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NGO AUDITS opportunities in Social Auditing. NIRC of ICAI New Delhi 5 th February, 2011. CA SUDHIR VARMA. FCA; CIA (USA). Types of Audit. 1. Transaction based audit 2. System / Risk based audit 3. Project based audit 4. Donor based audit 5. Efficiency audit
NGO AUDITSopportunities in Social Auditing NIRC of ICAI New Delhi 5th February, 2011 CA SUDHIR VARMA FCA; CIA (USA)
Types of Audit 1. Transaction based audit 2. System / Risk based audit 3. Project based audit 4. Donor based audit 5. Efficiency audit 6. Compliance / Statutory audit - Income Tax - FCRA - Registering authority
Engagement 1. Appointment by appropriate authority 2. Engagement letter 3. Scope of audit 4. Reporting requirements 5. Fee
Audit approach 1. “Knowledge of business” objects; activities 2. Audit objectives 3. Audit plan 4. Audit process 5. Resources
Types of Audit 1. Transaction based audit 2. System / Risk based audit 3. Compliance/Statutory audit
Project based audit 1. Understand activity under the project 2. Budget for the project 3. Separate bank account / books of accounts 4. Direct revenues from the project - grants - donations - revenue incomes 5. Direct project expenses – nature 6. Allocation of expenses to projects 7. Projects utilization certificates
Donor based audit 1. Donor sanction letter 2. Terms & Conditions 3. Budget 4. Reporting requirements
Efficiency audit 1. Donors / Governing body / Trustees 2. Verification of expenses beyond accounting 3. External help of specialists 4. Common sense / matured judgment 5. Team leaders
Computerized Environment 1. Size of NGO / No. of transactions 2. Familiarity with software in use 3. Assess software controls 4. Use auditing software 5. Remain abreast with technology
Statutory Compliances 1. Income Tax Act 2. FCRA / FEMA / RBI 3. Registration laws 4. Labour laws 5. VAT / Service Tax 6. Commercial laws 7. Protection laws 8. General laws
Social Audit 1. This is more holistic than financial audit 2. Social audit of program/organization 3. Covers social performance of an activity, it’s relevance & effectiveness 4. Evaluates input resources vs beneficiary spread 5. Audit process
Social Accounting 1. Intent of organization 2. Social book keeping & accounting 3. Define measurable parameters 4. MIS reports on program implementation 5. Program ledgers 6. Procedures, formats with relevant information
Audit report 1. Statutory formats 2. Additional report to management - scope - methodology - information verified - limitations/disclaimers - comments/observations - recommendations - actions taken/not taken on past recommendations
Audit report 1. Report to donors - scope - methodology - information verified - limitations/disclaimers - comments/observations - variations from budgets/programs - approvals of variations
Some issues 1. Transfer from project to general funds 2. Definition of program expenses vs administration expenses
Standards on Auditing SA200 Basic Principles Governing an Audit SA200A Objectives and scope of the Audit of Financial Statements SA210 Agreeing the terms of Audit Engagements SA220 Quality Control for Audit Work SA230 Audit Documentation SA240 The Auditor’s Responsibility relating to Fraud in an audit of Financial Statements SA250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements SA260 Communication of Audit Matters with those Charged with Governance
Standards on Auditing SA299 Responsibility of Joint Auditors SA300 Planning an audit of Financial Statements SA320 Materiality in planning & performing an audit SA402 Audit Considerations Relating to Entities Using Service Organizations SA500 Audit Evidence SA501 Audit Evidence – Additional Consideration for Specific Items SA505 External Confirmations SA510 Initial Engagements – Opening Balances SA520 Analytical Procedures SA530 Audit Sampling
Auditing and assurance standards SA540 Auditing Accounting Estimates, including fair value Accounting Estimates & related Disclosures SA550 Related Parties SA560 Subsequent Events SA570 Going Concern SA580 Written Representations SA600 Using the work of another Auditor SA610 Using the work of an Internal Auditor SA620 Using the Work of an Expert SA700 The Auditor’s report on Financial Statements SA710 Comparatives
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