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Explore advancements at CERN, Geneva, towards 2020. Topics include luminosity upgrades, higher energy options, and detector enhancements for the Large Hadron Collider. Discover key physics cases and planned upgrades paving the way for future scientific breakthroughs. Unveil the roadmap up to 2021 and beyond.
LHC Upgrades and Other Future Options XXII Nordic Conference on Particle Physics, Skeikampen 2012 Albert De Roeck CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Antwerp University Belgium Davis University USA January 6 2012
Today: Epiphany Day! Suitable day to have a look at the future!
Contents • Introduction: LHC today and towards 2020 • Luminosity upgrade scenario for the LHC machine • High Luminosity: HL-LHC • Higher Energy: HE-LHC • Electron–proton LHeC • Physics case • Planned detector upgrades • Other Future Options • Summary Note: Very little specific physics studies for the first two options since 2002. Recently: some specific performance studies for the detector upgrades
The LHC: 28 Years Already! 1984 2004 /LHC 1984: cms energy 10-18 TeV Luminosity 1031-1033cm-2s-1 1987: cms energy 16 TeV Luminosity 1033-1034cm-2s-1 Final: cms energy (7) 14 TeV Luminosity 1033-1034cm-2s-1
LHC Recent History/Schedule 10-20 fb-1 10-20 fb-1 PHASE 0 PHASE I PHASE II
The LHC: What to expect in 2012? F. Zimmerman
Projected LHC Performance in 2012 Expect ~ 10 fb-1 with 25 ns S. Myers
Electron Cloud Effect • Electrons from gas molecules, ionized by the proton bunch & synchrotron radiation. • Once released, electrons get accelerated to 100-1000 eV and hit the wall surface heating Can be preventive to run with to short bunch spacing Shown to be an issue in LHC operation
The LHC Plan up to 2021 Plans have been adapted on ‘yearly basis’ so far
Projected LHC Performance in 2015 Alternatively
Upgrades of the LHC (2003 view) hypothetical luminosity scenario J. Strait 2003: Not an “official” LHC plot Statistical error1/N error error/2 N N.4 Constant luminosity/year 1 year4 years16 years Luminosity= #events/cross-section/time At the point the the design luminosity is reached: 1034 cm-2s-1 then After ~3-4 years the simple continuation becomes less exciting Time for an upgrade?
The LHC upgrade Two options have been discussed/studied (since ~ 2002) • Higher luminosity ~1035cm-2 s-1 (SLHC, now called HL-LHC) • Needs changes of the machine and particularly of the detectors • Start change to LE-LHC mode after 2021 • Collect ~2500 fb-1/experiment in ~7-8 years data taking. • Higher energy? (DLHC, now called HE-LHC) • s of 28/33 TeV needs ~17/20 T magnets R&D needed! • Even ideas on increasing the energy by factor 3 (P. McIntyre)
HL-LHC – LHC modifications IR upgrade(detectors, low-b quad’s,crab cavities, etc) ~2022 F. Zimmerman SPS enhancements (anti e-cloud coating,RF, impedance), 2012-2022 Booster energy upgrade 1.4 → 2 GeV, ~2014 or RCS Linac4, ~2014
Luminosity leveling with beam-beam offset for LHCb The luminosity can be successfully leveled using transverse offsets between 0 and a few s (here at IP8) without significant effects on the beam or the performance of the other experiments (IP1&5)
Event Pile-up!! 0.2 events/crossing, 25 ns spacing 2 events/crossing, 25 ns spacing 19 events/crossing, 25 ns spacing 100 events/crossing, 25 ns spacing Luminosity leveling pt > 1 GeV/c cut, i.e. all soft tracks removed
Higher Energies Thanks to James Stirling
HE-LHC – LHC modifications HE-LHC 2030-33 SPS+, 1.3 TeV, 2030-33 2-GeV Booster Linac4
Physics Studies for the LHC upgrade • Electroweak Physics • Production of multiple gauge bosons (nV 3) • triple and quartic gauge boson couplings • Top quarks/rare decays • Higgs physics • Rare decay modes • Higgs couplings to fermions and bosons • Higgs self-couplings • Heavy Higgs bosons of the MSSM • Supersymmetry • Extra Dimensions • Direct graviton production in ADD models • Resonance production in Randall-Sundrum models TeV-1 scale models • Black Hole production • Quark substructure • Strongly-coupled vector boson system • WLZL g WLZL , ZLZL scalar resonance, W+LW +L • New Gauge Bosons Examples studied in some detail Include pile up, detector… hep-ph/0204087 10 years already!!!
