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History of the Winter Olympics . By : D. Asriyan J. Arutunyan V. Brenko E. Khristenko V.eM School № 29 . The Ancient Olympic Games.
History of the Winter Olympics By : D. Asriyan J. Arutunyan V. Brenko E. Khristenko V.eM School №29
The Ancient Olympic Games Usually The Olympic Games began before the middle of summer. The best athletes arrived from many Greek states to Olympia to compete. . Only men could take part in Olympic Games. Women were not allowed even to watch the competitions The Olympic Games were held for about eleven hundred years, until the imperor Theodosius banned them for religious reasons.
MODERN OLYMPICS Pierre de Coubertin
Chamonix, France En 1921, le Comité International Olympique accorde son patronage à la Semaine Internationale des sports d’hiver, programmée en 1924 à Chamonix, en France. Cet événement connaît un grand succès, attirant 10 004 spectateurs. Il sera rétrospectivement reconnu comme les premiers Jeux Olympiques d’hiver. Les premiers Jeux Olympiques d'hiver a été d’abord connus sous le nom de "Semaine des sports d'hiver". .
La remise officielle des médailles n'a lieu que le 5 février, peu avant le discours officiel de clôture de Pierre de Coubertin. Certains athlètes ayant déjà regagné leurs pays, ce sont aux membres de leurs délégations que Frantz Reichel remet les médailles. Cesont 10 004 spectateurspayants qui au total sontenregistréslors de cetteédition des Jeux. Lors du défilé des délégations à la cérémonie d’ouverture, de nombreux athlètes défilent en portant leurs équipements sur l’épaule (ski, cross de hockey…). Un feu symbolique a été allumé pour la première fois aux Jeux Olympiques d’hiver en 1936 à Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
St. Moritz, SWITZERLAND Die II. OlympischenWinterspielefandenvom11. bis19. Februar 1928 in St. Moritz in der Schweizstatt. Siewaren die ersteneigenständigenWinterspiele, die nicht in VerbindungmitSommerspielenausgetragenwurden.Zumersten Mal nachdemErstenWeltkriegnahmenwieder deutsche Sportler an OlympischenSpielenteil. Frauen warennurbei den Eiskunstlaufdisziplinendabei. ImVergleichzu1924 in Chamonix, wo die „InternationaleWintersportwoche“ über 13 Tageangedauerthatte, war der Zeitplandiesmal um einigeskompakter. ImEisschnelllaufentfiel der Mehrkampf, dafür war SkeletonneuimolympischenProgramm. Curlingwurdedurch den
Lake Placid (THE USA) The III Olympic Winter Games, took place in 1932 in Lake Placid, New York, United States. The games opened on February 4, 1932. This was the first time that the Winter Olympics were held in the United States. More than 350 athletes from 17 countries competed in 4 sports, 14 events .Medals were awarded for BobsleighSpeed Skating Figure Skating Nordic Combined Cross-Country Skiing Ski Jumping Ice hockeyDemonstration sports Dog-sled racing Сurling.
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany The IV Olympic Winter Games were held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in the Oberbayern Region of Bavaria, Germany in 1936 . Germany also hosted the Summer Olympics the same year in Berlin. 1936 is the last year in which the Summer and Winter Games were both held in the same country. For the first time the Olympic flame burned at the Winter Olympics.646 participants from 28 countries competed in the 1936 Winter Summer Games (except for the Soviet Union). There were 17 events in 4 sports in the fourth Winter Summer Games in 1936. Medals were awarded for alpine skiing, bobsleigh, figure skating, ice hockey, Nordic skiing, cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping and speed skating. Demonstration sports Ice stock sport, Military patrol
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany Garmisch-Partenkirchen ist ein Markt und zugleich Kreishauptort des Landkreises Garmisch-Partenkirchen sowie Zentrum des WerdenfelserLandes.Obwohl Garmisch-Partenkirchen etwa 27.000 Einwohner hat, ist es keine Stadt, sondern eine von 13 sogenannten leistungsfähigen kreisangehörigen Gemeinden in Bayern. 1936 wurden hier die Olympischen Winterspiele ausgetragen. Die IV. Olympischen Winterspiele wurden 1936 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen im nationalsozialistisch regierten Deutschen Reich ausgetragen. 1936 wurden zum ersten Mal alpine Skirennen veranstaltet. Darüber kam es zu Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Internationalen Skiverband, weil das IOC im Gegensatz zu den FIS-Regeln Skilehrer als Profis nicht teilnehmen ließ. Aus diesem Grund entschieden sich der österreichische (wie auch der schweizerische) Skiverband, die Herren-Skirennen zu boykottieren.
