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Front Garden Area 1

Front Garden Area 1. cukes. cukes. cukes. lettuce. Sun flower. eggplant. zuchini. carrots. lettuce. garlic. carrots. carrots. carrots. carrots. garlic. ?. squash. Yellow potato onions. Garlic, Green onions. radsih. Green onions. basil. lettuce. squash. parsley. carrots.

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Front Garden Area 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Front Garden Area 1 cukes cukes cukes lettuce Sun flower eggplant zuchini carrots lettuce garlic carrots carrots carrots carrots garlic ? squash Yellow potato onions Garlic, Green onions radsih Green onions basil lettuce squash parsley carrots narsutium

  2. New strawberry tri-level planter 5 ft x 5 ft right triangle 12.5 sf growing space 24 strawberry plants 8 lettuce 3 flowers

  3. South facing Garage side 2 and 3 Flowers and shisou Strawbrerry pyramid garlic edamame peas Egg plant peas Egg plant peas peas Blackberries Raspberries cress garlic Egyptian walking onions edamame okra lettuce lettuce edamame lettuce lettuce lettuce garlic radish 4 o’clocks onions marigolds marigolds lettuce oregano

  4. Green Room north 4 okra cukes cukes cukes cukes peppers eggplant peppers Asparagus oregano peppers basil eggplant strawberries Green onions Squash

  5. Center Yard Gardens cukes radish Green onions chives Red winter tomatoes Green onions lettuce lettuce flowers okra flowers parsley squash White onions carrots lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce tomatoes basil radish carrots eggplant Red winter radish garlic carrots peppers lettuce spinach lettuce edamame lettuce lettuce tomatoes tomatoes flowers garlic edamame lettuce flowers tomatoes tomatoes garlic spinach lettuce edamame

  6. Morning Glory, Sunflowers, marigolds, shisou, tomato Morning glory, sunflowers, marigolds Bee Hive deck

  7. North Side Garden 9 chives lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce marigold marigold lettuce

  8. North Side Garden 10 Blackberries carrots lettuce parsley marigold marigold flowers carrots thyme lettuce basil

  9. North Side Garden 11 Blackberries Raspberries marigold oregano 4 oclocks

  10. Deck Side Garden marigold lettuce garlic garlic onions garlic lettuce lettuce endive lettuce endive lettuce marigold

  11. West Facing Garden 13 Flowers thyme

  12. Mid back yard Garden 14 flowers flowers lettuce lettuce lettuce flowers flowers lettuce

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