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Derivation Schemes for Topological Logics. Derived Logics. What Are They? Why Do We Need Them? How Can We Use Them? Colleague: Michael Westmoreland. History. 1936 Von Neumann and Birkhoff a lattice of propositions based on the closed subspaces of Hilbert space
Derived Logics • What Are They? • Why Do We Need Them? • How Can We Use Them? • Colleague: Michael Westmoreland
History • 1936 Von Neumann and Birkhoff • a lattice of propositions based on the closed subspaces of Hilbert space • now known as “quantum logic” • based on measurement • non-Boolean (fails to meet distributive properties) • No satisfying way to do implication
A Topological Logic • A proposition is an equivalence class of sets • S S’ iff int(S) = int(S’) • [S] = [ (int S)c ] • [S] [S’] = [ (int S) (int S’) ] • [S] [S’] = [ (int S) (int S’) ] • Most Boolean properties hold • Law of noncontradiction: [S] [S] = [int S] [ (int S)c ]= [S (int Sc) ] choosing canonical representation= [] • But not all: [S] =? [S] No! • [S] = [ (int S)c ] So [S] [int( (int Sc )c ] = [ int Sc ] = [S]
Logic Properties • No tertium non datur: [S] [S] [U] where U is the universal set. • What about truth assignment? A measurement (open set) m verifies a proposition P iff mPiPiP. • Example: the real line with the standard topology. P = [ (-3, 5) ]. m = (0, 4) verifies P since (0,4) (-3, 5), [-3, 5), [-3,5], (-3,5] • We speak of “verification” rather than truth. • Rationale: Let S be a classical system and P a proposition about S with P0 as the canonical representative of [P]. Then P0 = int Pj • Pj [P]. A measurement m that contains points of P0 but does not lie entirely in P0 would not verify P.
More Properties • P = (-3, 5). m = (0,6) does not verify P. • Should we conclude P is false? The state of S could lie in P0 and still be consistent with the result of the measurement m. In fact, there is a more precise measurement, say m’ that lies entirely in P0 and the result of m. Hence, we cannot conclude that P is false. • New concept for assigning truth values: associated with a given measurement (set) , three possibilities: verifiability set, falsifiability set, indeterminate. • Twin Open Set Phase Space Logic (TOSPS) • A measurement m verifies P if m P0 where P0 is the canonical rep of P. • A measurement falsifies a proposition if m Cl(P0)c.
Twin Open Set Phase Space Logic • Definition: P is a proposition in TOSPS logic if P = ( [V0], [F0] ), where V0 and F0 are disjoint open sets. • Definition: Let P = ( [V0], [F0] ) be a proposition in TOSPS logic and m be a measurement. P will be assigned the truth value true if mV0; false if mF0; indeterminate otherwise. • Logical Operators P = ( [PV], [PF] ) Q = ( [QV], [QF] ) PQ = ([int PV int QV], [int PF int QF] ) PQ = ( [int PV int QV], [int PF int QF] ) P = ( [int PF], [int PV] )
Properties • P = ([PF], [QF]) = ( [PV], [PF] ) = P • P P = ( [PV], [PF] ) ( [PF], [PV] ) = ( [int PV int PF], [int PF int PV] )= ([], [U]) • P P = ([U], []) • DeMorgan’s laws • Ditributivity • All Boolean properties, but tertium non datur.
Note: fails to be truth functional • P = [(-1,2), (5,9)] Q = [(1,3), (8,11)] • P Q = [(-1,3), (8,9)] The measurement m = (0, 2.5) assigns I to P, I to Q, and T to P Q, since m PV QV • m = (0,4) assigns I to P Q and I to P and I to Q, since m ⊈PV QV
Example • Example to illustrate lack of truth functionality for disjunction P = [(-2, 2), (5,9) ] Q = [(1, 3), (8, 11) ] P Q = [(-2, 3), (8,9) ] Suppose m = (0, 2.5) m assigns “I” to each of P and Q, “T” to P Q since m PV QV Now suppose m = ( 0, 4) m assigns “I” to P Q as well as to P and to Q since m (PV QV)
Derivation Gate Input the value of P and the value of P → Q
Derivation • For a Boolean lattice, define P ≤ Q when P Q is valid where ≤ is the lattice ordering • Modus Ponens
Three Questions to Consider • What is a proper ordering for the propositions in twin open set logic? • What is a proper implication operator in twin open set logic? • What derivation method can be implemented given the answers to 1 and 2?