St. Moritz , SWITZERLAND The 1948 Winter Olympics were officially known as the V Olympic Winter Games were held in St. Moritz in Switzerland. The 1940 and 1944 Winter Olympics were cancelled due to the outbreak of the World War II. Hence, the 1948 Winter Summer Games were the first in twelve years. 669 participants from 28 countries competed in the 1948 Winter Summer Games There were 22 events in 4 sports in the fifth Winter Summer Games in 1948. Medals were awarded for alpine skiing, bobsleigh, figure skating, ice hockey, cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping and speed skating Demonstration sports military patrol and the winter pentathlon
St. Moritz , SWITZERLAND Die V. OlympischenWinterspielewurden 1948 in St. Moritz in der Schweizausgetragen. Den Spielengingwegen des ZweitenWeltkriegseinezwölfjährige Phase ohneOlympischeWinterspielevoraus. St. Moritz war nach den Spielenvon 1928 zumzweiten Mal GastgeberOlympischerWinterspiele. Die Ausweitung auf sechsolympischeAlpinwettbewerberückte den alpinenSkisport in den Mittelpunkt. Ski Alpin war zumzweiten Mal imolympischenProgrammdabei. ImVergleichzu den OlympischenWinterspielen 1936 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen wurden die DisziplinenAbfahrt und Slalom neuaufgenommen.
Oslo, Norway The Olympic Games came to Scandinavia for the first time in 1952.The 1952 Winter Olympics were officially known as the VI Olympic Winter Games were held in Oslo , the capital of Norway. 694 participants from 30 countries competed in the 1952 Winter Summer Games There were 22 events in 6 sports in the sixth Winter Summer Games in 1952 .Medals were awarded for alpine skiing, bobsleigh, figure skating, ice hockey, cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping and speed skating. Demonstration sports Bandy Also for the first time, the Olympic torch was brought to the Winter Games by way of a runner relay, a tradition started in the Summer Games. There were 94 skiers participating in the relay
Cortina d’Ampezzo, ITALY The 1956 Winter Olympics were officially known as the VII Olympic Winter Games took place in Cortina d’Ampezzo in Italy. They were attended by more than 800 athletes representing 32 countries. The Soviet Union made its Winter Games debut and was the most successful country, claiming 16 medals, including a gold in the ice hockey competition. 694 participants from 30 countries competed in the 1956 Winter Summer Games . There were 24 events in 4 sports in the seventh Winter Summer Games in 1956 For the first time, the Winter Olympics were carried on live television, with the RAI network of Italy providing coverage to eight European countries. . . .
Cortina d’Ampezzo, ITALY La Séptima Olimpiada de invierno tuvo lugar en 1956 en Cortina de Ampezzo , una ciudad –balnearia en el este de Italia. Mas de 800 de atletas de 32 paises tomaron parte en los VII Juegos Olímpicos de invierno.La Unión Soviética, estrenando en esta Olimpiada , logró el mayor éxito y ganó 16 medallas, incluyendo una medalla de oro de hockey. Por primera vez esta Olimpiada se transmitió por la televisión. . . .
Squaw Valley,(THE USA) The 1960 Winter Olympics, was a winter multi-sport event held between 18 and 28 February 1960 in Squaw Valley, California, United States.The Winter Games went to the United States for the second time.This was the second time the Games left Europe, their natural site. Thirty nations competed in four sports and 27 events. Women's speed skating and biathlon made their Olympic debuts .The Soviet Union dominated the medal count winning 21 medals, 7 of which were gold. Medals were awarded forBiathlonAlpine skiingSpeed skatingNordic combined Cross-country skiingSki jumping Figure skating Ice hockey
Insbruck,Austria The 1964 Winter Olympics were officially known as the IX Olympic Winter Games were held in Innsbruck, the capital of the federal state of Tyrol in Austria. 1091 participants 36 countries competed in the 1964 Winter Summer Games . There were 34 events in 6 sports in the ninth Winter Summer Games in 1964. Lugemade their Olympic debut.USSR won the highest number of medals with 25 medals in total ( 11gold, 8 silver, 6 bronze medals) Computers made their Olympic debut. For the first time in a Winter Games, the Olympic torch was lit in ancient Olympia, Greece, and then relayed to Innsbruck. Medals were awarded forBiathlon Bobsleigh Alpine skiing Speed skating Nordic combined Cross-country skiing Ski jumping Figure skating Ice hockey Luge Demonstration sport Icestock sport
Innsbruck, Austria Die IX. Olympische Winterspiele wurden 1964 in Innsbruck, Österreich, ausgetragen. DieseOlympischenWinterspielelittenunterakutemSchneemangel. Das olympischeFeuerfür die OlympischenWinterspiele 1964 wurdeerstmalsimantiken OlympiadurcheinenHohlspiegelentzündet. Für den Transport der Wettkampfteilnehmerzu den SportstättenwurdenausschließlichMagirus-DeutzBusseverwendet. Das OlympischeKomiteevergab die Ausstattung der OlympischenSpielemitFahrzeugen u. a. wegen der Zuverlässigkeit der luftgekühltenMotoren dieses HerstellersbeiKälte an Magirus-Deutz.
