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Cub Scout Pack 1345 School Night For Scouting. Welcome! Please sit at a table marked with the school grade your son is in. If there is no room at the table(s), sit at a table near them. MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!.
Cub Scout Pack 1345School Night For Scouting Welcome!Please sit at a table marked with the school grade your son is in.If there is no room at the table(s), sit at a table near them.
MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! The two raised fingers of the Cub Scout sign stand for two parts of the Promise - “to help other people” and “to obey.” They look like a wolf’s ears, ready to listen to Akela. This sign is also used to call the attention of the Pack. When this sign is displayed, all present (including Scouts, Parents, Siblings, and any one else) are to sit or stand quietly, and place their full attention towards the speaker.
The Cub Scout Years The importance of the ages 7 - 11, the Cub Scout years. Look at this yard stick as your son's life. Each ”inch” equals 2 years. Thirty-six inches - 72 years, the average person's life span. At 1” he is cruising the carpet and furniture, getting into all kinds of things he shouldn't. At 3-1/2” he's seven and is in first grade, and excited about school. At 5-1/2” he's eleven, and is moving on to Jr. High or Middle School. At 9 inches, he's eighteen and graduating High School. You're busting your buttons with pride for him in his cap and gown. At 11 inches he's graduating college and has moved on to his own life and family. I'd like to go back to the 2" between 3-1/2" and 5-1/2" (between 7 and 11 years old). These 2", or 4 years, are key years in your son's development. Many of his decision-making skills, ethics and morals will be developed and reinforced during this time. A recent study showed that young people who were close to a caring adult in these early years were less likely to get into trouble with drugs, crime, etc. and were more likely to continue in school.
The Cub Scout Years These four years are the years of the Cub Scout. Tiger Cub through Webelos Scout. In Cub Scouting we need every family to get involved this much. "This much" is different for everybody. Your "This much" might be as a committee member, or a den leader for your son, or for others'. It might be organizing an outing, handling the Pack treasury, writing a newsletter, organizing the Blue and Gold banquet. It might be as a Cubmaster. If one person tries to do this much the program will surely fail, but if everyone does "This much" in your son's Scouting career both he and you will have a great experience! So what are you waiting for? Lets make your son's Scouting Experience something he will remember for a lifetime! Sign up to help today. Scouting - a family fun experience!
Tonight’s Agenda Introductions / Welcome Purpose of School Night For Scouting (SNFS) What is Cub Scouting? Cub Scout Organization Parents Role in Supporting the Pack Program Family Responsibilities Registration, Dues, & Uniform Costs Before you Leave Tonight Break / Questions Complete Application Forms Form new Dens
I’ve Got That Cub Scout Spirit I’ve got that Cub Scout Spirit Up in my head, Up in my head, Up in my head, I’ve got that Cub Scout Spirit Up in my head, Up in my head to stay • Deep in my heart • Down in my feet • All over me
Purpose of SNFS Explain the Cub Scout Program and it’s organization. Bring new boys into the Pack and make them a part of an exciting program. Recruit parents to lead new dens and serve on leadership committees. Provide an ongoing program for new boys each year.
What is Cub Scouting? Influencing…...the development of character Developing…...good habits and attitudes of good citizenship Encouraging…good sportsmanship & pride Improve………understanding within the family Earning………other people’s respect Fostering……..a sense of personal / Pack achievement Showing………how to be helpful Providing….….FUN! Prepare……….the boys to become Boy Scouts Cub Scouting is a Family oriented Program!!!
How is this done? Many of these goals are achieved through fellowship within the Den and the Pack, making new friends, experiencing new things, and growing in the Pack through rank advancement and Events. Events for this year include:Community Projects Sporting Events Food Drive (Scouting for Food) Soccer, Hockey, Races, Service Projects Baseball, Basketball Rodeo Pack Activities Fund Raisers Cub-O-Ree, Day Camp (District), Popcorn SalesPinewood Derbies, Scout Show Blue & Gold Banquet, Family Camping,Cub WorldAny Other Ideas????
What Cub Scouting is not B.S.A.……Does not stand for Baby Sitters of America The program does not work without the assistance of Parent volunteers (Leaders, Committee, helpers) Colors….…Cub Scouts is not an organized gang. The uniforms we wear identify us as responsible individuals working towards common goals. Military...…Cub Scouts are not a part of any Military organization.
