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Current and future upgrades in STAR. Flemming Videbaek BNL. Overview. Introduction Ongoing or recently completed upgrades TOF, completed Forward Gem Tracker – in construction HFT- on the Critical Decision path Proposed upgrades for physics Muon Telescope Detector (MTD)
Current and future upgrades in STAR Flemming Videbaek BNL
Overview • Introduction • Ongoing or recently completed upgrades • TOF, completed • Forward Gem Tracker – in construction • HFT- on the Critical Decision path • Proposed upgrades for physics • Muon Telescope Detector (MTD) • High Level Trigger (HLT) • Pp2pp phase-2 • Forward Hadron Calorimeter (FHC) • Status and plans for TPC • TPC in high luminosity era • GEM Calibration Detector • STAR planning RSC - LBL
Introduction • STAR is planning for the future – next decade plans for HI and pp. • Ensure vibrant physics program through a continued upgrade program. • Sure that you will hear more about the pp and spin related physics that can be done with particular the Forward Gem Tracker, and the proposed Forward Hadron Calorimeter and the Roman Pot phase-2 upgrade (aka pp2pp) • Obviously this will be brief. RSC - LBL
STAR Detector (current) MRPC ToF barrel 100% ready for run 10 EMC barrel EMC End Cap BBC FMS FPD TPC PMD Complete DAQ1000 FTPC RSC - LBL
STAR Detector MTD EMC barrel MRPC ToF barrel 100% ready for run 10 EMC End Cap FMS BBC FPD TPC pp2pp FHC PMD DAQ1000 Completed HLT Ongoing planned HFT FGT RSC - LBL
Time-Of-Flight • Project completed with installation of all 120 trays, ready for large acceptance PID. • Extends electron, p,K, and p identification to large pt-range particular in combination with dE/dx from the TPC. • di-electrons, Heavy Flavor, Beam Energy Scan RSC - LBL
Forward Gem Tracker • Physics Motivation Extend quark/anti quark polarization measurements to 1< h <2 by providing charge separation for e+- via high precision tracking in front of EMC end cap. • Schedule • Goal: Complete FGT construction in ~fall 2010 followed by full system test and subsequent full installation in ~summer 2011 ⇒ Ready for anticipated first long 500GeV polarized pp run in FY12 • Construction well underway
FGT Technical realization • Layout FGT • FGT: 6 light-weight disks in the West part of the IFC. • Each disk consists of 4 triple-GEM chambers (Quarter sections) • Procurement and assembly of full quarter section prototype in preparation
2 0.5 3 Heavy Flavor Tracker upgrade • Heavy quark is one of the ideal probes to quantify the properties of the hot dense medium created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. • Heavy quark program at RHIC/STAR is underway. Present physics conclusions are rather qualitative. • With detector upgrades, STAR will be able to perform precision measurements on open charm and bottom measurements in p+p, p(d)+A, and A+A collisions. • Precision measurements via direct reconstruction of displayed vertices and particle identification over 2pi covering low and high pT • SSD (existing double sided strip detector) is the outer layer • IST is a layer of silicon strip • PIXEL is 2 inner layers of high resolution • Pixel (MAPS) (18*18 mm) and thin ~0.4% Xo per layer ~ 30 microns pointing resolution at 0.7 GeV/c ~ 30 microns secondary vertex resolution (large p) RSC - LBL
Physics Projections with HFT+TOF LambdaC ΛC ( p + K + π): Lowest mass charm baryon Total yield and ΛC/D0 ratios can be measured. Charm collectivity => Medium properties, light flavor thermalization RSC - LBL
HFT status • R&D for the pixel sensors, readout and support structure has been successfully carried out over several years. • Design and layout is mature. • CD-1 review November. Following anticipated CD-1 approval, preparing for base-lining of project with review 6-8 months from now. • Challenging to have complete system ready for run-14. • Limited capabilities for p+p 500 GeV due to expected radiation levels for the inner most PXL layers (removal), though outer IST and SSD will add fast tracking information at mid-rapidity. RSC - LBL
MTD Muons: Penetrating Probes +- A large area of muon telescope detector (MTD) at mid-rapidity, allows forthe detection of • di-muon pairs from QGP thermal radiation,quarkonia, light vector mesons, possible correlations of quarksand gluons as resonances in QGP, and Drell-Yan production • single muons from theirsemi- leptonic decays of heavy flavor hadrons • advantages over electrons: no conversion, much less Dalitz decay contribution, less affected by radiative losses in the detector materials, trigger capability in Au+Au
Technical Implementation Detectorwith long-MRPCs covering the whole iron bars and left the gaps in-between uncovered. Acceptance: 35 (53) % at ||<0.8 117 (180) modules, 2160 readout strips, 4320 readout channels Long-MRPC detector technology, HPTDC electronics (same as STAR-TOF) RSC - LBL
Summary of what have been done for the R&D • Cosmic and beam tests: intrinsic timing resolution of long MRPC: ~60-70 ps spatial resolution: ~1 cm results have been summarized and published at Y. Sun et al., nucl-ex/0805.2459; NIMA 593, 430 (2008) • The prototype of MTD works at STAR. We observed: ---- clear narrow muon peak ---- Muon purity can be achieved >80% • The primary muon over secondary muon ratio is good for quarkonium program • The trigger capability with L0 and L2 is promising for dimuon program: Upsilon, J/ elliptic flow v2 and RAA at high pT Results at STAR have been summarized and published at L. Ruan et al., 0904.3774, Journal of Physics G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 36 (2009) 095001 RSC - LBL
Physics with High Level Trigger The HLT enhances the physics analysis by selecting events of interest in near real time, and filter for events written to tape. Some Examples • The study of heavy flavor production and collective flow that will profoundly enhance our understanding of the properties of the produced Quark Gluon Plasma and the associated phase transition. • The study of di-lepton mass spectrum that helps us understand the thermal radiation and constrain the initial temperature • J/Psi measurements at high pT RSC - LBL
The set-up of HLT SL3 SL3 SL3 BEMC Other Sub Systm. Total 24 SL3 machines Run 9 p+p 200 GeV, May 19 - 25 GL3 SL3 : Sector Level 3, Sector clustering and tracking GL3 : Global Level 3, Event assembling and trigger decision making. This thing works ! J/ψ counts seen with HLT in a few days exceeds the total counts seen by STAR previously in year 2006.
