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Technological Perspective of Extra-somatic Journey of Humans

Explore the technological perspective of the extra-somatic journey of humans throughout history, including dangerous and inhuman technologies, the development of steam engines, and the transition to petrol-powered vehicles. Discover the sustainable energy conversions system of nature and the role of cyclic processes in innovation and conservation.

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Technological Perspective of Extra-somatic Journey of Humans

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  1. Technological Perspective ofExtra-somatic Journey of Humans P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department An Energy Centered Evolution of Human Civilization …...

  2. The Practical Solutions w/o Scientific Approach Creation of Motive Power on Water : Dangerous & Inhuman Technologies by copying

  3. Early War Ships Assyrian warship, a bireme with pointed bow circa 700 BC Dutch 17th-century ship

  4. Thomas Savery • As an English army officer, Thomas Savery was once ejected from the Lord of the Admiralty's office as a lunatic because he proposed a ship that could be propelled by side-mounted wheels rather than by wind or oars. • He exhibited great fondness for mechanics, and for mathematicians natural philosophy and gave much time to experimenting, to the contriving of various kinds of apparatus, and to invention. • http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blsavery1.htm

  5. The Secret Behind Sustainable Energy Conversions System of Nature

  6. Various Cycles of Nature : Symptoms of Sustainable Systems • Water Cycles • Energy Cycles • Life Cycles of Animals • Life Cycles of Plants • Seasonal Cycles • Planetary Cycles • Geo-Physical Cycles • Chemical Cycles • Disease Cycles • Rock Cycles

  7. Rock Cycle

  8. Energy Interaction in Rock Cycle

  9. The Engineering Philosophy by Thomas Savery A cyclic process serves for long time (for ever)….. Cyclic devices are immortal….

  10. Performance of Muscle Generating Cyclic Force

  11. The Savery Mine Pump/Engine Thomas Savery, July 2, 1698, patented the design of the first engine which had the most important advance in actual construction. A working model was submitted to the Royal Society of London.

  12. Functional Diagram of Savery Mine Pump

  13. Cyclic Process in Savery Engine Thomas Savery exhibited great fondness for natural philosophy Starting Point:

  14. Origin of Steam : Basis of Scientific & Technological Research • Denis Papin, while working at Huygens and of Boyle, started to be interested in the vapor. • Several geniuses of science tried before him to try out an unspecified machine which would run on the vapor, but their efforts were useless. • It is into 1707 that Denis Papin made his first great realization: the boat with vapor. • This superb invention brought much controversy near the boatmen, who destroyed the ship.

  15. Historical Development of Steam Generators

  16. Newcomen Engine : First Step in Innovation for Conservation The original Thomas Newcomen engine was invented in 1712.

  17. James Watt’s Engine : A major Innovation for Conservation James Watt radically improved Newcomen's engine (1769) by condensing the steam outside the cylinder .

  18. James Watt Engine • Watt's Double-Acting Engine, 1784. • The Watt Hammer, 1784. • Trevithick's Locomotive, 1804 • The " Atlantlc," 1832. • Steam Engine Reached its pinnacle in size when it was called to drive 5 MW electric generator. Steam Engine As an Alternate to Horse or Cattle…..

  19. Definition of Thermodynamics • Thermodynamics is defined as the science of energy. • The name Thermodynamics stems from the Greek words therme (Heat) and dynamics (Power). • Clearly depicting the early efforts to convert heat into power. Steam power already had many uses - draining water from mines, excavating ports and rivers, forging iron, grinding grain, and spinning and weaving cloth - but it was inefficient.

  20. The Family of Steam Engines A Direct Hardware Creations to the Essential Need …..

  21. The Human Idols : Steam Power ~1760 : James Watt ~1820 : Sadi Carnot W Rankine ~ 1860

  22. Steam Tractors • The first steam tractors that were designed specifically for agricultural uses were portable engines built on skids or on wheels and transported to the work area using horses. • Later models used the power of the steam engine itself to power a drive train to move the machine and were first known as "traction drive" engines. • This was which eventually was shortened to "tractor".

  23. Steam Wagon/Tractor : Last decade of 19th Century • By 1921, steam tractors had demonstrated clear economic advantages over horse power for heavy hauling and short journeys. • London market roads were free of Horse faeces….

  24. The Otto’s Artificial Horse • Nicolaus Ottowas's first occupation was as a traveling salesman selling tea, coffee, and sugar. • He soon developed an interest in the new technologies of the day and began experimenting with building four-stroke engines. • After meeting Eugen Langen, a technician and owner of a sugar factory, Otto quit his job, and in 1864, the duo started the world's first engine manufacturing company N.A. Otto & Cie (now DEUTZ AG, Köln). • In 1867, the pair were awarded a Gold Medal at the Paris World Exhibition for their atmospheric gas engine built a year earlier.

  25. Why road steam disappeared • Petrol lorries were starting to show better efficiency and could be purchased cheaply as war surplus. • On a busy route a 3-ton petrol lorry could save about £100 per month compared to its steam equivalent, in spite of restrictive speed limits, and relatively high fuel prices and maintenance costs. • Road steam disappeared through becoming uneconomical to operate.

  26. Clue to Achieve Higher Efficiency Compression Ratio

  27. Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel • Diesel published a treatise entitled, Theory and Construction of a Rational Heat-engine to Replace the Steam Engine and Combustion Engines Known Today. • This formed the basis for his work on and invention of, the diesel engine. • In his engine, fuel was injected at the end of compression and the fuel was ignited by the high temperature resulting from compression.