Grenoble, France The X Olympic Winter Games were held in Grenoble, the capital of the Isere district in southeast France in 1968. 1158 participants from 37 countries competed in the 1968 Winter Summer Games . There were 35events in 6 sports. Women competed in only 12 events, compared to 21 men's events - there are also two mixed doubles events, in figure skating and luge. This was the first appearance of a mascot in Olympic history, Schuss - a man on skis.These were the first Winter Games to be broadcast in colour. For the first time since the end of World War II, East and West German athletes competed on separate teams and continued to do up until 1988. And the International Olympic Committee set a precedent by ordering the first drug and gender testing of Olympic athletes.
Grenoble, France Pays : 37 Athlètes : 1 158 (211 femmes, 947 hommes) Épreuves : 35 La Norvège décroche le plus grand nombre de médailles. C’est la première fois qu’un pays autre que l’URSS y parvient. Les contrôles de féminité sont introduits, tout comme les contrôles de dopage pour les hommes et les femmes. Les Jeux de Grenoble sont aussi les premiers à être diffusés en couleur. L'action de la commission médicale du Comité International Olympique s‘estexerçé dans deux voies différentes : le contrôle du sexe chez la femme et le contrôle du dopage. Ça a été la première fois qu'une telle action s’est déroulé dans le cadre de Jeux Olympiques. Ouvertureofficielle des Jeux par: Le Président Charles de Gaulle Allumage de la vasqueolympique par: Alain Calmat (patinageartistique)
Grenoble, France Emblème Mascotte: Apparition d'une mascotte non officielle du nom de "Schuss", représentant un petit bonhomme sur des skis. Il représente un cristal de neige assorti des trois roses rouges, symbole de Grenoble, et des cinq anneaux olympiques monochromes. Affiche Médaille: Sur l'avers, l'emblème officiel dessiné par Roger Excoffon. Sur le revers, le pictogramme de la discipline, également réalisé par Excoffon. Son auteur est le publicitaire Jean Brian. Le tirage a été de 170 000 exemplaires
Sapporo,Japan The Eleventh Winter Olympics: The 1972 Winter Olympics were officially known as the XI Olympic Winter Games. The games were held in Sapporo, the capital of the Hokkaido in Japan. This was the first time for the East. 1006 participants from 35 countries competed in the 1972 Winter Summer Games . There were 35events in 6 sports in the eleventh Winter Summer Games in 1972. The Soviets returned to the top of the medals table with 16. USSR won 16 medals in total with 8gold, 5 silver, 3 bronze medals.
Innsbruck,Austria The 1976 Winter Olympics were officially known as the XII Olympic Winter Games. The games were held in Innsbruck, the capital of the federal state of Tyrol in Austria. 1123 participants from 37 countries competed in the 1976 Winter Summer Games . There were 37events in 6 sports in the twelfth Winter Summer Games in 1976. Medals were awarded forBiathlon Bobsleigh Alpine skiing Speed skating Nordic combined Cross-country skiing Ski jumping Luge Figure skating Ice hockey. USSR won the competition with 27 medals in total ( 13gold, 6 silver, 8 bronze medals)
Innsbruck,Austria • Die XII. Olympischen Winterspiele wurden vom 4. bis 15. Februar 1976 in Innsbruck, Österreich, ausgetragen. Bei der zweiten Entscheidung setzte sich Innsbruck gegen Lake Placid, Chamonixund Tampere durch. • Innsbruck wurdezumzweiten Mal nach1964AustragungsortfürOlympischeWinterspiele, nachdem Denver die Spielezurückgegebenhatte. Zumersten Mal war EistanzeineolympischeDisziplin. • ImVorfeld der OlympischenWinterspieleerfuhr Innsbruck abseits des SportstättenbauszahlreichestädtebaulicheVeränderungen.
