cars four years old or less. • 20% of young drivers have modified cars • 7% say their car is souped up to make it safer when they speed • Many of the modifications were paid for by parents who provided free rent or funds that were used to purchase equipment • Only 74% of young drivers thought that insurance rates doubling would deter speeding because many do not pay their own premiums
Parents, especially Mothers want their sons to be safe – away from speeders & not speeding Desired Behavior In Exchange For Keeping their sons alive Never drive more than 20mph over the speed limit Mutual support of a parents or church group to reinforce the “right” behavior Stop enabling speeding by providing funds for higher Insurance premiums & Car Modifications Feel your children are safe driving on the highways
Target parents thru churches & schools in the communities of Pearl City thru Waianae including Wahiawa • The number of 18 – 24 year olds in these communities* represent 26% of this age group in the State, • only 20% of the population as a whole • The distance from these communities to town is quite far with the perfect stretches of road for racing. • Significant accidents have occurred from racing along H-2. *Pearl City, Waipahu, Ewa, Waianae, Mililani, Wahiawa
Young men need to know they are not invincible & that there are alternatives to speeding that can give them a rush • Only 24% of young men believe they will be in an accident • Even though 62% know of people who had been injured in accidents • 74% would be deterred from speeding if it would result in losing their license • 22% of young men say that speeding gives them a rush • 27% scared & afraid • 21% adrenaline rush • 17% nervous & tense • “part of the risk & rush is knowing you may die”
Young men who speed need an in your face exchange Desired Behavior In Exchange For Keeping their drivers license Never drive more than 20mph over the speed limit Getting their rush on the track Never race on the streets Staying alive & keeping others alive Impounding of cars when caught speeding may have a greater impact on reducing speeding than license confiscation
Target young men in the same neighborhoods as the parents including the military. • Enforcement campaigns focused on these neighborhoods • Publicize that the campaign will take place (not noting the areas), then publicize the number of tickets & licenses revoked. • Work with restaurants in neighborhoods to contribute gift certificates for pizza, etc. for police to distribute to good young drivers. • Work with the Race Track to develop events that provide a rush safely. Make the winners role models for “expert drivers.”
Target education where young men will hear it & enforcement at night to reach young men when they are more likely to be speeding • Young men are more likely to listen to the radio, go to the movies or access the web more than any other media. • In focus groups young men said they speed all the time, but at night when there is less traffic they are more likely to race or test their limits.
Work with high schools in these neighborhoods to integrate a “2 Fast 2 Dead” program into the curriculum. • Develop the program for the DOE. • Force young people to see the reality of the number of “good drivers” that die in addition to the number of innocent people. Bring in speakers – relatives of those who have died. • Create mock trials & funerals to reinforce the impact • Relate speeding to being out of control • Check with video games companies to see if they have a game that can “teach” young people how little control they have when speed increases that can be integrated into the school program. • Clearly state the laws, enforcement & penalties for speeding.
Develop a Coalition Against Speeding based in Central Oahu to coordinate all efforts. • Invite military, church leaders, youth group leaders, High School principals and PTAs to participate. • Invite young men to join the group, particularly those who are leaders of car clubs. • Focus on spreading information of the dangers of speeding as well as creating alternate activities to replace the rush that speeding provides, especially targeting car modification shops.
Introduce Legislation to Impound Cars when caught speeding • In focus groups the only action that really made young male participants sit back was the thought of losing their cars if they were caught speeding. • Only 74% will be deterred by losing their license & that is after several tickets for speeding at 90mph or above • Losing a car will also impact the family which should reinforce parent’s behaviors.
Mahalo! “Speeders Kill”