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Spring Mathematics Standards Conference Elementary (K-5)

Spring Mathematics Standards Conference Elementary (K-5). Wesley Yuu, Educational Specialist Val Kurizaki, Resource Teacher. May 16, 2006 Dole Cannery Iwilei Ballroom. http://isb.k12.hi.us. Desired Outcomes. Participants will:

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Spring Mathematics Standards Conference Elementary (K-5)

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  1. Spring Mathematics Standards ConferenceElementary (K-5) Wesley Yuu, Educational Specialist Val Kurizaki, Resource Teacher May 16, 2006 Dole Cannery Iwilei Ballroom http://isb.k12.hi.us

  2. Desired Outcomes Participants will: • Apply understanding of taxonomic levels to analyze the alignment between assessment tasks and the HCPS III benchmarks. • Increase teacher understanding of HCPS III rubrics and how to modify them for specific assessment tasks.

  3. Desired Outcomes Participants will: • Use the task-specific rubrics to analyze student work and select exemplars for each level of proficiency. • Increase teacher understanding on the use of the benchmark maps website.

  4. UPDATES – Benchmark Maps • Posted on DOE website, Dec., 2005 - Labeled as drafts - Maps were intended to be piloted and refined over the next school year • Plans changed between 12/2005 and today - Maps will be used by Restructuring Providers - State will develop Quarterly Formative Assessments based on the maps

  5. UPDATES – Benchmark Maps • THEREFORE, maps needed to be finalized. - In April, revisions were made to the Maps in an attempt to put forth the best possible final draft. • Publishers of Investigations, Trailblazers, and Everyday Math given the final drafts - Asked to provide a guide to show how program could be used while maintaining compliance with the Maps.

  6. UPDATES – Benchmark Maps • The flash drive at every table contains the publishers’ alignments to the Maps, and also includes a blank template for you to use to align your school’s textbook to the Maps. • The final draft will replace the draft on the DOE website by the end of June.

  7. UPDATES – Benchmark Maps • Formative Quarterly Assessments based on the benchmark maps will be developed for tested grade levels (schools have the option of using these or to develop their own) • The alignment between the HSA and the benchmark maps is still in discussion.

  8. Training and Work Session #1 Understanding the Standards via Taxonomic Levels • What does the benchmark mean? • What is the student expected to know and be able to do? • At what taxonomic level?

  9. Training and Work Session #1 Understanding the Standards via Taxonomic Levels • Bloom’s Taxonomy • Depth of Knowledge • Marzano’s Taxonomy All three provide a hierarchical structure to understand different levels of cognitive demand.

  10. Training and Work Session #1 Understanding the Standards via Taxonomic Levels Marzano’s Taxonomy is used by all content areas because it addresses more than the cognitive domain… • Cognitive DomainRIGOR • Metacognitive Domain RELEVANCE • Self-System RELATIONSHIPS

  11. Training and Work Session #1 Marzano’s Taxonomic Levels (Cognitive Domain)

  12. Training and Work Session #1 Using Marzano’s Taxonomic Levels 3.3.1: Recall multiplication facts from 0x0 to 10x10. • What does the benchmark mean? • What is the student expected to know and be able to do? • At what taxonomic level?

  13. Training and Work Session #1 Using Marzano’s Taxonomic Levels 3.3.1: Recall multiplication facts from 0x0 to 10x10. • What does the benchmark mean? • What is the student expected to know and be able to do? • At what taxonomic level? Level I (Retrieval) This means that student can: Use mental arithmetic to determine the results of multiplying 0x0 through 10x10

  14. Training and Work Session #1 Using Marzano’s Taxonomic Levels K.3.1: Use a variety of strategies (e.g., objects, fingers) to add and subtract single-digit whole numbers • What does the benchmark mean? • What is the student expected to know and be able to do? • At what taxonomic level?

  15. Training and Work Session #1 Using Marzano’s Taxonomic Levels K.3.1: Use a variety of strategies (e.g., objects, fingers) to add and subtract single-digit whole numbers • What does the benchmark mean? • What is the student expected to know and be able to do? • At what taxonomic level? Level II (Comprehension) This means that student can: Show how to add/subtract single-digit numbers in several different ways <list different strategies>

  16. Training and Work Session #1 Group Task • Access the document: HCPS3.Math.BenchmarkMeanings.Elem • Work as a table to complete the right column for the grade level benchmarks assigned to your table • Each table will save a compiled file onto the flash drive (add grade-level to the suffix of the file name)

  17. Training and Work Session #1 Individual Reflection • How did understanding the taxonomic demand of the benchmark help to understand the intention of the benchmark? • How important is it to dialogue with others about the meaning of the benchmarks?

  18. Training and Work Session #2 Evaluating Assessment Tasks • Does the task align to the targeted benchmark? • At the appropriate taxonomic level?

  19. Training and Work Session #2 Evaluating Assessment Tasks 4.3.3: Use a variety of strategies to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators • Does the task align to the targeted benchmark? • At the appropriate taxonomic level? Solve the following: 1. 1/3 + 1/4 = ____ 2. 1/8 + 1/2 + 3/8 = ____

  20. Training and Work Session #2 Group Task • Evaluate the assessment tasks that were brought today (revise if necessary) • Access the document: MathUnit.PlanningMatrix • Fill in Box 1 and 2a for each set of tasks. • If time permits, develop tasks for other benchmarks in your grade level • Save all files onto the flash drive

  21. Training and Work Session #2 Identifying Assessment Tasks at School • Chapter Tests (modifications may be necessary) • Question Banks accompanying textbook • Websites (www.nctm.org) • Supplemental Resources • Design your own…SHARED EFFORT

  22. Training and Work Session #3 Developing and Using Task-Specific Rubrics • How can the HCPS III rubric be tweaked for a specific task?

  23. Training and Work Session #3 The 8 Types of HCPS III Rubrics Read handout for descriptions and examples of the eight types of rubrics. (bright orange handout: HCPS III generic rubrics) Identify the rubric type for each of the given rubrics. Could another type of rubric be appropriate for the benchmark?

  24. Training and Work Session #3 Example

  25. Training and Work Session #3 Example

  26. Training and Work Session #3 Group Task • Access the documents that you developed prior to lunch. • You already filled in Box 1 and 2a for each set of tasks; now fill in Box 2b. • Save all files onto the flash drive

  27. Training and Work Session #3 Group Task • For each task that has a set of student work, identify one exemplar for each of the four ratings (Advanced, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Novice) • Attach post-it notes to the exemplar and write a commentary to explain how the work exemplifies the rating that it represents

  28. Training and Work Session #3 Individual Reflection • How did understanding the taxonomic demand of the benchmark help to identify/develop an appropriate assessment task? • How important is it to dialogue with others when identifying exemplars?

  29. Putting it all together… (brown handout: “Standards-Based Implementation Model”) Today’s outcomes focused on the first two steps in the Standards-Based Implementation Planning Model… • Identifying the targets (relevant benchmarks) • Determine acceptable evidence and criteria

  30. Putting it all together… (brown handout: “Standards-Based Implementation Model”) The Standards-Based Implementation Model involves… • Broadcasting targets and outcomes • Providing multiple learning experiences and feedback to achieve the targets • Assessing achievement of the targets • Reporting current levels of achievement and other factors to others

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