LAKE PLACID,(THE USA) The Winter Olympic Games were held in Lake Placid, USA, in 1980, between Feb 13-24. 37 Nations with 1072 participants competed in 38 events. The sports were alpine skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh, figure skating, ice hockey, luge, Nordic skiing, cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, ski jumping and speed skating. Lake Placid also hosted the Winter Olympics in 1932. The 1980 Games marked the second time the small upstate New York town had hosted the Winter Olympics. The 1980 Olympic Winter Games in Lake Placid (USA): Roni the Racoon was chosen as the mascot.
Sarajevo,Yugoslavia For the first time, an Olympic Games came to the Balkans. The Fourteenth Winter Olympics were held in 1984 in Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia. This was the first Winter Olympics to be held in a socialist country. 1272 participants from 49 countries competed in the 1984 Winter Summer Games . There were 49events in 6 sports in the fourteenth Winter Summer Games in 1984. USSR won the highest number of medals with 25 medals in total ( 6gold, 10 silver, 9 bronze medals)Vučkothe little wolf was the official mascot of the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo (Yugoslavia) present Bosnia-Herzegovina. .
Calgary, Canada The Fifteenth Winter Olympics: The 1988 Winter Olympics were held in Calgary, Alberta in Canada. 1423 participants from 57 countries competed in the 1988 Winter Summer Games with five countries making their debut in the Winter Olympics. There were 46 events in 6 sports in the fifteenth Winter Summer Games in 1988. USSR won the highest number of medals with 29 medals in total ( 11 gold, 9 silver, 9 bronze medals) The Super G alpine skiing event for both men and women made its Olympic debut. Curling freestyle skiing, short track speed skating and Paralympic skiing were demonstration events. Speed skating was held in an indoor rink for the first time and the Games were extended to 16 days.Hidy and Howdy were the official mascots of the 1988 Calgary Winter Games
Albertville, France The Sixteenth Winter Olympics: The 1992 Winter Olympics were held in Albertville in France. They were the last Winter Olympics to be held the same year as the Summer Olympics, and the first where the Winter Paralympics were held at the same site.1801 participants from 64 countries competed in the 1992 Winter Summer Games There were 57 events in 7 sports in the sixteenth Winter Summer Games in 1992. The mascot for the Games was a mountain elf, Magique, in the shape of a star and in France's national colours. .
Albertville, France Les XVIes Jeux olympiques d’hiver se sont déroulés en 1992 à Albertville, dans le département de la Savoie, en France. Les Jeux d’hiver organisés à Albertville en 1992 sont les derniers à avoir lieu la même année que les Jeux d’été. Seules 18 des 57 épreuves ont lieu à Albertville même. Les autres sont organisées dans des stations alentour. Jean-Claude Killy etait a l’origine de l’organisation des Jeux olympiques d’hiver en 1992. Athlètes 1 801 (488 femmes, 1 313, hommes). Epreuves 57 Volontaires 8647 Média 5 894 (2 271 en presse écrite, 3 623 diffuseurs) Le ski acrobatique, le patinage de vitesse sur piste courte et le biathlon féminin deviennent des disciplines officielles. La Croatie et la Slovénie participent pour la première fois en tant que nations indépendantes. Le ski de vitesse, le curling et le ski acrobatique (épreuves de saut et de ballet) sont pour la dernière fois présents officiellement, comme sports de démonstration. Pour la première fois depuis 1936, une équipe unifiée pour l'Allemagne participe aux Jeux comme nation indépendante.
Albertville, France Cérémonies. Albertville 8 février 1992. Spectacle de danseurs et acrobates. Ouverture officielle des Jeux par: Le Président de la République française François Mitterrand Allumage de la vasque olympique par: Michel Platini (football), François-Cyrille Grange (garçon de Savoie) Serment olympique par: Surya Bonaly (patinage artistique) Serment officiel par: Pierre Bornat (ski alpin) Affiche: Mascotte: Emblème: Médaille:
Lillehammer, Norway The 1994 Winter Olympics were held in Lillehammer in Norway.The Games were the second hosted in Norway, and the second Winter Olympics in the Nordic Countries, after the 1952 Winter Olympics in Oslo. There were 61 events in 6 sports in the seventeenth Winter Summer Games in 1994. 14 countries made their debut in the Winter Olympics, of which 9 were former Soviet republics. The Games also saw the introduction of stricter qualifying rules. New events were two new distances in short track speed skating and aerials, while speed skating was moved indoors. The games were succeeded by the 1994 Paralympics from 10 to 19 March. At the Games in Lillehammer the mascots were people for the first time: a boy and girl, Håkon and Kristin, brother and sister from Norwegian folklore .