Circle Ten Council South Central Region Cub Pack 1345 Cherokee District Henderson, Kaufman, & Van Zandt Countys Pack 1345 Dens Charter Organization(Ultra-Vision) Cub Scout Organization BSA National Organization
Charter Org. Rep(Jerry Mercer) Pack Committee Asst. Cub Master(Open) Cub Master(Susan Warman) Asst. Cub Master(Open) Tiger Den Coach Den Leader Coach(Open) Webelos Den Coach(Open) Tiger CubDen Leader(s) Wolf/BearDen Leader(s) Webelos Den Leader(s) Pack Organization Charter Organization(Ultra-Vision)
Pack Committee Chair(Evonne Mercer) Pack Secretary(Open) Pack Treasurer (Open) Membership &Advancement (Open) Training Chair(Open) Public Relations & History (Open) Activities Chair (Open) Tiger Leader(s)& Representative(s) Webelos Leader(s)& Representative(s) Cub Leader(s)& Representative(s) Cub Master(s) Any other Adults who want to help! Pack Committee Charter Org. Rep.(Jerry Mercer)
Den Organization Rank 1st graders are Tiger Cubs 2nd graders are Wolf Cubs 3rd graders are Bear Cubs 4th graders are 1st Year Webelos 5th graders are 2nd Year Webelos Tiger Den A grouping of 4-8 1st grade “boy and parent teams” grouped together. Tiger Dens meet once a week, 2-3 times a month, with at least one of these meetings being a Discovery Adventure. Cub Den A grouping of 4-8 boys at the same rank (Wolf or Bear). Dens meet once a week, 2-3 times a month. Webelos DenA grouping of 4-6 boys at the 4th or 5th grade levels. These Dens are smaller because of the greater amount of work involved with preparing the boys for the Boy Scout Program. Pack The grouping of all of the Dens and adult volunteers supporting the Dens and Pack. The Pack meets together, usually the last Tuesday of each month at Jr. High cafeteria.
This is OUR Pack • The only way it is successful and the only way it makes an impact in the lives of our boys is US! • That means we need the talents of all of us – not just the leaders. • The leaders are all here because we want our boys – all of our boys – to have a great scouting experience. • The rest of us need to support them and the Pack Program. • There are also several positions open on the Pack Committee. Please sign up and help us out!
Den Leader Opportunities We need parents to step forward and volunteer to beDen Leaders for the new dens being formed Den Leaders are the backbone of the Pack organization because they work directly with the boys and help direct Pack activities. Your fee is paid by the Pack. You will need to buy uniform and patches. It takes time: Weekly den meeting (1-2 hours each; 3 weeks per month) Den meeting preparation (1 hr/wk - plan & use available resources) Monthly Pack meeting (1-2 hours) Monthly committee meeting (1-2 hours) Monthly District Round Table meeting (1-2 hours)
So, Why be a Den Leader? Being a Den Leader does take time. However, consider the benefits: A sense of pride as the Cub Scout grows and receives recognition. An opportunity to share your ideas with other adult leaders. A chance to meet new friends. An opportunity to help the boys learn respect for their environment, country and other people. A chance to do things you have not done in years. BE INVOLVED IN YOUR BOY’S LIFE!
Den Leader Help Other Den Leaders are available to help. Pack Committee members are available to help. Council resources available. District Roundtable meeting every month provides specialized material and ideas. Pack library of reference books, meeting plans, etc. Cub Scout & Webelos Scout Program Helps which has prepared meeting plans for the whole year. Training (Get a copy of the Training Schedule)
If there is a problem, let us know • We’ll do the best we can to make this the best possible experience for your son. • Please remember that we have jobs and families and other commitments as well. • We’ll promise that we will do everything we can to make sure no boy is disappointed.
Communications • We do the best we can to keep you informed • Committee Meetings • At Pack Meetings • Phone Calls • E-Mailings • Den Meetings • Committee Meetings
Scout & Parent Behavior • At both the Den and Pack level, we expect and need both Scouts and Parents to: • Listen Attentively • Respect Others • Participate AppropriatelyAND TO HAVE FUN!