5 contours CMS tan=10 SUSY Reach: LHC, HL-LHC & HE-LHC Impact of the HL-LHC Extend the discovery region for squarks and gluinos by roughly 0.5 TeV, i.e. from ~2.5 TeV 3 TeV This extension involved high ET jets/leptons and large missing ET Not much compromised by increased pile-up at HL-LHC (?) m1/2 universal gaugino mass at GUT scale m0: universal scalar mass at GUT scale
HL-LHC: tackle difficult SUSY scenarios Squarks: 2.0-2.4 TeV Gluino: 2.5 TeV Can discover the squarks at the LHC but cannot really study them PT >700 GeV & ETmiss > 600 GeV eg. Benchmark Point K in hep-ph/0306219 m1/2=1300 GeV, m0=1000 GeV, tanβ=35 signal Exclusive channel qq 10 10 qq S/B =120/30 (3000fb-1) Higgs in 2 decay 21h becomes visible at 3000 fb-1 ~~ Inclusive: Meff> 4000 GeV S/B = 500/100 (3000 fb-1) Measurements of some difficult scenarios become possible at the HL-LHC
HL-LHC: tackle difficult SUSY scenarios regime with quasi stable stau 7 < Dt < 20 nsec all events 3000 fb-1 red: same flavor leptons, blue: different flavors; shaded: SM bkgd Dilepton edge! Point K: m(squark,gluino) > 2 TeV SLHC 3000 fb-1 h bb signal SM bkgd K,H just indicative! High momentum leptons, but lot of stat needed to reconstruct sparticle mass peaks from edge regions! SLHC luminosity should be crucial, but also need for jets, b-tagging, missing Et i.e. adequate detector performances (calorimetry, tracker) to really exploit the potential of increased statistics at SLHC…..
The Higgs at the LHC • First step • Discover a new Higgs-like particle at the LHC, or exclude its existence • Second step • Measure properties of the new particle • Measure the Higgs mass • Measure the Higgs width • Is there more than one Higgs? • Measure cross sections x branching ratios • Ratios of couplings to particles (~mparticle) • Measure decays with small/dificult branching ratios (e.g H) • Measure CP and spin quantum numbers • Measure the Higgs self-coupling (HHH), in order to reconstruct the Higgs potential? LH-LHC added value
gHff Channel mH S/B LHC S/B SLHC (600 fb-1) (6000 fb-1) H Z ~ 140 GeV ~ 3.5 ~ 11 H 130 GeV ~ 3.5 (gg+VBF) ~ 9.5 (gg) Higgs Decays Modes Rare Higgs Decays gH/gH? Channels studied: H Z H Branching ratio ~ 10-4 for these channels! Cross section ~ few fb Higgs Couplings (ratios) Can be improved with a factor of 2: 20%10% at HL-LHC
~ v mH2 = 2 v2 Higgs Self Coupling Measurements Once the Higgs particle is found, try to reconstruct the Higgs potential Djouadi et al. Dawson et al. /2 << 3/2 Difficult/impossible at the LHC
Higgs Self Coupling Baur, Plehn, Rainwater HH W+ W- W+ W- jj jj Limits achievable at the 95% CL. for =(-SM)/SM LHC: = 0 can be excluded at 95% CL. HL-LHC: can be determined to 20-30% (95% CL) Note1: Different conclusion from ATLAS study no sensitivity at LHC and smaller sensitivity At HL-LHC. Jury is still out Note2: Does not work for low Mass Higgs (ie below 150 GeV) This needs revisiting…
Higgs Self Coupling for low MH Baur, Plehn, Rainwater hep-ph/0310056 ppbbbb not useable ppbb difficult ppbb not useable ppbb promising For mH=120 GeV and 600 fb-1 expect 6 events at the LHC with S/B~ 2 (single b tag) Interesting measurement at the LE-LHC (double b tag) mvis Needs accurate prediction of the bb background rate Needs detector simulation
SUSY Higgs Particles: h,H,A,H Dominated in the green wedge by signal/background. Increase in statistics helps!! In the green region only SM-like h observable with 300 fb-1/exp Red line: extension with 3000 fb-1/exp Blue line: 95% excl. with 3000 fb-1/exp Heavy Higgs reach increased by ~100 GeV at the HL-LHC.
