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International Planning Retreat for UWEX Cooperative Extension. Presentation on Results National Conference on Global Perspectives: Internationalizing Extension March 25 – 27, 2003 Michigan State University John Preissing, Northern District Director UWEX, Cooperative Extension.
International Planning Retreat for UWEX Cooperative Extension Presentation on Results National Conference on Global Perspectives: Internationalizing Extension March 25 – 27, 2003 Michigan State University John Preissing, Northern District Director UWEX, Cooperative Extension
We have a working policy, no goals etc Majority of international work is with core “internationalists” Others, with more to gain and share have limited role Not a priority - training, orientation, or work Little systematic attempt to capture range of work done, results, or opportunities USDA has new initiative Current international situation with UWEX
Purpose of Paper • To analyze the results of the international extension planning retreat. • Review UWEX background with international programming • Planning methodology • Key findings • Top goals • Strategies to achieve goals • Conclusion for future action
UWEX stand alone “university” with ties to UW Madison/CALS and others Long history of international efforts We have strong skills to share We have some faculty with a high degree of interest There are opportunities and needs internationally We have a lot to learn from international groups and programs Background
Albrecht, Cave, and Havlovic remind us (Outreach Scholarship 2001) . . . • International work helps us in two important ways: • It increases our sensitivity to cultural differences – it helps us think of culture more broadly and to recognize and deal with differences more effectively in Wisconsin • It challenges our conventional methods of teaching and learning
NASULGC • “We urgently need to find ways to increase the level of engagement of our resident teaching faculty, research scientists, and Extension agents in addressing the global dimension” From NASULGC’s 1998 International Agriculture section report
Barbara Ludwig, JOE article • Her study of OSU personnel reported top barriers to participation: • Lack of time • Not a programming priority • Lack of experience Refreshingly, negativity, lack or rewards or promotions were the least often cited.
For these reasons, the Dean’s office and the ESP/UWEX International Committee proposed this retreat.
Planning Methodology • Diversity of Interests Matrix – ensure diverse participation, especially non-internationalists • Windshield Analysis – review international extension work by UWEX • SWOT Analysis • Vision and Mission Statement development • Nominal Group Technique - goal identification
Mission Statement • The purpose of UWEX Cooperative Extension international efforts is to contribute to the improvement of Wisconsin and international communities through the sharing of expertise and experiences
Goal – Create a Team International • UWEX has teams, comprised of specialists and agents. Includes team plans, budgets, training, reporting, and mandate to pursue additional resources for plan. Team International should be one of these concentrations
Goal – Scholarship Context for International Programs • We have strong interest in scholarship. Develop structures to allow and encourage research and sharing on this topic.
Goal – Develop Institutional Capacity • We need stronger and clearer policies, administrative support, pursue additional resources, web site clearing house, and pursue international training/exchange opportunities similar to Florida or Missouri. Consider multi-state programs.
Asset inventories for our relevant skills Language training Cross-cultural training Home institution advice International travel tips Preparing to leave and returning home International development tools (RRA, others) How to tell the story back home, advice and templates? Integrating our overseas’ work with work back home Staff TrainingWe need staff training in:
Evaluation Instruments • There is a continual need to convey relevance of overseas work to local constituents and the impact, both in the international communities and domestically. There is insufficient information to document the impact and an inadequate communications strategy to share results back home.
Conclusions – Next Steps • Present Retreat results to Dean, Administrative Committee, and ESP/UWEX International Committee • Seek plan approval • Share results institution wide • Attend National Conference, seek partnership support for initiatives • Develop specific action plans
Conclusion – Retreat process • Raised awareness in institution of benefits and needs • Developed more cohesive group of people with range of experiences (diversity of interest matrix) • Valuable initial administrative support, more needed • Goal development useful • Exercise raised expectations