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Linux on SOPC – LFSR Decryption on Linux Based System. Final presentation- Part B. Avi Urman, Kobi Maltinsky. Supervisor: Inna Rivkin. Table of Contents. Project Goals Algorithm Overview Software Based Decryption/Encryption Hardware Based Decryption/Encryption FSL Boot Up TFT Screen
Linux on SOPC – LFSR Decryption on Linux Based System Final presentation- Part B Avi Urman, Kobi Maltinsky Supervisor: Inna Rivkin
Table of Contents • Project Goals • Algorithm Overview • Software Based Decryption/Encryption • Hardware Based Decryption/Encryption • FSL • Boot Up • TFT Screen • Difficulties • Part B
Project Goals • Part A - Implement an interactive standalone embedded system running Linux. • Interaction with user through PS/2 keyboard • LCD Screen as standard output of the system • Ethernet • UART • Boot system from flash • AC97 Codec For Audio Support Linux • Part B - Based on system from part A, create a Hardware Accelerator – Decode an encrypted file using software and hardware.
Project B Goals - Continued • Write a software encoder that will run on host CPU , encode a sound file. • Write a software based decoder that will run on our system, read file through Ethernet I/F. • show that it’s not fast enough to perform decoding in real time. • Write a hardware decoder in VHDL and integrate into existing system. • Show that decoding works well with the hardware offload engine, and the sound file plays ok.
Encryption/Decryption Algorithm • Encryption/Decryption was based on LFSR – Linear Feed Back Register. • LFSR is most often a shift register whose input bit is driven by the exclusive-or (XOR) of some bits of the overall shift register value. • Because operation of the register is deterministic, the stream of values produced by the register is completely determined by its current (or previous) state.
Encryption/Decryption Algorithm - Continued • First an initial parameters are chosen : Initial seed, number of bits to be XORed on each round ,number of cycles to shift on each round and the feedback polynomial taps. • During encryption , bits from the file are XOR’ed with the LFSR value after several hundred shifts and written back to the encrypted file. • Value of the LFSR register is saved and same process repeated for the next bits • For decoding, we need to know the same parameters(seed,cycles,taps). Decoding process is the same, XORing the encrypted bits with the LFSR value preserves the original value
Software Based Decoding Overview • Host and Microblaze run pretty similar programs. • Host reads 32 bit from file performs algorithm and writes to Ethernet through standard Linux API . • Microblaze reads 32 bit from Ethernet I/F performs same algorithms and writes the data to FSL link. • Data goes from FSL link to AC97 codec through ac97 controller, data is not changed through hardware
Host Encryption for (count = fread(&buf, 1, 4, inFile); count != 0; count = fread(&buf, 1, 4, inFile)) { for (i = 0; i < cycles; ++i) { /* taps: 16 14 13 11; characteristic polynomial: x^16 + x^14 + x^13 + x^11 + 1 */ bit = ((lfsr >> 15) ^ (lfsr >> 13) ^ (lfsr >> 12) ^ (lfsr >> 10)) & 1; lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) | (bit << 31); } buf ^= lfsr; printf("%u\n",lfsr); fwrite(&buf, 1, count, outFile);
MicroBlazeDecryptor- Ethernet I/F /* Connection initialization: */ /* get an internet domain socket */ if ((sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } /* complete the socket structure */ memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sin.sin_port = htons(PORT); /* Avoid the "bind: Address already in use" problem */ setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *) &iSocketOption, sizeof(int)); /* bind the socket to the port number */ if (bind(sd, (structsockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin)) == -1) { perror("bind"); close(sd); exit(1); } /* show that we are willing to listen */ if (listen(sd, 5) == -1) { perror("listen"); close(sd); exit(1); } /* wait for a client to talk to us */ addrlen = sizeof(pin); if ((sd_current = accept(sd, (structsockaddr *) &pin, &addrlen)) == -1) { perror("accept"); close(sd); exit(1); }
MicroBlazeDecryptor- Decryption Process /* We decrypt data before playing it at this point */ if(first_iter_flag==1) { lfsr_State=doDecryption((uint32_t *)buffer,1010110); first_iter_flag=0; } else lfsr_State=doDecryption((uint32_t *)buffer,lfsr_State); while(currentWriteOffset < currentReadOffset) { unsigned intwriteLen = write(fsl_fd, &(buffer[currentWriteOffset]), currentReadOffset-currentWriteOffset); if(writeLen <= 0) { perror("write"); close(sd_current); close(sd); exit(1); } currentWriteOffset += writeLen; } if(currentReadOffset < N) { printf("Transfer done, exiting\n"); close(sd_current); close(sd); break; /* Main data pumping loop: */ while(1) { size_tcurrentReadOffset = 0; size_tcurrentWriteOffset = 0; while(currentReadOffset < N) { /* get some more data from the client */ unsigned intreadLen = recv(sd_current, &(buffer[currentReadOffset]), N-currentReadOffset, 0); if(readLen == -1) { perror("recv"); close(sd_current); close(sd); exit(1); } currentReadOffset += readLen; if(readLen == 0) { break; }
MicroBlazeDecryptor- LFSR Block uint32_t doDecryption(uint32_t *buf,uint32_t lfsr) { uint32_t bit; inti,j; intnum_of_elements=N/sizeof(uint32_t); for (i = 0; i <num_of_elements ; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NUM_OF_SHIFTS; ++j) { /* taps: 16 14 13 11; characteristic polynomial: x^16 + x^14 + x^13 + x^11 + 1 */ bit = ((lfsr >> 15) ^ (lfsr >> 13) ^ (lfsr >> 12) ^ (lfsr >> 10)) & 1; lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) | (bit << 31); } buf[i]^=lfsr; } return lfsr; }
FSL Link • Fast Simplex Link is a 32-bits wide interface on MicroBlaze. • The FSL channels are uni-directional, point-to-point data streaming interfaces. • The FSL can be used for extending the processor execution unit with custom hardware accelerators thanks to a low latency dedicated interface to the processor pipeline. • In addition, the same fsl channel can be used for the transmit or receive either control or data words. A separate bit indicates whether the transmitted (receive) word is control or data information..