Proposed Existing 1 of 2 hadron calorimeter modules at IP10 for 912 array of AGS-E864 detectors North FMS half 632 lead-glass detectors in 2m1m array Forward Upgrade (FMS)Proposed Forward Hadron Calorimeter h,f map Physics Objectives • Transverse single spin asymmetry measurements for forward jet production • Tests of future polarization measurements for large xFL production
Forward Jets with FMS + FHCMeasuring the Jet Energy FMS + FHC FMS only Detectable hadrons and photons within acceptance of FMS+FHC are used for summed-energy trigger and for cone-based jet reconstruction. Photon-only jets do not measure the scattered parton energy. Combining hadronic + EM energy does measure the scattered parton energy, limited mostly by fragmentation effects. Many jets are not particularly “jetty”, meaning only few hadrons are within the acceptance. Jets with few hadrons do not give a good measure of the scattered parton energy. Invariant mass from the FMS+FHC can discriminate “jetty” versus “non-jetty” fragmentations.
Glueball Search and Diffractive Physics Program with the STAR Detector at RHIC andRoman PotsPHASE II of the Physics with Tagged Forward Protons Program with the STAR Detector at RHIC p + p p + X + p Central Production X= particles, glueballs Discovery Physics p + p p + p elastic • Investigating QCD processes with color singlet exchange: C=+1, C=-1 • Gluonic degrees of freedom in hadrons – exotica (glueballs…) • QCD nature of diffractive processes – structure of Pomeron, Odderon… DPE process in QCD Roman Pots at RHIC RSC - LBL
Technical Implementation and Status 1.A new vacuum chamber in DX-D0 region will be needed to accommodate Roman Pots to allow maximum acceptance, namely accept protons that clear the aperture of the DX magnet. • Detailed proposal submitted to STAR. • Technically it can be mounted in 2-3 years. • There is a dedicated talk by Wlodek Tomorrow. Acceptance RSC - LBL Roman pots
TPC in High Luminosity EraProspects • TPX upgrade completed last year (<5% dead at 1kHz). S/B ~30 vs.20 for old electronics • Increase in space charge due to Luminosity and faster readout. • Results in more trips, and larger corrections. • Reduce HV on anode wires; extensive studies were done in run-9; Looks good. • Corrections are still under control. • Adding monitoring will improve this • Challenging but under control RSC - LBL
GMT – place 8 10cm x 10cm Triple GEM chambers at R~2.2M to help monitor and improve TPC distortion corrections MTD MRPC ToF barrel Ready for run 10 EMC barrel EMC End Cap RPSD FMS GMT FPD PMD finished DAQ1000 Ready for run 9 ongoing HFTFGT: GEM-layers R&D RSC - LBL
GMT – Plans • R&D in progress. • Builds on FGT construction with Gem foil technology, and readout system. • Goal is two have two chambers for RHIC run 11 and all chambers for run 12. • GMT will enable continuous monitoring of TPC distortions. RSC - LBL
Summary • STAR upgrades addresses a wide range of physics measurements FGT addresses W spin physics HFT Heavy Quark physics in AA and pp (200 GeV) • Proposed upgrades MTD will enhance J/Psi, Y physics in AA and pp FHC can address forward jet physics in pp, dA. The HLT can significantly increase STAR capabilities in analysis by enhancing data samples. Roman Pots phase-2 addresses fundamental hadron physics in pp • In addition to these STAR continues to upgrade the trigger system. • It is a challenge to prioritize and have these available for physics measurements • New upgrade proposals are being internally reviewed in STAR. • There is a STAR upgrade Meeting at BNL on December 17-18 to prioritize upgrades in context of STAR future program. RSC - LBL