Behavior & Discipline Problems • A Scout’s behavior is the responsibility of his Parent(s). • A leader will ask the Scout once to correct his behavior. • If the Scout doesn’t correct the problem, the parent will be notified. • Parent’s are expected to address the behaviorproblem immediately, or remove the Scout from the event.
Resolving Behavior Problems • If the boy cannot maintain good behavior, then the leader and the parent(s) will discuss ways in which good behavior can be: • Encouraged • Maintained • Reinforced
Attendance • Please make it possible for your Scout(s) to regularly attend den and pack meetings. • Please make it possible for your Scout(s) to attend the many “special” events heldduring the year. • Attend as many of these events as possiblewith your Scout(s).
Advancement • Parent’s Guide in Handbook • Not all advancement can or should be done in den meetings • Use the ideas in the handbook for family activities • Attend Pack/Den Meetings with Cub Scout • Be present advancement awards to their Cub Scout at pack meetings
When signing offadvancement at home • Remember the Cub Scout Motto: “Do Your Best” • Make sure that the Cub Scout has completed the achievement/elective, and done it well. • Ask your son: “Did you do your best on this activity?” and “How could you have done it better?”
Assist the Den and Pack leaders as needed • At den meetings • Telephoning • Refreshments • Provide transportation for and assistance at den outings
Registration Fees & Dues Costs are broken down into 4 categories: Pack registration fee, Pack dues, Uniform and Supplies Cost and Special Events. The Pack registration fee is due tonight. The Pack dues can be paid tonight or at each den meeting (recommended) Event fees are due at the time of each event. Option 1 Option 2 Registration Fee: $ 20.00 Registration Fee: $ 20.00 Pack Dues: 36.00 Due Tonight: $ 56.00 Due Tonight: $ 20.00 Fee Includes Hand Book & Boy’s Life.
Uniforms • This is a uniformed organization and wearing the uniform properly is an important part of the program. • Builds Pride in membership - • Display badges & awards of achievement - • Recognizes the Brotherhood of Scouting - Boys should wear it to den and pack meetings and to special outings of den or pack.
Scout Uniform & Supply Cost Tiger CubsCub ScoutsWebelos Hat* $ 9.50$ 9.50 $ 9.50 Shirt 8.1520.85 22.05 Shoulder Loops (Blue) N/AN/A 1.55 Belt & Buckle 7.007.00 7.00 Neckerchief/Slide N/A6.20 6.75 Required Patches** N/A 6.85 6.85 $ 24.65$50.40 $53.70 *Hats are optional, but encouraged. **Circle 10 Council, 1345 Numbers, Den Number and World Crest Emblem
Adult Uniform Cost Tiger CubsCub ScoutsWebelos Hat* $ 9.50$ 9.50 $ 9.50 Shirt 9.9527.25 27.25 Shoulder Loops (Blue) N/A1.55 1.55 Belt & Buckle N/AN/A N/A Neckerchief/Slide N/AN/A N/A Rank Book N/AN/A N/A Required Patches** N/A 6.85 6.85 $19.45$45.15 $45.15 *Hats are optional, but encouraged. **Circle 10 Council, 1345 Numbers, Den Number and World Crest Emblem
Before Leaving Tonight Complete Scout and Adult Volunteer application(s). Submit the required fee(s), make checks payable to “BSA”. Know the name and phone number of your den leader. Know the time and place of your next den meeting. Get your questions answered. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
Application to Join A Pack Tiger Cub-Grade 1 (or age 7) (C) BobcatPlease print one letter in each space - press hard, your are making two copies. Local Pack NumberCub Scout-Grade 2 or 3 (or age 8 or 9) (W) WolfLeave space between first name and initial. Webelos Scout-Grade 4 (or age 10) (B) Bear Boy’s first name and initial Last Name (R) Webelos Badge Address-street or R.F.D. Grade Date of Birth Additional address information (if needed) Boy’s Life Month Day Year City ` State Zip Code Adult partner for Tiger Cub Cub--first name and initial Last Name If the adult partner is not the parent living at the same address, complete and attach an adult application. SEX Partner Date of Birth Check this box if a Tiger Cub den coordinator (code AC). Month Day Year I have read the attached information sheet and approve this application. Parent’s name Occupation Signature of parent or guardian Employer and business address Area Code Home Telephone number Date Previous Scouting experience FOR PACK USE Unit renewal date Registration Fee Boy’s Life Fee Term (months) Month Year Cubmaster’s signature $ . $ . Ethnic Background-Check one AA--African American CA--Caucasian AI --American Indian HI-- Hispanic AS--Asian OT--Other Tigers Only 1345 “Y”For Boy’s Life
