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Intestinal Candidosis Therapy without diet and without antifungoues remedies

Intestinal Candidosis Therapy without diet and without antifungoues remedies but w ith h ypoallergenic o rthomolecular T herapy hoT – and O rthomolecular I ntestinal R egeneration - OIR -. AK-Congress Vienna 2006 Peter-Hansen Volkmann www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de.

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Intestinal Candidosis Therapy without diet and without antifungoues remedies

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  1. Intestinal Candidosis Therapywithout diet and without antifungoues remedies butwith hypoallergenic orthomolecular TherapyhoT – and Orthomolecular Intestinal Regeneration- OIR - AK-Congress Vienna 2006Peter-Hansen Volkmannwww.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  2. 3 Steps of Orthomoleculare Bowel Disease Therapy • hoT basic substitution Well being • Orthomolecular Intest. Regeneration • OIR 1P for small intestine • OIR 2 for large intestine Peter-Hansen Volkmann Naturheilverf.-Allgemein- +Sportmedizin www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  3. hoT Well being as Basic Salmon oil • Omega-3-Fattys for hormonal system and detoxification Trace elements as combination • Zn - Zinc in about 300 hormonal and enzyme systems • Se - Selenium as antioxidant and as heart protection • Mn - Manganese as mucosa protection • Cr - Crome for optimization of blood sugar levels Magnesium-Calciumcarbonates for basification www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  4. Orthomolecular Intestinal Regeneration – OIR 1P Black cumin oil • Omega-6-Fatty acids for intestinal mucous membrane 3-SymBiose • Bifidobacteria, lactobazillus • Vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D3 • Zinc in about 300 hormonal and enzyme systems • Silicea for detoxification of the enterohepatic circle Potassium spe als combination with • Iodine for the hormonal system • Cobalt for the hormonal system • Molybdenum for the hormonal system www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  5. Orthomolecular Intestinal Regeneration – OIR 2 Black cumin oil – Salmon oil alternating • Omega-3-/-6-Fatty acids for intestinal mucous membrane 3-SymBiose plusas combination • Bifidobacteria, lactobazillus, Streptococcus faecalis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae • Vitamin B5, B6, B12, folic acid, vitamin D3 • Silicea for detoxification of the enterohepatic circle Magnesium-Calciumcarbonates for basification www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  6. hypo - A 23569 Lübeck Die Gesunden Nahrungsergänzungen Maximal daily amount of orthomolecular Substances in the hoT and OIR-System MineralsCalcium 375mg 0.4Potassium 600mg 0,3 Magnesium 375mg 1,3 Trace Elements Zinc 150mg 10Manganese 26mg 16Chrome 600μg 12Iodine 150μg 1 Cobalt 75μg 10Molybden 300μg 3Selenium 600μg 12 Fatty acidsOmega-3 3,0 g 6Omega-6 4,5 g 0,8 www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  7. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Results of the Goettinger 2002 Pilot Study with the: • Well-being Package • OIR 1K • OIR 2 www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de www.hypo-A.de

  8. hypo - A GmbH Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Well-being Therapy with ‘hoT’

  9. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Orthomolecular Intestinal Regeneration – OIR 1P www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  10. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Orthomolecular Intestinal Regeneration – OIR 1P www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  11. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Orthomolecular Intestinal Regeneration – OIR 2 www.hypo-A.de

  12. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Orthomolecular Intestinal Regeneration – OIR 2 www.hypo-A.de

  13. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Results of Goettingen study withhoT and OIR www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  14. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Results of Goettingen study withhoT and OIR % www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  15. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement TMJ disorders – regulation tested by AKin the Goettingen hoT study % www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  16. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Energy field interferences measured with AK in the Goettingen hoT study % www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  17. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Results of Goettingen study withhoT and OIR % www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  18. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Results of Goettingen study withhoT and OIR % www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  19. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Results of the Goettingen study withhoT and OIR % www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  20. hypo - A Luebeck, GermanyThe Healthy Nutritional Supplement Results of Goettingen study withhoT and OIR Disturbances % www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  21. Indications for hoT and OIR Chronic pain Allergy, environm. dis. Migraine - headache Chronic fatigue Vertebral sindrome Chronic bowel diseaseKnee meniscus pain Eczema, neurodermitis Shoulder-arm-sindrome Neuropathy, demence Hormonal disease Infertility treatment Menstrual pain, PMS Surgery avoidance Stroke profilaxe Heart infarction profil. Health is more than missing pain – Health is joy of life! www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

  22. Peter-Hansen VolkmannNaturopath - Sports Medicine - General PractitionerLuebeck, Germany Typical therapy results with hoT and OIR without any other therapy, but natural fresh food and drinking water % www.hypo-A.de www.naturheilkunde-volkmann.de

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