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REVIEW 2013. Definition of Terms. Forensic Chemistry – Chemistry applied in the elucidation of legal problems. Forensic Chemist – Is one who practice Forensic Chemistry.
Definition of Terms • Forensic Chemistry – Chemistry applied in the elucidation of legal problems. • Forensic Chemist – Is one who practice Forensic Chemistry. • Physical Evidence – A material which is found in connection with an investigation and which aid in establishing the identity of the perpetrator.
4.Clandestine Laboratory – A secret laboratory/location utilized for the purpose of producing illicit drugs or illicitly producing licit drugs. 5. Evidence – A proof of allegation. 6. Direct Evidence – It is simply that which the senses perceive. 7. Circumstantial Evidence – A kind of evidence which seeks to establish a conclusion by inferences from proved facts.
8. Real Evidence – comprises tangible objects introduced at a trial to prove or disprove a fact in issue. 9. Trace or Tracing Evidence – Article which assist the investigator in locating the suspect. 10. Hearsay Evidence – A statement made by a witness on the authority of another and not from his own personal knowledge or observation. 11. Scientific Evidence – Evidence based on or conforming to the principles and techniques of science.
12. Testimonial Evidence – Is the declaration of truth or facts by an expert. A solemn declaration made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer. 13. Experimental Evidence – An evidence required of an expert witness to prove a certain matter of fact through certain experiments. 14. Documentary Evidence – Any written evidence presented by an expert in court which is relevant to the subject matter in dispute.
15. Witness – One who testifies in court and has personal knowledge or experience of something. 16. Ordinary Witness – One who states facts and may not express his opinion or conclusion. 17. Expert Witness – One who has special knowledge in matters not generally known to men of ordinary education and experience. 18. Eyewitness – Person who saw the fatal act.
19. Standard Specimens – Are known specimens used to compare with the questioned specimens needed to aid in establishing a suspect’s relationship to the crime under investigation. 20. Blood – The circulating tissue of the body. The red fluid of the blood vessels. A highly complex mixture of cells, enzymes, proteins, and inorganic substances. 21. Red Blood Cells – Or erythrocytes. Carries the oxygen to various cells in the body.
22. White Blood Cells – Or Leucocytes. Destroy disease-causing organism. 23. Blood Platelets – Or Thrombocytes. Normally responsible for the retraction of the blood clot. 24. Plasma – A straw-yellow liquid formed on top of the blood treated with oxalate to prevent clotting. The fluid portion of blood where the cells are suspended.
25. Serum – A Straw-yellow liquid formed when clotted blood is allows to stand for sometime and the clot contracts. Residue of plasma left after the removal of fibrinogen as fibrin by coagulating the blood. 26. Albumen – The most abundant protein in the blood. It binds with many drugs. 27. Sodium Fluoride (NaF) – A blood preservative. Preserve blood for a week at room temperature.
28. Refrigeration – Preserve blood indefinitely. 29. Phenolphthalein test – Also known as Kastle-Meyer test. A preliminary test for blood. An alternative test to Benzidine test. 30. Benzidine Test – The most commonly used preliminary test for blood. Benzidine is a known carcino so its use has been discontinued. 31. Guaiacum Test – A preliminary test blood. Also known as Van Deen test, Day’s or Schonbein’s test.
32. Oxidation – Is the principle involved in the four preliminary color test for blood. 33.Peroxidase – Enzyme that accelerates the oxidation of several classes of organic compounds by peroxide. Present in hemoglobin and acts as carrier of oxygen. 34. Luminol Test – A preliminary test for blood. Used to locate stain invisible to the naked eye. 35. Luminecence– Is emission of light, the visible result of luminal test.
36. Hemoglobin– A protein which is the oxygen carrying component of red blood cells. 37. HaemochromogenCrytal Test or Takayama Test A delicate test for the presence of hemoglobin. 38. Spectroscopic Test – An instrumental method of analysis for the determination of the presence of blood in both old and recent stains.
39. Precipitin Test – The standard test used to determine whether blood is of human or animal origin. Test to determine the presence of protein in human blood. It is an antibody capable of forming a precipitate. 40. Landsteiner – Discovered the four blood groups, Group O,A,B, and AB. He classified blood according to the agglutinogens or antigens their cells contain which make them liable to agglutination.