APPLICATION TO JOIN A PACKPACK NO.Check EXPIRE DATE . TERM MONTHS If applicant has an unexpired membership certificate, registration may be accomplished in this unit by paying $1 for processing the transfer. Check the box and attach certificate. It will be returned by the council. TRANSFER FROM: COUNCIL NO.UNIT TYPEUNIT NO. . Please print---press hard; you are making a copy. First Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix Social Security Number Country Address Apt. No. City State Zip Code Home Phone Date of Birth Grade Ethnic Background ADULT PARTNER FOR TIGER CUBSchool Boy’s Life Relationship First Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix Social Security Number Guardian Tiger Cub Adult Partner Check box if Tiger Cub den Coordinator Sex Partner Date of Birth PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION Relationship Guardian Social Security NumberFirst Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix Home Phone Country Address Apt. No. City State Zip Code Date of Birth Occupation Employer Sex Business Phone I have read the attached information sheet and approve the applicationPrevious Scouting Experience Cubmaster Signature Signature of Parent DateRegistration fee $ .Boy’s Life fee $ . Tiger Cub--Grade 1 (or age 7) Webelos Scout--Grade 4 or 5 Cub Scout--Grade 2 or 3 (or age 10) (or age 8 or 9) 1345 “Y”For Boy’s Life AA--African American AI--American Indian AS--AsianCA--Caucasian HI--Hispanic OT--Other Tigers Only
Class 1 Personal Health History(Update annually using form No. 34414) PLEASE DETACH BEFORE COMPLETEINGIdentification: To be filled out by parent or guardian. Please print in ink.Name: Date of birth: Age: .Name of Parent or Guardian: Telephone: .Home Address: City: State: Zip: .Check all items that apply, past or present, to you health history. Explain any “YES” answers.Allergies: Food, Medicines, Insects, Plants Yes No Explain: . General Information: YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NOADHD (Attention Deficit Asthma Convulsions/Seizures Heart Trouble High Blood PressureHyperactivity Disorder) Cancer/Leukemia Diabetes Hemophilia Kidney Disease List any medications to be taken at camp: . List any physical or behavioral conditions that may affect or limit full participation in swimming backpacking, hiking, long distances, or playing strenuous physical games: . List equipment needed such as wheelchair, braces, glasses, contact lenses, etc: . Immunizations (give date of last inoculation): Tetanus Toxoid: Pertussis: Mumps: Polio: . Diphtheria: Measles: Rubella: . Name of Personal Physician: Telephone: . Personal Health/Accident Insurance Carrier: Policy No.: . Parent Authorization: This health history is correct so far as I know, and the person herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed activities, except as noted by me. In the event of illness or accident in the course of such activity, I request that measures be instituted without delay as the judgement of medical personnel dictates. Signature: Date: . Parent or Guardian
“And dad is always working…He’s hardly ever there.To give them any more to doJust wouldn’t be quite fair.”He handed back the papersWith dignity of eight years,And smiling bravely, left me.(His eyes were filled with tears.)Do you see your boy’s eyesAs other people may?How he looks when you’re “TOO BUSY”,or “JUST HAVEN’T TIME TODAY”?A boy is such a special gift…Why don’t you realizeIt only takes a little timeTo put sunshine in his eyes.You say, “I’ll start tomorrow,”But tomorrow is far away,He’s a boy for such a short time,So won’t you start today. A Boy’s Eyes “I’d like to be a Cub Scout”(His eyes were warmest hue)“I’d like to learn, and play, and build,like Jim and Freddy do.”“I know how to use a hammer,I can drive a nail, If I try.I’m eight years old, I’m big and strong,and hardly ever cry.”I gave him the applicationand parent-participation sheet.(His eyes were filled with sunshine,He left on dancing feet.Next day, my friend was back again, A dejected little lad.“I guess I’ll skip the Cub Scouts.”(His eyes were dark and sad.) “My mom is awful busy,She has lots of friends you see,She’d never have time for a Den,She hardly has time for me.”