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Implementing 3G Tiger Phone Services at FHSU: A Study on Best Practices for Future Cellular Infrastructure

This project aims to recommend 3G Tiger Phone services for Fort Hays State University, analyzing current industry trends and suggesting implementation methods. The team, supervised by Dr. Mark Bannister and sponsored by Michael Sisto from IBM, conducted research to enhance the educational environment at FHSU. They identified services suitable for students, faculty, and staff needs, addressing privacy concerns, advertising risks, and legal issues. Interviews with university personnel helped determine the most desired 3G/4G services for the Tiger Phone. Future research is proposed to develop business plans, address community issues, and handle technical aspects related to cellular services.

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Implementing 3G Tiger Phone Services at FHSU: A Study on Best Practices for Future Cellular Infrastructure

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  1. Making a 3G Tiger Phone a 2006 Reality Recommending cellular services for the future of Fort Hays State University May 13, 2005 1

  2. Agenda 1. Project Methodology 2. Current Industry Trends 3. Recommend 3G Tiger Phone Services at FHSU 2

  3. The objective of INT 490 is to study information networking problems associated with organizations using a collaborative team project. • The purpose of INT 490 (Capstone Seminar in Information Networking) class is to synthesize and evaluate the material learned throughout department classes. • Instructor • Dr. Mark Bannister, Chair of Information Networking & Telecommunications Department • Group Sponsor • Michael Sisto, Executive Consultant, IBM Wireless Broadband and Sensing Solutions • We remained in contact with Mr. Sisto during a weekly conference call. • Group Members • David Ashbaugh • Todd Bryant • Henry Mathis • Ryan Reed • Michael Richardson • Justin Tuxhorn 3

  4. Since 1902 FHSU has been recognized as a leading educational institution in Northwest Kansas. • FHSU is a fully accredited regional university that offers a wide variety of educational venues. • Virtual College distributes 500 course offerings to students throughout the world. • 4,760 on-campus students • 200 developed acres • 15 academic buildings 4

  5. FHSU plans on releasing a 3G Tiger Phone in the fall of 2006 pending administrative issues. • FHSU is currently in discussion with Alltel, Nex-Tech (Sprint), Unicel, and WestLink for exclusive contracts. • Administrative reasons for implementation: • Branded Tiger Phone would reduce the cost per customer for cellular phone service, providing an economic means for communication for the average college student. • Dorm phones and office phones will be replaced by cellular devices. 5

  6. The objective of this project identifies best practice services for the implementation of a 3G/4G cellular infrastructure at FHSU. • Focus on the last three parts of researching best practices: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. • This requires analyzing services that could be used by students, faculty, and staff at FHSU. • This necessitates synthesizing current services developed around the world and finding their value in this university setting. • Evaluate and recommend services that should be used to enhance the educational environment of FHSU. 6

  7. Future research will be necessary to create business plans, address community issues, and deal with technical aspects of current cellular services. • Community issues • Privacy concerns grow with banking information traveling over cellular networks. • Privacy questions exist with services like buddy lists and directory services. • GPS location is a part of 2.5G phones, but can be integrated into more services with innovative 3G and 4G applications that could allow tracking of students, faculty, and staff which raises significant questions about privacy. • Risks of advertising • There is always a balance to be drawn between over advertising and allowing some advertising. The 3G handset could be used to the extreme, spamming students with advertising. • Cost of implementation • As with any new project, the initial infrastructure will be expensive though much of that cost will be the carrier service which will be handled by the carrier. • Legal issues exist with regard to personal use of cell phones through a state organization. 7

  8. Our project methodology was to rank different best practices based on information gathered from students, faculty, and staff. • Student • Our team consists of FHSU students, which provides insight into what services could best be utilized by a FHSU classroom environment, the Hays community, and the overall college experience. • Faculty • The focus on faculty was to improve teacher and student interaction, especially during class as well as aid faculty in research and inter-faculty communication. • Staff • The focus on staff will identify services that can drastically improve the daily workings of staff. 8

  9. We conducted several interviews with FHSU faculty and staff to determine which 3G/4G services interested them the most. • Faculty • Dr. Mark Bannister • Mr. Joseph R Chretien • Mr. Kevin Shaffer • Dr. Elayne Shields • Ms. Jill Stafford • Staff • Mr. Mike Barnett (VP of Administration and Finance) • Mr. Joey Linn (Asst. VP for Student Affairs/Registrar) • Mr. Ed Howell (Director of Police and Security) • Mr. Roger Schieferecke (Director of Admission) • Dr. David Schmidt (Director of CTC) • Ms. Rhonda Tutak (University Card Center) • Mr. Tom Webb (Manager of Telecommunication Services) • Students • Kendra Alton • Cassie Blau • Kristopher Fickler • Ora Mayes • Christopher Swartz 9