41. Antigens – Or agglutinogens, are characteristics structures or “principles” that are found on the surface of each red blood cells which stimulate the production of agglutinins or antibodies. 42. Agglutinins – Or antibodies, are proteins contained in the serum which cause agglutination of the red blood cells. Are antitoxic substance within the body which react when confronted with a specific antigen to protect the system.
43. Agglutination – The clumping together of the red blood cells. 44. Serology – Describes the study of antigen- antibody reactions. The scientific study of serum. 45. Group “O” Blood – Called “universal donor” because the cells have no agglutinogen and can therefore give to any other group. 46. Group “AB” Blood – cannot give blood to any group but its own, but can receive blood from any other group. Called “universal recipient”
47. MendelianPrinciples – The red cells factors are inherited according to this principle. 48. Mendel – Discovered the mechanics of heredity. 49. Absorption technique/absorption-Elution Technique An indirect grouping technique of bloodstains and it depends on the detection of agglutination in the dried blood. 50. Semen – A viscid whitish fluid of the male reproductive tract consisting of spermatozoa suspended in secretion of accessory glands.
51. Aspermia– A condition wherein males have no spermatozoa at all in their seminal fluid. 52. Oligospermia– A condition whereby males have abnormally low sperm counts or with few spermatozoa. 53. Toluene or Formalin – A preservative for semen. 54. Ultraviolet Light – Used to locate invisible seminal stain on cloth. Seminal stains give bluish fluorescence under ultraviolet light.
55. Florence Test – Chemical test for seminal stain named after Dr. Florence, who first introduced it. 56. Spermatozoa – A small object with a pear- shaped head, behind which is a short neck and then a tail of about 10X as long as the head. 57. 1.5 to 3.5 cc – The normal quantity of seminal fluid in a single ejaculation.
58. 400 to 500 million- total number of spermatozoa contained in a single ejaculate from a healthy young man. 59. Black powder- possible the oldest explosive. Used today mainly as an igniter for nitrocellulose gun propellants. It is consist of an intimate mixture of charcoal-15% sulfur-10% and potassium or sodium nitrate- 75%. A propellant or low explosive.
60. Smokeless powder- can be cellulose nitrate(single base propellant) or cellulose nitrate combined with glycerly nitrate (double base propellant). The most widely used propellant, is based on nitrocellulose. 61. Singeing- slight burning. 62. Smudging- blackening of area surrounding the bullet hole. 63. Tattooing- black coarsely peppered pattern. Individual specks of nitrates and nitrites around the bullets hole visible the naked eye
64. Carbon collar- carbon deposit and the periphery of the bullet hole. 65. Nitrates(NO3) nitrites(NO2)- are partially burned particles which are products of combustion of either black or smokeless powder when exploded. 66. Explosives- any substance that may cause an explosion by its sudden decomposition or combustion. A material either a pure single substance are mixture of substances which is capable of producing and explosion by its own energy.
67. Propellant or low explosives- burns but do not explode it function by producing gas which produce explosion. 68. Primary explosive- are initiator that explodes or detonates when they are heated or subjective to shock. They do not burn. 69. High explosive- explodes under the influence of the shocks of the explosion of a primary explosives.
70. Nitroglycerine(G)- a high explosives widely used in industrial explosives it has been the main component in many dynamites. An oily liquid made of nitrate acid, sulfuric acid and glycerine. 71. Dynamite- a high explosives made by mixing nitroglycerine with powdered clay or sawdust. 72. Trinitrotoluene(TNT)- The most widely used explosives used mostly for military explosive.
73.RDX- also called hexogen or cyclonite or cyclotrimethyllenetrinitramine. Most important military used today. 74. Nitrocellulose (NC)- or cellulose nitrate or nitro-cotton, it is the nitrate ester of cellulose 75. Ammonium nitrate (AN)- most readily available in cheapest salt of HNO3. white compound used as a solid oxidizer in explosives mixture.
76. C-4-often referred to as a plastic explosive. White and dough like in consistency, it is commonly encountered of the RDX based explosive. 77. Chloroacetophenone(CN)- the principal constituent in the filler used in tear gas solution. 78. Plastic explosives(P.E.)- a military explosives that looks like ordinary putty or molding clay. 79. Military explosive- chiefly solids or mixtures so formulated as to be solid at normal temperature of use.