Characterization Theorem Let (A, , , ) be a DeMorgan algebra. If we define an ordering ≼ on the algebra by P ≼ Q def P Q = Q, then P (P Q) ≼ Q iff (A, , , ) is a boolean algebra . Reminder: TOPSL is a DeMorgan algebra.
Proof Need: (A, , , ) satisfies the law of non contradiction. In any DeMorgan algebra satisfying our hypothesis, 0 ≼ P P. Substituting Q = 0 in the modus ponens scheme, P (P 0) ≼0
Using distributivity, P (P 0) ≼ 0 (P P) (P 0) ≼ 0 Since P 0 = 0 and Q 0 = Q for any Q, P P ≼ 0 By antisymmetry of ≼, P P = 0 and so (A, , , ) is boolean.
Implications of the theorem: Any DeMorgan algebra in which • Entailment is given by (), • The implication operator is given by P Q, and • Modus ponens is satisfied must be a Boolean algebra.
Non Standard Derivation • TOSPL is a DeMorgan algebra, but not a boolean algebra. • At least one of the three properties above must fail.
Modus Ponens Fails • Ordering for TOSL (suggested by or ) P Q PV QV and QF PF motivated by either P Q = P PV QV and QF PF P Q = Q PV QV and QF PF Q is more readily verified and less easily falsified than P.
Implication • P→Q def P Q • So P→Q = P Q = [(PF QV),(PV QF)] • Previous Theorem tells us that modus ponens fails. Why does it?
Theorem: With the ordering given by , it is not the case that P (P→Q ) Q Proof: P (P→Q ) = P (P Q ) = (P P) (P Q) = [(PV PF), (PVPF)] [(PV QV), (PF QF)] = [, (PVPF)] [(PV QV), (PF QF)] = [(PV QV),, ((PVPF) (PF QF))] = [(PV QV), ((PV QF) PF)]
For P (P→Q ) ≼ Q, QF (PV QF) PF But whenever PV PF X (the whole space), the containment fails. In any nondiscrete topology we have disjoint open sets PV and PF such that PV PF X and the claim is established.
Need: a proposition that contains [(PV QV), ((PV QF) PF)] One possibility [QV, ] Given P and P→Q [QV, ]
Good Point: It works. Not so good: So does any proposition of the form [QV, Y] where Y is any open subset of int(QVC) Cannot falsify
Modus Tollens P→Q = P Q = (Q) P P = Q → P Consider Q (P→Q ) = [(PF QF), ((PV QF) QV)] Analog to modus ponens: [PF, ]
Another Possibility • For Modus Ponens: Given P and P→Q, Conclude [QV, PV QF] =def QP • For Modus Tollens: Given Q (P→Q ), Conclude [PF, PV QF] =def PQ Now P (P→Q ) ≼ QP
Moreover, PV QV QV and PV QF (PV QF) PF thereby respecting entailment
Non Standard Entailment P Q def Pv Qv • Not antisymmetric, but is reflexive and transitive (a quasi ordering relation) Theorem: satisfies: P (P→Q ) Q
What about falsifiability? P Q def QF PF Does not give a valid modus ponens!
Both Verifiability and Falsifiability Quasi ordering: Reminder: PS = PV PF P ≤ Q def
theorem The quasi ordering defined gives P (P→Q ) ≤ Q
Non Standard Implication Instead of P→Q = P Q P ↪ Q =def [PV QV, QF\ ]
Motivation sup(X | P X ≤ Q) well defined for any orthonormal lattice. Propositions in TOSL make a lattice, but not orthonormal sup(X | P X ≲ Q) where X = [XV, XF] and XV = sup(Y | PV Y QV) and XF = inf(Y | QF PF Y)
To get existence need: PF QV XV This blocks inf(Y | QF PF Y) Leading to XF = (QF \ )
Why ? • We get the usual implication operator when considering the discrete twin logic. • Natural interpretation of implication when measurement P verifies P and P ↪ Q, whatever form ↪ may take.
Discoveries • In any derivation scheme that is given by the lattice theoretic entailment, an implication P Q that is equivalent to P Q must be Boolean. • Define P Q = P Q = [(PF QV), (PV QF)] • m will assign a value of true to P Q iff m assigns a value of true to either P or Q. i.e., m (PF QV). • Alternately, m will assign a value of false to P Q iff m (PV QF). • m assigns indeterminate to P Q iff m (PV QF) and m (PF QV)
Derivation in Collision Models Replace modus ponens by P and P → Q yield [QV, PV QF] Replace modus tollens by Q and P → Q yield [QV, PV QF]