  10. We used three key questions to identify services to implement on a 3G Tiger Phone. • What are the next great 3G/4G services students, faculty, and staff will each want on a cell phone? • Will these services enhance the educational experience at FHSU? • Do these services align with FHSU’s campus infrastructure and the current strategies of the university? 10

  11. Agenda 1. Project Methodology 2. Current Industry Trends 3. Recommend 3G Tiger Phone Services at FHSU 11

  12. FHSU can benefit from cellular carriers migrating from 2.5G to 3G infrastructures. • 2.5G • Allows for digital data and voice transmission. • SMS, also known as text messaging, is a driving service of 2.5G. • 40 - 60 Kbps connection speeds. • 3G • Allows for digital data, voice, and video. • Allows for SMS, IMS, and MMS. • Data Rates • 144 Kbps or higher in vehicular traffic • 384 Kbps while walking/running • 2 Mbps or higher for indoor traffic • Third generation cellular technology supports high-speed services for advanced cellular applications. Picture From: Cover of Broadband Wireless Communications - 3G, 4G and Wireless LAN (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 620) by Jiangzhou Wang 12

  13. FHSU should begin preparing for 4G networks that will provide advanced applications and higher data rates by approximately 2007. • Data rates of 20 Mbps and higher. • Video conferencing allows real time communication with two or more students, faculty, and staff at different locations. • Streaming audio/video gives students on-demand access to a variety of media. • 3-D Online Gaming will be transformed by the mobility 4G enables. 13

  14. Japan’s cellular carriers have already developed best practices for 3G that must be evaluated for FHSU. • One Japanese company that has played a major role in developing 3G/4G best practices is NTT DoCoMo, Inc. • NTT DoCoMo has created a large scale cellular network, Public Wireless LAN Service, that is accessible to the public. • Versatile Vending Machine is another service created by NTT DoCoMo that allows registered users to purchase from vending machines without cash. • Japan has also integrated a Video Mail Service that allows cell phone users to send small videos to each other. • NTT DoCoMo has started taking cell phones to the next level with the i-Mode Felecia; wherein the wallet is starting to be replaced by the cell phone. • Even though NTT DoCoMo is on the cutting edge of cellular technology there are other services that are widespread over different companies. • The ability to send a picture with a text message, multimedia messaging, has been incorporated throughout the cellular world. Information Gathered: http://www.nttdocomo.com/ 14

  15. The creation of new cellular services puts increased pressure on handset manufactures to improve the human interface and create a better form factor for new cellular devices. • Limitations • Small form factor (display) • Inefficient input interface • Cost of building a 3G/4G network • Future Improvements • Virtual keyboards • Higher quality chipsets • Increase in technology demand Pictures From: http://www.displayforum.de/markets.html http://personaltechpipeline.com/inthelabs/60407584 http://www.pdasoft.cz/modules.php?name=AvantGo&file=print&sid=841 15

  16. Agenda 1. Project Methodology 2. Current Industry Trends 3. Recommend 3G Tiger Phone Services at FHSU 16

  17. Because FHSU provides so many great services, we recommend that these existing services be bundled into a 3G Tiger Phone. • The Tiger Card currently acts a multipurpose identification card for campus services including: • Student Identification • A Commerce Bank debit card • Prepaid vending/copy/laundry card • Dining services card • Library check-out card • Blackboard is the classroom management and communication website currently used by FHSU including the ability to make classroom announcements and posting on a classroom website. • Emergency paging consists of 5 kiosks with an emergency button that signals the police to come to your location. • Student Web Services is a website designed to handle course schedules, university calendar, and personal information access. 17

  18. We recommend that several essential Tiger Card services should be integrated into a 3G Tiger Phone. • The Tiger Card’s identification function can be accomplished on the 3G Tiger Phone display. • The Tiger Card’s various money management services should be integrated into a 3G Tiger Phone to create a digital wallet. • We recommend that the library fine system, vending machine money, and debit card all be accessible through a single account to simplify campus transactions. 18