80. Molotov cocktail- is an incendiary device, not a bomb. Made of glass bottle filled with gasoline, or any inflammable mixture and having a piece of absorbent cotton for a wick or fuse. 81. Hair – an appendage of the skin. A specialized epithelial outgrowth of the skin which occur every where on the human body except on the palm of the hands and sole of the feet.
82. Root- portion of the hair embodied in the skin. 83. Shaft- portion of the hair above the surface of the skin. The most DISTINCTIVE part of the hair. 84. Tip- sometimes termed point. The distal end of an uncut hair-shaft. 85. Cuticle- outer most covering of the hair. 86. Cortex- the intermediate and the THICKEST layer of the shaft.
87. Medulla or Core – The central canal of the hair. Yields the most reliable criteria in the diagnosis of hair. The most CHARACTERISTICS portion of the hair. 88. Melanin – is the chemical responsible for the color of the hair. Present in the cortex. 89. Medullary Index (M.I) – is the relationship between the diameter of the medulla and the diameter of the whole hair. 90. Textile Fibers –fibers that can be converted into yarn.
91. Vegetable fibers –Fibers made of cellulose. • Animal fibers - fibers made of protein. • Cotton fibers – unicellular filament, flat, ribbon-like. • Lenin – fiber resembling bamboo. • Silk fiber – appears like glass rod. • Wool fiber - has flattened, overlapping opidermal scales. • Document – and original or official written or printed paper furnishing information or used as proof of something else.
98. Egytian papyrus - one of the earliest substance use for writing. It is from the name papyrus that the word paper was derive. 99. Sizing material- material added to paper to improve its texture. 100. Loading material- material added to paper to give weight. It partially fills pores between the fiber of the paper. 101. Creases- marks made by folding.
102. Watermark- distinctive mark or design placed in the paper at the time of its manufacture. 103. Wiremark- mark produced on paper by the flexible wire soldered to the surface of the dandy roll which carries the matermark. 104. Opacity- the quality of paper which does not allow light to pass through or which prevents dark object from being seen through the paper.
105. Bursting strength test- or “POP TEST” is the apparent pressure necessary to burst a hole in a sheet of paper when properly inserted in a suitable instrument. 106. Gallotanic ink- today the most frequently used ink for making entries in record books and for business purposes. Made of a solution of iron salt (ferrous sulfate) and nutgall( iron gallotanuate). Also called iron nutgall
107. Logwood ink- made of saturated solution of logwood plus hydrochloric acid to prevent formation of precipitate plus phenol as preservative. 108. Nigrosine aniline ink- made of coal tar product called nigrosine dissolved in water. 109. Carbon ink of Chinese or India ink- the oldest ink material known. Made of carbon in the form of lampblack. 110. Colored writing ink – made of synthetic aniline dyestuffs dissolved in water.
111. Ballpoint Pen Ink – made of light fast dyes soluble in glycol type solvent. 112. Paper Chromatography - a reliable procedure which can be adopted to identify and compare ballpoint Pen ink. 113. Illegible Writings - unnecessary writing which are not capable of being red. 114. Erasure – removal of writing from the paper.
115. Obliteration – the obscuring of writing by super imposing ink, pencil, or other marking materials. 116. Sympathetic ink- substance used for invisible writings. 117. Indented writing- term applied to the partially visible depression appearing on a sheet of paper underneath the one which the visible writing appears.
118. Contact writing – blank paper may contain traces of ink because of previous contact with some writings. 119. Optical bleach- a chemical compound used to whiten paper and strongly fluoresces under the ultra violet light. 120. Glass- a super cooled liquid which possesses high viscosity and rigidity. It is a non- crystalline inorganic substance
121. Silica (SiO2)- the based of commercial glass. For commercial use it is the most important oxide. 122. Immersion - method used the refractive index of the glass. 123. Flotation- the rapid and convenient method of determining the density of small glass fragments. 124.3R’s Rule- for radial cracks, states that “stress lines on a radial crack will be at the right angle to the rear side”.
125. RFC Rule- for concentric cracks, states that “ stress lines on a concentric crack will be at right angle to the front side. 126. Safety glass – A laminated glass which is made of two sheet of glass with a sheet of plastic in between. 127. Moulage - A faithful reproduction of an impression with the use of casting materials. 128. Casting Material – any material which can be changed from a plastic or liquid state to the solid condition.
