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The Global Service Learning (GSL) Project 2011-2012. Frank C. Martin International K-8 Center. Curriculum Night Wednesday, October 12, 2011. Why is Community Service linked to the 8 th Grade Project?. It makes sense!
The Global Service Learning (GSL) Project 2011-2012 Frank C. Martin International K-8 Center
Curriculum Night Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Why is Community Service linked to the 8th Grade Project? • It makes sense! • To help the students to gain a global understanding of how their service improves the world around them • To demonstrate that service can make an impact on others, including onesself
Why is Community Service Important? • The projects balance the emphasis on academic achievement with the experiences that benefit others who need help. • The projects challenge and extend each student to develop a spirit of discovery and self-reliance, to further develop interpersonal skills, and to inspire awareness and responsibility to the community.
What Community May the Students Serve? • Outside Community (Animal Shelters; church; scouts; libraries; youth organizations) • FCM Community (Develop a plan for school improvement or beautification and submit it for approval).
When and How are Hours Earned? • Served outside of FCM class time • Include activities for which the student does not receive payment, school credit, recognition awards, internship or which personally benefits a family member
What are the Steps? • Step I: Brainstorm community service ideas/desires • Step II: Discuss your ideas with a parent/guardian and identify realistic opportunities • Step III: Secure service organization • Step IV: Complete Topic Notification form • Step V: Enjoy your experience • Step VI: Document experience in the Process Journal and Documentation Log
Frank C. Martin International K-8 Center Community Service Log Minimum Expectations 8th Grade -20 hours Supervisor’s Signature is required and must be someone Other than the parent Print the C & S activities here Make sure to include the dates and times that service was performed
Action Plan Ideas • Organize an annual talent showcase • Fundraising for a cause • Educational awareness • Invention • Create a sport or game
What is the Global Service Learning Project? • It is a requirement for all 8th Grade students • It is a significant body of work produced over a period of time, which is linked to the student’s Community Service activities • It is a culmination of the student’s community service experience in the Middle Years Programme (MYP), and his/her involvement with the five Areas of Interaction. • It is a product of the student’s own initiative and creativity, reflecting a personal appreciation of the Areas of Interaction and the application of Approaches to Learning.
Aims of the GSL Project The aims of the Global Service Learning Project are to: • demonstrate the personal abilities and skills required to produce and present an extended piece of work • engage in personal inquiry, action and reflection on specific topics and issues • focus on, and demonstrate an understanding of, the areas of interaction • reflect on learning and share knowledge, views and opinions.
The GSL Project must: • deal with a topic to which the student is committed • include a report in the form of a structured piece of writing • have a clear and achievable action plan • be focused on at least one other Area of Interaction • reflect the student’s concerns about a particular issue encountered during community service activities • be the result of the student’s ability to organize and plan • be the student’s own work.
Structure of the Global Service Learning Project Report • Typed • Title page • Well organized with a table of contents • Introduction, defining the goal of the project and an explicit focus on the chosen area(s) of interaction, and providing an outline of how the student intends to achieve the goal • Description of the process, including production steps • Analysis of the inspiration, research and influences guiding the work, the findings and decisions made • Reflection/conclusion, where the student reflects on the impact of his/her project • Works Cited • Appendices, where appropriate
Guide to Writing the Global Service Learning Report • Length of paper • It needs to be: • between 800-1000 words (not including appendices and Works Cited) • double-spaced, using Times New Roman, font size 12 • Research/documentation of paper • minimum of three - five sources • all three - five sources must be cited within the paper • Assessment of paper • Criteria set by the IB
Process Journal • Students will be required to maintain a process journal, which is a necessary part of the GSL Project. • It is the place for students to record their thoughts, decisions, research, and actions regarding their projects. • The journal contains the information needed to write the final paper. • Possible Headings for the journal might include: • Work completed this week • Resources consulted • Challenges/difficulties faced • Evaluation of progress
Process Journal Entries A typical journal entry might look like this: December 10, 2011 • I discussed my essay plans again with my supervisor, as I am thinking I would like to adapt them to include more examples. Problem is, if I do that, it will become too long. After discussions and thinking it over, I have decided to cut one of my subtopics in order to leave space for more examples. • Over the next week, I need to decide which subtopic to cut, and start researching for more examples. I will start with the library, and then search the internet. Next holidays, I plan to visit the museum and public library to get ideas and check for more resources.
Areas of Interaction Key Questions How do I learn best? How do I know? How do I communicate my understanding? Approaches to learning Where do we live? What resources do we have or need? What are my responsibilities? Environments Health and social education How do I think and act? How am I changing? How can I look after myself and others? Human ingenuity Why and how do we create? What are the consequences? How do we live in relation to each other? How can I contribute to my community? How can I help others? Community and service
The Student’s Responsibilities • Select a project of interest; one that evokes passion, enthusiasm, curiosity • Study the goals and objectives of the project and their direct relationship to the assessment criteria • Read and study the student guide and follow all directions concerning the process • Offer personal analysis of each step of the process or research • Be punctual and prepared for all meetings with your supervisor • Stay current with assignments in the process journal • Record accurately and consistently, all thoughts, discussion, and research in the process journal.
Supervision • Each student will receive direct supervision throughout the project from a qualified teacher within the middle school • The supervisor is not expected to be an expert in the chosen project • Supervisors are there as facilitators to guide students on their journey of learning • Students will be allowed to get expert help from outside.
Global Service Learning Project Resources on our Website: Please go to: http://fcmartin.dadeschools.net. Click on: Students→MYP→GSL Project. • GSL Project PowerPoint Presentation • GSL Project Guide • Timeline • Design Cycle Documents