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Christ and Our Culture Wednesday Class Series Summer 2014 Week 10: All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy (Redo) On Rest, Pleasure, and Entertainment. August 6, 2014. Class description.
Christ and Our CultureWednesday Class SeriesSummer 2014Week 10: All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy (Redo)On Rest, Pleasure, and Entertainment August 6, 2014
Class description The purpose of this class is to present cultural beliefs and “truths” that may have been incorporated in the beliefs of the faithful. These cultural beliefs often have elements of Christian belief but do not stand when exposed to the light. The class approach will be to present a social topic, present the cultural view and then the Christ-like view. When these 2 views are in conflict, then the class will focus on ways to eliminate cultural view from our behavior. Because of the complexity of the topics and the short time frame, no topic will be covered in depth.
Class outline 6/4Introduction Personal statement of belief and bias; study of conflict 6/11Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness On the defense of both my and your rights 6/18Of the People, By the People, For the People On the role of government and political activism 6/25Till Death Do Us Part On marriage and sexuality
Class outline (part 2) 7/2 The Wealth of Nations On the accumulation and distribution of wealth 7/9 The One Who Dies With the Most, Wins On consumption and consumerism 7/16The Art of War On sovereign conflict, the military, and government service 7/23Give me Your Tired On the social outcasts and downtrodden
Class outline (part 3) 7/30All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy On work, rest, and entertainment 8/6All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy (Redo) On rest, pleasure, and entertainment 8/13We Have the Technology On science, witnesses, and the validation of truth 8/20I’m so Glad We Had this Time Together On unity based on love
Personal views and biases • I believe that the scripture is the revealed Word of God. • I believe that Jesus is the focus of the entire Bible (including the Old Testament). • I believe that our fundamental beliefs as followers of Jesus is that He is God, he came as Man, that He lived a sinless life, that He gave Himself as a sacrifice for the atonement of our sins, that He was resurrected from the dead, and that He is the only way to salvation.
More biases • I believe that the New Testament was written to the saved (i.e. the Church) not the lost. • I Corinthians 5: 9-13 • I believe that believers can misunderstand scripture when they alter God’s precision. • God’s command to Adam • Do not eat of the tree of KoGE • Eve’s repeat of the command • Do not eat and do not touch… • Trouble, trouble, trouble
And finally, even more biases • I am a fan of auto racing (NASCAR and IndyCar) as well as a fan of the University of Kentucky sports programs. • I also was reared on card games (especially Rook) and board games. • If it comes up, my formal education is a combination of private-secular (early grades) and public (middle grades through college)
Class authority • I have none except to select the topics and how to present them • I am flawed, opinionated, sinful, … • The authority is with God and scripture accurately represents His view • My goal is to best encourage each of us to examine our hearts and our beliefs, to examine scripture, and to faithfully and joyfully implement.
My encouragement • Bereans did not take Paul at his word but checked what he said against scripture • Acts 17: 11 • Neither accept or reject what I say without examining the scriptures.
Class dynamics and issue mitigation There are several very involved topics to be covered in a 1 hour class period so class time will be premium. However, • I am willing to discuss after class as long as I reasonably can • I am willing to attend other classes or life talks if you are interested in further discussions. • I am willing to regularly check my email for the duration of this class //centralfamily.org under Sermon MP3s Robert.L.Wade@knology.net
Review of week 9’s class on entertainment • I have received comments or questions challenging the statement that there are no godly examples of entertainment. • In the email responses back and forth, the question of pleasure arose in which I stated that I did not equate pleasure and entertainment. • After consideration, I am confident I have inserted both inaccuracy (error) and imprecision into my presentation and will now do again.
Radar jamming 101 Radar Jammer The jammer sends a signal that the radar can “hear” but at such a high power that it overwhelms the radar
And we understand this • Bright lights make us blind • Loud, high pitch noises make us deaf • Strong flavors can overwhelms more subtle tastes • Severe pain in one part of the body will cause one to not notice pain in another part • Strong odors can mask other scents
We are designed to be sensual • Our senses can do both of the following • Provide us information on our environment • Stimulate a pleasure • Sound of a mountain creek • Smell of cinnamon • Taste of salt • Feel of a cool breeze • Sight of a meadow of wild flowers
Entertainment and pleasure • The purpose of entertainment is to produce a sense of pleasure, either physically or emotionally.
Let’s look at some scripture • 1 Samuel 16: 14-23 • The playing of music was used by Saul to soothe him after being attacked by an evil spirit. • Zechariah 8: 1-7 • Restored (and possibly idealized) Jerusalem will have children playing • 1 Timothy 6: 17-18 • Everything provided for our enjoyment
Scriptural support for rest • I do not think that we consider rest as much as our actions (work). I am not sure that is wise. • Daily • Evenings (this is implied since it is not directly called rest in scripture) • Weekly • God rested on the 7th day (Genesis 2) and commanded his chosen people to do the same (Exodus 20) • Annually • Feasts (Leviticus 23)
It seems to me that • Scriptural rest implies reliance on God to keep His promises and provide • No manna gathering on the Sabbath • Scriptural rest implies a remembering of all that God has done for us • Feasts
Entertainment in our culture • Sporting events • Social media • Games • Television and movies • How much do we spend? • Money • Time • Passion • Conversation • Thoughts • Energy
It seems to me that our culture equates rest and entertainment • After the work day has ended • On the weekends • Vacations during the year
Stillness • 1 Kings 19: 1-18 • Psalms 46 • Habakkuk 2 I know it may be a stretch, but I am saying there is a strong relationship between rest and stillness
Summary • It seems to me that entertainment and rest are not even close to being the same even though our culture would say they are • Entertainment is a distraction, a noise, to prevent the hearing of God’s voice • Modern entertainment is like a radar jammer, designed to overwhelm in both volume and intensity to keep you from “hearing the still voice” • I am not against games and fun, but I believe that greater moderation of entertainment is good • And we should add stillness in our rest periods