SLHC: KK Gravitons Randall Sundrum model Predicts KK graviton resonances k= curvature of the 5-dim. Space m1 = mass of the first KK state TeV scale ED’s KK excitations of the ,Z T.Rizzo HL-LHC 95% excl. limits Direct: LHC/600 fb-1 6 TeV LH-LHC/6000 fb-1 7.7 TeV Interf: LH-LHC/6000 fb-1 20 TeV 1001000 fb-1:Increase in reach by 25%
HL-LHC: New Z’ Gauge Bosons with Z-like couplings S. Godfrey Includes pile-up, ECAL saturation… Reach: LHC/600 fb-1 5.3 TeV HL-LHC/6000 fb-1 6.5 TeV HE-LHC/600 fb-1 8 TeV
Spin Analysis (Z’Randall Sundrum gravitons) Luminosity required to discriminate a spin-1 from spin-2 hypothesis at the 2 level Needs statistics! May well be a case for the HL-LHC Also: SUSY particle spin analysis (Barr, Webber, Smiley) need > 100 fb-1
Z’ Studies and Searches T. Rizzo Eg Z’ detailed studies will likely require very high luminosities
Extra Dimension Signals at the LHC Graviton production! Graviton escapes detection Large (ADD) type of Extra Dimensions Signal: single jet + large missing ET example escape! About 25% increase in reach
: contact interactions qq qq mjj > 11 TeV Deviation from SM 95% CL14 TeV 300 fb-114 TeV 3000 fb-128 TeV 300 fb-128 TeV 3000 fb-1 (TeV) 40 60 60 85 28 TeV 3000 fb-1 Compositeness 2-jet events: expect excess of high-ET centrally produced jets. * angle btw jet & beam If contact interactions excess at low
q q VL VL VL q VL q Strongly Coupled Vector Boson System If no Higgs, expect strong VLVL scattering (resonant or non-resonant) at ~ 1TeV • Could well be difficult at LHC. What about HL-LHC? • degradation of fwd jet tag and central jet veto due to huge pile-up • BUT : factor ~ 10 in statistics 5-8 excess in W+L W+L scattering • other low-rate channels accessible
WZ Resonances in Vector Boson Scattering Vector resonance(ρ-like) in WLZL scattering from Chiral Lagrangian model M = 1.5 TeV300 fb-1 (LHC) vs 3000 fb-1 (SLHC) lepton cuts: pt1 > 150 GeV, pt2 > 100 GeV, pt3 > 50 GeV; Etmiss > 75 GeV These studies require both forward jet tagging and central jet vetoing! Expected (degraded) HL-LHC performance is included At LHC: S = 6.6 events, B = 2.2 events At HL-LHC: S/B ~ 10
Top Quark Properties HL-LHC statistics can still help for rare decays searches Results in units of 10-5 Ideal = MC 4-vector Real = B-tagging/cuts as for 1034cm-2s-1 -tag = assume only B-tag with muons works at 1035cm-2s-1 tq tqZ Can reach sensitivity down to ~10-6 BUT vertex b-tag a must at 1035cm-2s-1