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Performance Analysis of MIMO Systems with IRM. By Junwu Zhang Xuefeng Zhao Bin Xue. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO)?. The use of multiple antennas at both ends of a wireless link promise significant improvements in terms of spectral efficiency.
Performance Analysis of MIMO Systems with IRM By Junwu Zhang Xuefeng Zhao Bin Xue Communication Theory
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO)? • The use of multiple antennas at both ends of a wireless link promise significant improvements in terms of spectral efficiency. • Do all transmitter antennas use orthogonal waves? No. • Does each receiver antenna receive signals from all the transmitters? Yes. • How to detect signals from different transmitters? • Different transmission paths have different fading (or independent fading). Communication Theory
Example of a MIMO System (1-user) Communication Theory
Performance Analysis • n transmit antennas • m receiving antennas • Cti is transmitted by transmitter i at time t • Rayleigh or Rician fading, quasistatic flat fading for l time slots,ai,jis the fading coefficient from i to j, complex Gaussian variable with mean E(ai,j ) & variance 0.5 per dimension • Constellation-independent • The signal received at antenna j at time t is a noisy superposition of the n transmitted signals: Noise is zero-mean complex Gaussian random variable with variance N0/2 Communication Theory
Performance Analysis For code words c and e in l time slots, assume c e. Assume the receiver has complete channel information, Communication Theory
Performance Analysis For code words c and e in l time slots, assume c e. • The distance between these two code words, Communication Theory
Performance Analysis Communication Theory
Performance Analysis Notice that: • Thus matrix A is Hermitian. • From linear algebra: • Unitary Matrix:VV*=I • For a Hermitian matrix A, there exists unitary matrix V and diagonal matrix D such that VAV*=D. The rows of V,{v1, v2, … vn} are a complete orthonormal basis of Cn given by eigenvectors of A. The diagonal elements of D are eigenvalues of A. • If A=BB*, eigenvalues of A are nonnegative. Communication Theory
Performance Analysis Let: bi,j are independent complex Gaussian random variables with variance 0.5 and mean E(bi,j). Let Ki,j= |E(bi,j)|2, |bi,j| areindependent Rician distributions with pdf: I0(.): Bessel function of the first kind. Communication Theory
Performance Analysis Since |bi,j| areRician distributions, solve for the average over Rician distribution of |bi,j| : For Rayleigh fading, E(ai,j) =0 and thus Ki,j= |Ebi,j|2=0 Communication Theory
Performance Analysis For Rayleigh fading, Eai,j =0 and thus Ki,j= |Ebi,j|2=0 Design Criteria for Rayleigh Space–Time Codes: • The Rank Criterion: In order to achieve the maximum diversity mn, the matrix B(c,e) has to be full rank for any codewords c and e. If B(c,e) has minimum rank r over the set of distinct pairs of codewords, then a diversity of rm is achieved. • The Determinant Criterion: Suppose that a diversity benefit of rm is our target. The minimum of the absolute value of the sum of the determinants of all of all principal r×r cofactors of A(c,e) taken over all pairs of distinct codewords c and e corresponds to the coding advantage, where r is the rank of B(c,e). Communication Theory
Performance Analysis For Rician fading with large SNR, Design Criteria for Rician Space–Time Codes: • The Rank Criterion: Same as for Rayleigh fading. • The Determinant Criterion: Suppose that a diversity benefit of rm is our target. The minimum of the following: over distinct codewords c and e has to be maximized. Communication Theory
Performance: Co-channel interference Vs. diversity gain and coding gain Can we improve the performance without introducing coding or bandwidth expansion? Yes. IRM: Interference-Resistant-Modulation IRM: Interference-Resistant-Modulation Communication Theory
R1 R1 R2 R2 Rn Rn Basic Idea Choose the rotation matrix R such that: • Increase the rank of B(c,e) over distinct code words; • Increase the determinant of B(c,e) over distinct code words; • One possible distance-preserving transformation is to multiply this matrix by an orthogonal matrix R. the optimal matrix R maximizes the fading resistance of the transformed constellation. Communication Theory
Example of Rotation(L=2,3) Communication Theory
Rotation Matrix for High Dimension Communication Theory
Transmitter structure for a multiuser system with IRM Communication Theory
Simulation Result (1)‘Distance Matrix Determinant’ Vs. ‘Rotation Degree’ • Best Rotation angle for n=2, m=1,L=2 θ1=26.6 degree θ2=63.4 degree Communication Theory
Simulation Result (2)(Bit Error Ratio Vs. SNR) • Use single user BER as baseline • When SNR increases, the BER of 2 users IRM with optimum rotation angle approaches the baseline Communication Theory
Simulation Result (3)(Optimum IRM Vs. non-optimum IRM) • Use single user BER as baseline • Optimum IRM performs better than non-optimum IRM Communication Theory
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