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Staff Assembly Spring General Meeting Update on Staff Action Plan. April 13, 2010 Kelley N. Eaves-Boykin, Chairman. Staff Assembly Action Plan Background. 4/2009: Met with President Bowles and Cabinet to discuss Staff Assembly.
Staff Assembly Spring General Meeting Update on Staff Action Plan April 13, 2010Kelley N. Eaves-Boykin, Chairman
Staff Assembly Action Plan Background • 4/2009: Met with President Bowles and Cabinet to discuss Staff Assembly. • 10/2009: SA Executive Committee held first full day retreat to map out plans for the future of the SA and and create the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly Agenda. • Plan was broken into four categories1. Communication2. Collaboration3. Staff Development4. Community Service • 10/2009:Action Plan introduced to the Fall General Meeting of the Staff Assembly • 12/2009: Began Campus tours and introduction of Action Plan to Staff and Chancellors
I. Communication:Goal: To Increase communication between the Staff Assembly, GA Administration, Campuses, and Faculty Assembly by the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term • Objective: Meet with or communicate with on a regular basis with Jeff Davies, Chief of Staff or Laurie Charist, Interim VP of HR once a quarter • Action: Met with Jeff Davies in October and Laurie Charist in January. • Action: Corresponded with Jeff Davies via email about website and Letters to Campus supervisors • Action: Work with Anita Watkins, VP of Government Relations and Campus Govt Liaisons to be aware of the Legislative priorities and be on the same page and one voice to the General Assembly • Invite President Bowles, Hannah Gage, and other members of Administration to General Body meetings. • Obstacles: Time and scheduling conflicts when trying to coordinate the in person meetings • Status: In progress
I. Communication:Goal: To Increase communication between the Staff Assembly, GA Administration, Campuses, and Faculty Assembly by the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term • Objective: Introduce constituents to Staff Assembly and share “State of Staff” with them, tour campuses, and , meet with Chancellors or representatives. • Action: Visit each campus and GA forum by September 2010 • Action: Meet with each Chancellor to gain ideas and support • Obstacles: Scheduling conflicts, low turn out at visits, lack of understanding of purpose of Chair’s visit to campus • Status: On going • Visits complete: 1. North Carolina School of Science and Math 2. Winston Salem State University 3. University of North Carolina Pembroke 3. University of North Carolina School of Arts 4. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 5. University of North Carolina Wilmington 6. Fayetteville State University
I. Communication:Goal: To Increase communication between the Staff Assembly, GA Administration, Campuses, and Faculty Assembly by the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term • Objective: To work closely with the Faculty Assembly Chair and Chair – elect to build and sustain a working relationship between Faculty and Staff Assemblies. • Action: Share notes, invite to meetings, email, phone conversations • Obstacles: None • Status: On going
I. Communication:Goal: To Increase communication between the Staff Assembly, GA Administration, Campuses, and Faculty Assembly by the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term • Objective: Update Staff Assembly Website to new GA template and launch by April 25, 2010 • Action: Received access to the website from GA, Steven Hopper Met with Adam Reagan and Debbie Robertson to go over outline Website updated Pilot at April meeting Submit to Steven Hopper for go live Link under Leadership tab • Obstacles: Time • Status: In progress
I. Communication:Goal: To Increase communication between the Staff Assembly, GA Administration, Campuses, and Faculty Assembly by the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term • Objective: Send out Staff Assembly Newsletter once a month via email by the 3rd Wednesday of each month • Action: Newsletter template sent to Adam Request sent to campuses for Articles • Obstacles: Time, updates not sent from campuses, Chair needs to send in article • Status: In progress
I. Communication:Goal: To Increase communication between the Staff Assembly, GA Administration, Campuses, and Faculty Assembly by the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term • Objective: Represent the University Staff on the 2010 Presidential Search Leadership Statement Committee from March 4, 2010-May 5 2010 • Action: Get feedback from staff on the essential skills of next President of UNC • Action: Create Survey to gather feedback • Action: Put Survey data into distilled report and send to Leadership Statement Committee by April 16, 2010 • Obstacles: Campuses did not send out survey by March 24 deadline • Survey tool for GA not adequate for type of survey, switched to Survey Monkey • Survey responses low Some Chancellors did not send out letter of support in a timely manner • Status: In progress
