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Overview of Offer Versus Serve (OVS) in Alaska Child Nutrition Programs

This detailed guide explains the Offer Versus Serve (OVS) concept in Alaska's Child Nutrition Programs, outlining requirements, benefits, and practical examples. Topics covered include what must be offered in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), how OVS works for lunches, combining fruit and vegetable components, meeting minimum serving sizes, and more.

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Overview of Offer Versus Serve (OVS) in Alaska Child Nutrition Programs

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  1. Offer versus Serve Alaska Child Nutrition Programs

  2. OVS - What Didn’t Change • Only required for senior high schools for the NSLP, optional for lower grades • Optional for the SBP at all grade levels • Student has option to decline food/component(s) • Same price if child declines food(s) • Full amount of each component must be available to choose (offered)

  3. What Must Be Offered in NSLP • 5 food components • Meat/meat alternate • Bread/Grains • Fruits • Vegetables • Milk Students are allowed to decline 2 of the 5 required food components, but must select at least ½ cup of either fruit or vegetable.

  4. OVS for Lunch-What must be taken • Must take at least 3 of 5 components • Must take full component, unless fruit or vegetable • Must take at least ½ cup serving of the fruit or vegetable component • Two ¼ cup servings of a fruit and/or vegetable to meet this requirement • Two ¼ cup servings of same fruit or vegetable item • ¼ cup of fruit + ¼ cup vegetable

  5. OVS • Only required for senior high schools for the NLSP • Optional for lower grades for the NSLP • Optional for the SBP at all grade levels • Student’s option to decline item(s) • Same price if child declines item(s)

  6. OVS • Full amount of each component must be available to choose The Benefits of OVS • Waste reduction

  7. Lunch Example • The lunch offered: turkey, mashed potatoes, peaches, roll and milk • OVS in action • Turkey, roll and milk ≠ reimbursable lunch • To be reimbursable, must add mashed potatoes or peaches

  8. Selecting both Fruit and Vegetable Components under Offer vs. Serve • If the student selects ½ cup of a fruit or vegetable, he/she must take full offering of the other in order to count as another component • Example: in a 9-12 school, student selects ½ cup carrots. In order to count toward the fruit component, student must take 1 cup of fruit offered • For K-8, student may select ½ cup of fruit and ½ cup of vegetable and count both components • If the student selects two other components (e.g. milk and grains), then student may select a smaller amount of both the vegetable and fruit

  9. Meeting Minimum Serving SizesCombining Fruit and Vegetable Components

  10. Combination Foods • Must take at least 3 of 5 components • Must take at least ½ cup serving of the fruit or vegetable component • Student may take two ¼ cup servings of the same item fruit or vegetable to meet the requirement

  11. Combining Fruits and Vegetable Requirements • Can you mix fruit and vegetables to meet the minimum required serving • All serving lines must met daily minimum requirements on all offerings

  12. Vegetable Subgroups(Multiple Lines) • Each serving line must offer all of the vegetable subgroups weekly • Ensures all students have access to all subgroups throughout the week regardless of serving line selected • Example: if a child picks the Italian line consistently, still has access to all vegetable subgroups throughout the week • One potential solution: offer a centrally located garden/salad bar all students can access

  13. Multiple Serving Lines • Each independent serving line must meet the daily and weekly requirements (including subgroups).

  14. Counting Weekly Minimums • SFAs must offer a weekly menu such that the sum of all daily minimum offerings meets at least the weekly minimum requirement • For grades K-5 and 6-8, the daily grains minimum is only 1 oz eq and the weekly grains minimum is 8 oz eq • Offering a minimum of only 1 oz eq daily would only total 5 oz eq across the week • On some days, schools would have to offer more than 1 oz eq of grains as a minimum offering. The same applies to weekly minimums for meat/meat alternates

  15. Example: Weekly Minimums • A grade K-5 school offers a 1 oz eq grain item (salad) and a 3 oz eq grain item (pizza) every day • Instructs the student to select one option only • The minimum weekly offering is 5 oz eq grain (1 oz eq x 5 days) • This menu would not meet the required weekly minimum of 8 oz eq

  16. Counting Weekly Maximums • SFAs must also plan their menus so that the sum of the daily maximum offerings for grains and meat/meat alternates is equal to or less than the weekly maximum limit • Therefore, the sum of daily minimums must meet the weekly minimum requirement AND sum of daily maximums must meet the weekly maximum requirement

  17. Example: Weekly Maximums • Every day a grade 9-12 school offers an item with 3 oz eq of grain • Regardless of having other items with lower weights as options • This would add to a total of a possible 15 oz eq offered over the week • child could select that 3oz grain item every day • This menu would not meet the required weekly maximum of 12 oz eq

  18. Preplated Meals • Is pre-plating allowed under OVS?

  19. OVS for Breakfast • Phasing-in changes in the SBP • For SY 2012-2013, no changes to SBP other than milk requirement • For SY 2012-2013, may continue to use current menu planning approach and no change to OVS requirements • For SY 2013-2014, single food-based approach implemented with the requirement to use a food based approach and new components.

  20. What Has to be Posted Before the Serving Line? • The food components that are part of a meal must be labeled, listed or otherwise identified near or at the beginning of the serving line and prior to the point of service. • When food components or food items are located in an approved location beyond the POS, they must be labeled, listed on the menu, or otherwise identified so the students can easily identify all the components for a reimbursable meal and select the correct quantities.

  21. Beginning of the Serving Line Signage

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