  19. FHSU should implement a range of new services with a 3G Tiger Phone, which will enhance existing Tiger Card services. • The handset will be able to give you Real-time account balance of your Laundry/Copy/Vending card money. • The cellular handset will have real-time updates of your laundry, which allows you to leave the facility and return when your laundry is finished. • Online Banking should be available on the 3G Tiger Phone through FHSU’s banking partner. • Digital coupons from local businesses sent directly to students’ handset would be an opt-in feature for students trying to save some money. • The authentication process with the handset can be used for building access privileges. For example, working in a academic building after normal hours. 19

  20. Innovative cellular services were categorized according to key FHSU themes. • FHSU’s 2003 Theme of Professional Commitment: High Tech – High Touch includes a vision for how technology integrates into this college campus. • High Tech • Computerized Residence Halls • Computerized Faculty • Computer Literate Students • High Touch • Small Class Size • Full Time Faculty • Personalized Advising Information Gathered: Ed Hammond’s 2003 State of the Campus address. 20

  21. Five key High Tech services should be implemented with the 3G Tiger Phone. • Emergency/Escort Help • Campus Radio/TV • Interactive Tour • Campus Information • Text Scanning 21

  22. We recommend that a 3G Tiger Phone be used to enhance emergency paging by collecting real-time video and data. • The current implementation of the emergency kiosk is merely a paging service and the person with the emergency is unable to speak to anyone. • Through a cellular handset, emergency kiosks can be extended to create a safer campus. • When activated the emergency kiosk would use GPS tracking to relay location based information to the officer on duty in the immediate area. • The on duty officer would also be able to view streaming video from the built-in video camera on the Tiger Phone. • Through the use of the Tiger Phone the student or faculty would be able to speak directly with the on-duty officer. 22

  23. Students should be able to listen to campus radio (KFHS) and download on-demand news broadcasts through their cellular handset. • Current Implementation • Today’s campus currently has an internet only broadcast radio station. • The on campus television station is only viewable through a shared medium over the local cable affiliate’s network. • Proposals to create a low-power FM station have been stalled due to cost and current legislative actions. • Audio and some video can be fully supported by 3G, but much of the video on-demand will be made possible with 4G. • 3G/4G Implementation • Students will be able to stream on-demand video and audio clips from the student produced newscast. • Listen to campus radio through an ear piece attached to the Tiger Phone. • The Tiger Phone would allow for students to readily listen to music and public service announcements (PSA). 23

  24. We recommend a demo Tiger Phone be handed out to prospective students during an interactive tour. • Through the use of GPS zones, specific information will be provided to the prospective student as they peruse the university campus. • Text messaging will provide prospective students with answers to any questions they have during the tour. • This service could be used by anyone trying to find directions to a particular spot on campus. 24

  25. Current students should be provided useful information based on their location to involve the student as they walk through campus. • A virtual librarian will text message any student as they enter the library to provide assistance. • As a student enters a building the student will be notified of activities that are either upcoming or currently taking place. • Examples of implementation would be: • Access to the cafeteria menu when a student walks into the Memorial Union. • Notification of upcoming plays when a student walks past Beach/Schmidt Performing Arts Center. • Integrate The University Leader, the campus paper, into this location-based service to notify student’s of articles pertaining to their particular position. • The FHSU calendar could be synchronized with the phone’s calendar. 25

  26. The ability to scan text from a handset should be implemented as a mobile method for transferring written information. • Scanning text would aid homework and studying by facilitating note reproduction that can be shared from phone to phone. • Text excerpts can be scanned from books instead of being forced to pay for photocopies. Retrieved From: http://www.ytlcommunity.com/commnews/shownews.asp?newsid=15546 26

  27. Four key 3G services are essential in order to achieve FHSU’s goal of High Touch. • Efficient Enrollment Process • Admissions & Recruiting Tool • Video Conferencing • Buddy Lists 27

  28. By implementing the 3G Tiger Phone, FHSU should employ a more efficient means of enrolling students. • The existing enrollment process at FHSU is a cumbersome and time intensive process for everyone. • FHSU offers a printed course catalog along with a online course catalog that is updated daily requiring significant down time. • Advisors are required to meet with each of their students to register for requested classes. • To drop a class, a student is required to attain a written and signed drop slip from their instructor and advisor. • 3G cellular technology can be used to create a better experience for enrolling students. • Students will be provided with a rating system that is built off of the teacher evaluations from previous semesters. • The registration process would allow for students to register electronically once they have contacted their advisor. • A preference system will allow a student to enter a cyber-waiting-list for classes that are already filled, and as they become available teachers will have the option to take new students from the list. 28