Block I/F entity ac97_fsl_link is port ( AC97Reset_n : out std_logic; -- AC97Clk AC97Clk : in std_logic; Sync : out std_logic; SData_Out : out std_logic; SData_In : in std_logic; --for debug LFSR_cnt_output : out std_logic_vector (8 downto 0); LFSR_Register_output : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); Shifitng_Done_output : out std_logic; current_state_output : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); FSL_S_Data_output : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31); Shifted_Data_output : out std_logic_vector(0 to 31); FSL_S_Read_output : out std_logic; FSL_S_Exists_output : out std_logic; -- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE --------------------- -- Bus protocol ports, do not add or delete. FSL_Clk : in std_logic; FSL_Rst : in std_logic; FSL_S_Clk : out std_logic; )
FSM AC_97_FSL_logic : process (current_state, playback_accept, FSL_S_Exists, record_valid, FSL_S_Data,Shifitng_Done,LFSR_Register) is begin -- process AC_97_FSL_logic case current_state is when Idle => if (FSL_S_Exists = '1' AND playback_accept = '1') then next_state <= Perform_Shifting ; else next_state <= Idle; end if; when Perform_Shifting => if (Shifitng_Done='1') then next_state <= Read_Inputs ; else next_state <= Perform_Shifting ; end if; when Read_Inputs => playback_left <= FSL_S_Data(0 to 15) xorLFSR_Register(31 downto 16); playback_right <= FSL_S_Data(16 to 31) xorLFSR_Register(15 downto 0); next_state <= Idle; end case; end process AC_97_FSL_logic;
LFSR Block LFSR_Reg : process (FSL_Clk) is variable Feed_Back1 :std_logic; variable Feed_Back2 :std_logic; variable Feed_Back3 :std_logic; variable Feed_Back4 :std_logic; variable Tmp_LFSR_Register :std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); begin -- process LFSR_Reg if FSL_Clk'event and FSL_Clk = '1' then -- Rising clock edge if FSL_Rst = '1' then -- Synchronous reset (active high) LFSR_Register<= Initial_LFSR_Value; else if current_state = Perform_Shifting then Feed_Back1 := LFSR_Register(15) xorLFSR_Register(12) xorLFSR_Register(13) xorLFSR_Register(10) ; Tmp_LFSR_Register:= Feed_Back1 & LFSR_Register(31 downto 1) ; Feed_Back2 := Tmp_LFSR_Register(15) xorTmp_LFSR_Register(12) xorTmp_LFSR_Register(13) xorTmp_LFSR_Register(10) ; Tmp_LFSR_Register:= Feed_Back2 & Tmp_LFSR_Register(31 downto 1) ; Feed_Back3 := Tmp_LFSR_Register(15) xorTmp_LFSR_Register(12) xorTmp_LFSR_Register(13) xorTmp_LFSR_Register(10) ; Tmp_LFSR_Register:= Feed_Back3 & Tmp_LFSR_Register(31 downto 1) ; Feed_Back4 := Tmp_LFSR_Register(15) xorTmp_LFSR_Register(12) xorTmp_LFSR_Register(13) xorTmp_LFSR_Register(10) ; LFSR_Register<= Feed_Back4 & Tmp_LFSR_Register(31 downto 1) ; end if; end if; end if; end process LFSR_Reg;
Performance • Number of shifts of LFSR per 32 bit was the main bottleneck for performance . • Through few experiments we’ve found that Software decoding works good on low count shifts <150 . • For a large amount of shifts , software decoding breaks , results in improper play of the sound file. • Hardware decoding worked well for extremely large amount of shifts.
Booting Up-Reminder • A single “ACE” file was created containing Hardware and Software. • The file was place in Compact Flash, and read by FPGA through JTAG on power up. • After Hardware design is downloaded, FPGA copies kernel to the DDR memory through MDM interface • while loading the kernel file to memory, we had to prevent the processor executing random code and keep it in a known state, thus a simple C program was created ,which waits a few seconds (until the compact flash finished copying the kernel) and the jumps to 0x50000000 where the kernel resides in memory.
Difficulties • Debugging was difficult and consumed the majority of the time. • Lots Of component's HW + SW. • Timing Problems. • Endianess Problem.