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PTE Describe image is a sub-task of the speaking section. In this sub-task, you will see a graph or an image on the screen. You need to describe it in your own words using good vocabulary. This task tests a few of your speaking skills. You will get around 6 to 8 questions in the exam. You will get 25 seconds before starting to speak your response. Use this time to notice every detail about the graph or image and understand it properly. After you hear a short tone, you should begin your response by covering all the important points. Leave the last 10 seconds to state a conclusion. You should be fluent and confident while speaking your response. Your pronunciation should be clear and correct. This task has partial scoring so even if you speak something relevant to the image, you will get a few points for it. <br>https://www.ptemocktest.com/speaking-section/
PTEMOCKTEST.COM T I P SF O R P T E D E S C R I B E I M A G E HowtoscorebetterinPTEDescribeImage? TIP1 TIP2 FocusonKeywords Understandthecontext Always trytousethe importantpointsmentionedin theimagewhilespeaking. Itisveryimportantthatyou understandthecontextofthe imageandusethatinyour answer TIP3 TIP4 Explainthefacts Focusonfluency Makesurethatuseyourproper pausesandstresswhile speaking. EveryimageinPTEDescribe Imagecomeswithfact. Tryto explainthem. ptemocktest.com S O U R C E : W W W . R E A L L Y G R E A T S I T E . C O M