  28. Coal dust injection system of Rudolph Diesel. AIR INJ ECTION : (After U.S. patent No. 54286 of 1895.) Hopper Injection valve Rotary valve Diesel developed an engine that was more than seven times more efficient than the (100 years evolved steam engine). Orifice Compressed air tank Combustion chamber The engine operated at 26.2% efficiency, a very significant improvement on the 20% achieved by the best gasoline engines of the time.

  29. History of Non-edible Vegetable Oils • Traditional Indians used non-edible oils for making soaps and lighting lamps. • The first public demonstration of peanut oil based engine was at the 1900 World’s Fair. • Rudolph Diesel later did extensive work on vegetable oil fuels and became a leading proponent of such a concept. • Diesel believed that farmers could benefit from providing their own fuel. • Shortly after Diesel’s death in 1913 fossil Diesel became widely available at low cost.

  30. A Shift from Coal to An Waste Liquid • 1913 : Rudolf Diesel disappears in mysterious circumstances aboard a steam ship to London. • His body is later found in the North Sea • Some historians speculate that coal industry leaders murdered Diesel because his engine blueprint was reworked to use diesel fuel. • Diesel fuel has an interesting origin because it was ignored as garbage for decades. • Instead of seeing it as a valuable source of fuel, it was thrown away as an unusable byproduct of petroleum refining for more than 40 years. • Etymology resources cite the term diesel as first being used as an adjective in 1894. • The word diesel was borrowed from Rudolf Diesel’s last name because of a revolutionary engine that he designed.

  31.  The first Diesel engine in a workshop  The diesel engine, as it came to be known, was also more efficient and reliable than the gasoline engine that had been invented 20 years earlier by Diesel’s countryman, Nikolaus Otto.

  32. 1970s Global Warming Triggered Cycling of Combustion Generated CO2 • Belgian inventor in 1937 who first proposed using transesterification to convert vegetable oils into fatty acid alkyl esters. • He proved that these esters can be easily used in diesel engines. • The process of transesterification converts vegetable oil into three smaller molecules which are much less viscous and easy to burn in a diesel engine. • Biodiesel became trade name fatty acid methyl esters in the early 1980s.

  33. Religious I.C. Engines

  34. CREATIVITY : an Essential Skill • Most problems have more than one solution • Think about solutions that are ‘out of the box’ • Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... • It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. -- Prof. Albert Einstein

  35. Kelvin Planks postulate “It is impossible to construct a heat engine which produces no other effect than the extraction of heat from a single source and the production of an equivalent amount of work” On the other side It is possible to construct a heat engine which produces no other effect than the extraction of work from a single source and the production of an equivalent amount of heat

  36. The Law of Learning one fourth from the teacher, one fourth from own intelligence,one fourth from classmates, and one fourth only with time. Mahabharath

  37. The true Anatomy of an Artificial Horse Target: Engine must be many times a Horse

  38. The Human Idols : Mobile Power Units Nicolaus A. Otto Rudolf Diesel George Brayton

  39. The Human Idols : Hydro Power Lester Allan Pelton Viktor Kaplan James B. Francis

  40. The Human Idols : Electric Power Michael Faraday

  41. Generalization of First Law for a Cycle First generation cycles are such that What if

  42. High Tech extra-somatic Invention for Food Security In the 1800s natural refrigeration was a vibrant part of the economy. Natural ice harvested from the pristine rivers and lakes of the northern United States, particularly those in New England, was in demand. Harvested ice was stored in large quantities in ice houses and covered with sawdust for insulation. Ice was delivered to as far away as India, where it was welcomed

  43. Frederic Tudor’s ice ship, the Ice King Ice shipments were not always warmly received. About 1820, the New Orleans mayor shocked the crew of the first sailing vessel to deliver ice to the city. He ordered the ice to be thrown into the sea

  44. Cyclic Energy Systems for Food Preservation • During the 1800s many mechanical type refrigeration systems were being invented. • Refrigerants such as sulphur dioxide, methyl chloride, ether, carbon dioxide, as well as wine, brandy, vinegar, etc., were used. • The early refrigeration systems designed between 1850 and 1920 produced ice year-round to compete with harvested ice. • As early as the 1880s, Carré ammonia absorption systems operated in south Texas. • In the early 1900s Some refrigeration systems used carbon dioxide (CO2) as the refrigerant.

  45. Steam Engine to Drive Reciprocating Compressor

  46. The Contrast in First Law Variations Electricity generation Mechanical Power generation Mobile Power systems Road , water & Air Refrigeration Systems Air-condition Systems

  47. Human Idols : Thermal Environment Controls : Willis Haviland Carrier • In 1902, heat and humidity was ruining a publication being printed in color in Brooklyn, N.Y. • At that time, the art and science of air conditioning was just beginning to evolve. • Solving this printing problem lead to the start of industrial process air conditioning. • Nurtured by a young engineer named Willis Haviland Carrier.

  48. Machine Free Energy System : 21st Century Option • 1839 Alexander Edmond Becquerel: • Nineteen-year-old Edmund Becquerel, a French experimental physicist, discovered the photovoltaic effect while experimenting with an electrolytic cell made up of two metal electrodes. • Observed that there was a light dependant voltage between two electrode immersed in an electrolyte. • 1873: Willoughby Smith discovered the photoconductivity of selenium. • 1941 First silicon based solar cell demonstrated • 1954 Beginning of modern solar cell research. • 1996:The U.S. Department of Energy announces the National Center for Photovoltaics, headquartered in Golden, Colorado.

  49. Green Chill : Machine free Milk Chillers : 21st Century Option

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