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Wave Properties and Sound Review. True or False. 1. A wave transports energy but not matter. True or False. 2. As the frequency of sound waves increases, the wavelength of the sound waves decreases. True or False. 3. Sound waves cannot travel through solids. True or False.
True or False 1. A wave transports energy but not matter.
True or False 2. As the frequency of sound waves increases, the wavelength of the sound waves decreases.
True or False 3. Sound waves cannot travel through solids
True or False 4. According to the Doppler effect, light from a star moving away from Earth will have a higher frequency than light from a star moving toward Earth.
True or False 5. When two waves are in the same place at the same time, they combine to produce a single wave.
True or False 6. Anything that moves up and down or back and forth in a rhythmic way is vibrating.
7. Sound waves • A.requirea medium. • C.arenot mechanical waves. • B.areunrelated to vibrations. • D.cantravel in a vacuum.
8. The medium seismic waves travel through is • A.avacuum. • C.air. • B.rocksand other materials inside Earth. • D.energy.
9. Sound waves are and example of • A.transversewaves. • C.circularwaves. • B.longitudinalwaves. • D.polarizedwaves.
10. Light waves are an example of • A.transversewaves. • C.rotatingwaves. • B.longitudinalwaves. • D.circularwaves.
11. A person is standing still and listening to a siren sounding an alarm. The person begins running toward the sound. The frequency of the sound the person hears will • A.remainthe same. • C.decrease. • B.increase. • D.changeby 20 Hz.
12. The frequency of a sound wave determines • A.thepitch of the sound. • C.howfast the sound travels. • B.howloud the sound is. • D.themagnitude of the compression.
13. How loud a sound is depends on • A.thewavelength of the sound. • C.theamplitude of the waves. • B.thepitch of the sound. • D.themedium.
14. The intensity of a sound describes • A.itsspeed. • B.itsloudness at a particular distance. • C.thedistance and medium through which it travels • D.themedium through which it travels.
15. The pitch of a sound is most closely related to the • A.frequencyof vibrations. • B.distancefrom the sound source. • C.mediumthrough which the sound travels. • D.intensityof the sound.
16. A change in pitch or wave frequency due to movement is known as _____________. • A.ultrasonicwaves • C.DopplerEffect • B.intensity • D.vibrations
17. A sound wave consists of _______________. • A.compressionsand rarefactions • C.botha and b • B.crestsand troughs • D.neithera nor b
18. Mechanical waves are different than electromagnetic waves due to the fact that • A.electromagneticwaves do not need a medium to transport energy. • B.mechanicalwaves do not need a medium to transport energy. • C.electromagneticwaves are influenced by light. • D.mechaicalwaves only transport energy in outerspace.
19. Which demonstration was used to illustrate the relationship between wavelength and pitch? • A.ovenrack and string • C.canphone • B.talkingcups • D.carpettubes and bunsen burner
20. Which demonstration was used to illustrate the effect of vibrations on a medium? • A.ovenracks and string • C.canphone • B.tuningforks • D.allof the above
21. The vacuum pump and alarm clock were used to illustrate the effect of _____ on sound waves. • A.pitch • C.frequency • B.medium • D.vibrations
Name That Wave 21. A wave that causes the particles of the medium to vibrate perpendicularly to the direction the wave travels. 22. A wave that requires a medium through which to travel. 23. A wave that causes the particles of the medium to vibrate parallel to the direction the wave travels. 24. A wave caused by a disturbance in electric and magnetic fields that does not require a medium.
Vocabulary Terms 25. Two or more waves in the same place at the same time. 26. A disturbance that transmits energy through matter or space. 27. The time required for a full wavelength to pass a certain point. 28. The number of vibrations that occur in a certain time frame. 29. The matter through which a wave travels.
Can you label a transverse wave? • Can you label a longitudinal wave? • Can you find the Wavelength, frequency, period and speed of a wave?