I. Collaboration:Goal: To Increase collaboration between the Staff Assembly, Faculty Assembly, Campuses, By the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term. • Objective: Meet and speak to on a regular basis with the Faculty Assembly to foster a working outcome of having one voice for the University. • Action: Sharing notes, emails, and ideas after BOG • Action: Creating the Surveys for the Presidential Search Leadership Statement Committee, share the Survey Monkey tool, paid for by FA • Action: HRDB and FA Health Committee working together to provide one voice for the Health Plan Issues • Action: Meet with President Bowles and Jeff Davies, Chief of Staff on each others behalf • Action: Look at UNC Tomorrow Plan and meet with GA to make sure we are getting the same updates • Action: Planning Joint Legislative Day for Staff and Faculty Assemblies • Obstacles: None • Status: In Progress
I. Collaboration:Goal: To Increase collaboration between the Staff Assembly, Faculty Assembly, Campuses, By the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term. • Objective: Share ideas among the Campus Chairs and implement on different campuses • Action: Sharing notes, emails, and ideas during and after meetings • Action: Inviting all staff to attend Chairs meetings • Action: Implementing Good ideas across several campuses • Chili Cookoffs • Habitat for Humanity • Yard Sales • Book Loan programs • Scholarships • Haiti donations • Action: Coordinate across all campuses the “Have a Heart Campaign” • Obstacles: Participation by All campuses in sharing, documentation sharing • Status: In Progress
I. Collaboration:Goal: To Increase collaboration between the Staff Assembly, Faculty Assembly, Campuses, By the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term. • Objective: Create an atmosphere of partnership on campuses between Staff Senates, Councils, Forums and Faculty Senates, and students • Action: Sharing notes, emails, and ideas during and after meetings • Action: Inviting Faculty to attend campus meetings, and Faculty inviting Staff to meetings • Action: Setting up meetings with the Chairs of the Staff and Faculty on campus • Action: Create an atmosphere of shared governance on campuses • Action: Coordinate across all campuses the “Have a Heart Campaign” and work with both Faculty and Staff to make more successful • Obstacles: Mindset of us against them or them against us. Mindset that Faculty is better than Staff • Status: In Progress
I. Staff development:Goal: To provide an atmosphere where staff want to invest in themselves by increasing their knowledge, improving their work experience, and Lives as a whole • Objective: Create a Scholarship/Endowment for Staff, funded by donations from the Staff by August 2010 • Action: Gathering the information to put together the policy and procedures for the scholarship • Action: Ask Schools that have Scholarships/Endowments for input • Action: Work with GA/Budget committee on flow of donations • Action: Create application process and decide allotments for each campus • Action: Create a scholarship sub committee to administer • Obstacles: Resources • Status: Not started
I. Staff development:Goal: To provide an atmosphere where staff want to invest in themselves by increasing their knowledge, improving their work experience, and Lives as a whole • Objective: Create Wellness messages for the website and newsletter • Action: Gather information on wellness • Action: Create Youtube videos on wellness • Action: Highlight wellness programs on the campuses and recognize campus efforts • Action: Give correct information on Health plan and assure that staff are informed • Action: Work with GA HR and Campus HRs to provide correct and updated information to staff • Obstacles: Launch of Website and Newsletter, volunteers to create youtube videos • Status: Not started
I. Staff development:Goal: To provide an atmosphere where staff want to invest in themselves by increasing their knowledge, improving their work experience, and Lives as a whole • Objective: Provide Staff Development links and free resources to Staff by August 2010 • Action: Research and gather information on Staff Development • Action: Create categories of Staff Development (training, wellness, self improvement) • Action: Met with Linda Coleman, Director OSP and Ann Cobb, Deputy Director to talk about policies , banding, and sharing resources • Action: Link to Free training websites • Action: Create a Social network for Staff Assembly and link to all campuses • Action: Link to websites of all schools to keep all staff informed of campus happenings and any free resources • Obstacles: Launch of Website and Newsletter, Committees working on projects • Status: Not started
I. Community Service:Goal: To Increase the presence and involvement of the University Staff in our communities by the end of the 2009-2010 Staff Assembly term • Objective: Create a Staff Day of Service Campaign and Execute in the month of February around Valentines Day every year • Action: Created and Executed the “Have a Heart Campaign”, collected 11, 514 lbs of food, 400 pairs of shoes for Haiti, and $500 in toiletries and baby supplies for Samaritan’s Purse Shelter, and $500 donation from President Bowles for Homeless shelter • Action: Identify Charities/Causes across state to donate too and establish relationships with them • Action: Identify other ways that Staff Assembly can work collaboratively in community • Action: Highlight and recognize individual campus community involvement • Action: Create a best practices work book • Obstacles: Weather, Timing, Need more media coverage, little campus involvement at some schools • Status: Campaign complete, planning for year 2011