  29. FHSU should use a 3G Tiger Phone as a means of attracting more students. • The use of new and innovative technology will quickly draw students who are early technology adopters. • The INT department proves that technology attracts students as it is one of the fastest growing departments on campus. • Through a mailing list of prospective students, FHSU can send invitations to tour the campus from the 3G Tiger Phone. • At the time of acceptance to the university, the student will receive a message of acceptance. 29

  30. We recommend that when 4G video conferencing becomes available, FHSU should quickly adopt this technology. • Students can communicate with their advisors through video conferencing for various reasons, such as enrollment, personal issues, academia, and course assistance. • Video conferencing will allow virtual college students to communicate with their professors face to face. • Students unable to attend class can attend it virtually through streaming video on their handset. • Faculty-to-faculty communication would be improved by video conferencing instead of being restricted to email or traditional telephone. 30

  31. The use of customizable “buddy lists” is a service that we think should be implemented with the 3G Tiger Phone. • Directory services will allow students and faculty to find others based on classes, groups, departments, etc. • “Buddy Lists” will allow for logical grouping of people based on individual needs. • “Buddy Lists” that are created through the use of directory services will allow for broad communication between students and faculty. • Students could employ a “buddy list” when collaborating on large projects. • It will be possible to locate other buddies on campus and receive directions to their location. • “Buddy Lists” and address books can be synchronized with your personal computer. 31

  32. Implementation of the 3G Tiger Phone enhances the current FHSU theme of “Quality in Teaching.” • According to President Hammonds 2004 State of the Campus address, “Quality… is an inherent feature and a distinguishing attribute of a University. It represents accomplishment of a significant degree of excellence.” • Poll the class • Blackboard integration • Attendance Retrieved From: http://www.fhsu.edu/about/Quality04.ppt 32

  33. FHSU should implement cellular services that allow for a more interactive classroom environment by utilizing student feedback. • With cellular technology in the classroom the instructor can easily use a “poll the class” feature for various feedback. • Students can provide anonymous feedback to the instructor during class without being pressured by their peers. • By surveying the class, instructors can check for student comprehension during lectures. • Students will be able to take quizzes in class through their cellular handset saving time and paper. • Learning can be enhanced by the creation of classroom activities such as in-class quiz shows. • Polling the class allows for the instructor to more accurately determine a students participation grade. 33

  34. We recommend that cellular services be integrated with Blackboard to provide students with real-time updates. • Reminder notifications of homework assignments can be sent to students according to student needs. • A student will be able to receive notification of a project’s due date the night before. • Students will also receive a message concerning any new announcements, grades, or homework that has been posted. • It will be possible for students to post messages on discussion boards from their handset. • The cellular handset’s calendar can be synchronized with Blackboard’s calendar to eliminate traditional assignment packets. 34

  35. FHSU should implement an organized system for tracking classroom attendance that will be valuable to the faculty and FHSU. • Current Best Practices • Some professors at FHSU give participation grades based on attendance or deduct a letter grade for poor attendance. • Based on interviews with faculty, the largest drawback for calculating participation grades is the amount of time required. • 3G / 4G Implementation • Student’s attendance will be recorded based on GPS location. • Attendance scores will be electronically calculated throughout the semester. • Accurate monitoring will increase class attendance as students become aware of the service. • Quality in teaching requires more information about the classroom environment such as which courses are least and most attended. • Attendance statistics include information such as: the teacher, the class size, the time of day, the day of the week, and other known environmental factors. • This could be used for future research about ways to improve the classroom environment to find new factors affecting attendance. 35

  36. We propose that the 3G services in this presentation be implemented with FHSU’s proposed Tiger Phone. • Development of High-Tech, High-Touch, and Quality in Teaching services will be essential for creating the optimal Tiger Phone. • 3G services should be gradually phased in as they become more economically viable. • FHSU will need to reevaluate its Tiger Phone implementation as 4G services become available. 36

  37. Data is based on evaluations from group members. 37

  38. Complimentary Web Site: http://int.fhsu.edu/capstone2005/nxg/ 38

  39. Credits Team Leader: Todd Bryant Photography: Ryan Reed Michael Richardson Creative Director: Henry Mathis Web Master: Justin Tuxhorn Project Assistant: David Ashbaugh Special Thanks To: Michael Sisto Mark Bannister CTC Staff All Interview Participants 39

  40. We would like to thank you for your time and now open the floor for any questions or comments. 40

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