129. Plastic of paris- or Gypsum(CASO4) or calcium sulfate. The best casting materials for foot and shoe impression. 130. Table salt (NaCl)- it is added to the plaster of paris to hasten its drying. 131. Dental composition- the best casting material for making case of tool impression. 132. Negocoll or Hominit- casting material used for human body as cast of hand or face. 133. Compression marks- produced by a single application of the tool on one area of contact.
134. Friction marks- series of scratches or striations produced. by pushing a tool across the surface. 135. Metallurgy- the art of extracting and working on metals by application of chemical knowledge. 136. Metallography- branch of metallurgy which involves the study of the micro-structure of the metal and alloys. 137. The Counterfeit coins- coins made to imitate the real things and used for gain 138. Cast Coin-counterfeit coins made in mols. Made by casting method.
139. Struck Coins- counterfeit coins made by striking or stamping method. Also made by means of dies. 140. Etching fluid- fluid used to restore tampered serial numbers. 141. Difference in solubility- the principle involved in the restoration of tampered serial numbers.
142. Petrography- branch of geology which deals with the systematic classification and identification of rocks, rocks forming minerals and soils. Also includes study of dust, dirt, safe insulation, ceramics and other such materials both natural and artificial. 143. Arson- is the wilful and malicious burning of the house or house of another man. A fire set intentionally. Touch off fires. 144. Tell tail signs- signs that may be obvious that the fireman will suspect arson.
145. Point of origin- the area where the physical evidence of criminal design is likely to be discover. 146. Incendiary materials- materials used to start a fire. They are combustible. They are fuels. 147. Arson chemicals- are incendiary materials often used by arsonist as accelerants.
148. Pyromania- an uncontrollable impulse towards incendiarism. A term used to described a condition of mind leading to an act of arson. 149. Pyromaniac- a type of person who has passion for fire that can be satisfied only by watching flame. Person who gets pleasure in watching fireman put out the fire.
150. Pathological fire setters- setters who use a few twist of newspaper, rubbish, and possibly anything found on the place which can easily be set a flame and a match ignition device. 151. Wilfulness- means intentional and implies that the act was done purposely and intentionally. 152. Intent – is the purpose or design with which the act is done and involves the will. An essential element of flame. 153. Motive – is the moving cause which induces the commission of a crime.
154. Malice- denotes hatred or ill will or a desire for revenge. Is the intent to do injury to another. 156. Alex Jeffreys- a British molecular biologist first recognized DNA analysis as having application to forensic science. 157. DNA- a new and powerful for human identification. 158. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)- a process wherein DNA can be replicated in the laboratory from a very small amount of initial material.
159. DNA- de-oxy- ri-bo-nu-cleic- acid- is functionally the hereditary material that contains the generic information necessary for the duplication of cells and for the production of proteins. A chemical substance found in all cells whose composition have been passed on from parents to their children. All cells in the body has the same DNA composition except individual egg and sperm cell.
160. Restriction Fragments Length Polymorphism (RFLP)- commonly known as “DNA Profiling” or “DNA fingerprinting” is a DNA testing method that detects the presence of RFLP’s. 161. Composition of DNA- chemically an acid, is rich in phosphorus it contains a deoxyribose sugar, it contains four bases adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and genuine (G). It is a double helix composed of two complimentary starnds.
162. Buccal Swabs- best specimen for DNA analysis. 163. Toxicology- is the branch of science which treats of poison, their origin, physical and chemical properties, physiological action, treatment of their noxious effect, and methods of isolation. 164. Poison– from the medical point of view, is a substance which when introduce into the body and absorbed through the blood stream and acting chemically is capable of producing noxious effect or destroy life.
165. Alkaloids- are nitrogenous organic basic compound with bitter taste containing usually oxygen that occurs especially in seed plants. 166. Corrosives- highly irritation poisons which cause local destruction of tissues. 167. Irritants- produce irritation or inflammation of the mucus membrane. 168. Narcotics – poisons which produce stupor, complete insensibility, or loss of feeling . 169. Neurotics- one which act chiefly on the nervous system producing delirium convulsion, and resperation as the outstanding symptoms.