Nagano, Japan The 1998 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XVIII Olympic Winter Games, were a winter multi-sport event which was celebrated in 1998 in Nagano, Japan. These Games marked the return of the Winter Olympics to Japan since 1972, when the games were held in Sapporo. 72 nations participated in the 1998 Winter Olympic Games. The nations Azerbaijan, Kenya, FYR of Macedonia, Uruguay, and Venezuela participated in their first Winter Olympic Games. The Games saw the introduction of women's ice hockey, curling and snowboarding. National Hockey League players were allowed to participate in the men's ice hockey.Four baby owls were the mascots of the 1998 Nagano Winter Games. Named Sukki, Nokki, Lekki and Tsukki, the Snowlets represented the fire, wind, earth and water that make up life in the forest. Owlets who love the snow, the first two letters of each name spell Snowlets.
SALT LAKE CITY,(THE USA) The Winter Olympic Games returned to the United States for the first time in 22 years. The Games were held in Salt lake City, USA, in 2002, between Feb 8-24. 77 Nations with 2399 participants competed in 78 events. There are 41 men's events, 34 women's events, and 3 mixed events. For these Games the program grew to 78 events with the return of skeleton and the introduction of women's bobsleigh. Skeleton returned as a medal sport in the 2002 Games for the first time since 1948. 2002 was the first time with the Women's Bobsled Event. The mascots were a hare, a coyote and a bear with very specific national characteristics. Their images were supposed to resemble the main sources of income of the city: powder, copper and coal. .
Turin, Italy The 2006 Winter Olympics were held in Turin, the capital of the Piedmont region in Italy. The Winter Games returned to Italy after a 50-year absence. Unlike the1956 Games, which were held in the small resort town of Cortina d’Ampezzo, the 2006 Games were hosted by Turin, an industrial city and provincial capital located in northwestern Italy. There were 84 events in 7 sports. The sports were categorized into 15 disciplines. The Games were attended by approximately 2,600 athletes representing 80 countries. New events included speed skating team pursuit, mass-start biathlon races, and snowboard cross. The snowball Neve and ice cube Gliz, mascots for the Turin Games, were aimed at a young audience. Their main qualities included enthusiasm, passion for sport and care for the environment.
Turin, Italy XX JuegosOlímpicos de Invierno se celebraron en Turín del 10 febrero-26 febrero, 2006. Esta era ya la segundaJuegosOlímpicos de Invierno en Italia, la primeracelebrada en Cortina d'Ampezzo en 1956. Fueconstruido 65 parques, estadios, creados infraestructuras de transporte (en Turín, fueconstruidodesde cero y los JuegosOlímpicos abierto Metro), ciudad del deporteparaatletas y periodistas. Gasto total en la construcción de 1,7 millones de euros. Tomaron parte 2663 atletas (1.627 hombres, 1.006 mujeres)procedentesde 80 países, que se hanenfrentado84 juegos de medallas en 15disciplinas. Los símbolosoficiales de los JuegosOlímpicos de Inviernoson dos figuras divertidas Neve y Gliz. El emblema de los XX JuegosOlímpicos de Inviernodesarrollado el diseño del estudioBenincasa-Husmann de Milán, ganó el concursoparadiseñar el logotipoolímpico.
VANCOUVER, CANADA The Winter Olympics 2010, officially known as the XXI Olympic Winter Games was held in Vancouver, Canada . Held from February 12 to February 28, 2010 Winter Olympics was held for the first time organized in the province of British Columbia, Canada.Canada hosted Olympic Games for the third time with this twenty-first Winter Games.2600 athletes from 82 countries participated in the winter games. There were 86 events in 15 sports scheduled for the twenty-first Winter Games in 2010. The 2010 Winter Games had a group of mascots: Quatchi and Miga for the Olympic Games, and Sumi for the Paralympic Games.
SOCHI, RUSSIA The 2014 Winter Olympics, officially the XXII Olympic Winter Games, or the 22nd Winter Olympics, will be celebrated from 7 to 23 February 2014,in Sochi, Russia, with some events held in the resort town of KrasnayaPolyana. 98 events in 15 winter sports will be held.On 6 April 2011, the IOC included a number of events into the official program of these Olympic Games.Theeventsinclude: Figure skating team event Women's ski jumping Mixed relay biathlon Ski half-pipeTeam relay luge Ski slopestyle Snowboard parallel special slalom Snowboard slopestyle Both the Olympic and Paralympic Games are being organized by the Sochi Organizing Committee. Leopard, polar bear and hare were chosen mascots of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics