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Graduate School of Natural and ApplIed ScIences (GSNAS) Rules and RegulatIons In Graduate EducatIon and PublIcatIon EthIcs. Prof. Dr.Canan Özgen Director of GSNAS METU February20 th , 20 1 4. WELCOME to METU. Gradute School of Applied and Natural Sciences , GSNAS. METU in 1956.
Graduate School of Natural and ApplIed ScIences (GSNAS) Rules and RegulatIons In Graduate EducatIon and PublIcatIon EthIcs Prof. Dr.Canan Özgen Director of GSNAS METU February20th, 2014
Gradute School of Applied and Natural Sciences,GSNAS GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
METU in 1956 President Kemal Kurdaş put an emphasis on the importance of • freedom and human rights, • the environment, • social sciences and social values. • created an university atmosphere full with joy and solidarities. • start to built the beautiful campus environment with its reputable architectural style. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
The first MS degree was appointed by Mechanical Engineering Department in 1961. In 1982, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences had been founded. Between 1961 and 1982, in 21 years 2839students graduated from MS Programs and 126 from PhD Programs. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Between 1960/61 and 2012/13Academic Years • 21899students graduated from MSDegree Programs of METU (3/4th =16284 from GSNAS) • 3258from the PhD programs of METU (%78 = 2520 from GSNAS) • ~1 800international students from 75different countries have graduated from different graduate programs. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
: at METU 50 Years in Graduate Education at METU 16.8.2014
World Reputation Rankings 2013 • According to the Times Higher Education "World Reputation Rankings 2012" results METU is selected among the top 60universities by reputation in world university ranking. "World Reputation Rankings 2013" is determined by academics from numerous universities all over the world. No doubt our graduates with their achievements contributed to METU’s reputation. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Nail Eren, Graduate of EE, METU, 1989 GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Total: 4759 Students (GSNAS), 2013-1 GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
for2013Number of Graduates of MS Programs: 583Number of Graduates of PhD Programs:153 GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
OUTLINE • Introduction • GSNAS, Rules and Regulations • Awards • Ethics • METU Honor Code • Good Practice and Conduct • Publication Ethics GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
MISSION The mission of METU GSNAS is to create conductive atmosphere for the preparation of graduate programs towards individual professional development by education in various fields (for career in teaching, research,industry, etc) with ethical standards. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
MISSION • GSNAS aims to mitigate, develop and improve interdiciplinaryprograms by enabling communication and coordination among disciplines with joint projects. • Strives for the enrichment of the interdiciplinary research activities to acquire METU the identity of a research universityand supports • partnership and collabrative projects with • industry, government and other countries. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Administrative Committee of GSNAS (AC-GSNAS) Name and Surname Department Prof.Dr.Canan Özgen CHE Prof.Dr.Gürsevil Turan PHYS (vice) Prof.Dr. Gülbin Dural EE (vice) Prof.Dr.Serkan Dağ ME Prof.Dr. İnci Batmaz STAT Prof.Dr.Ayşen Savaş ARCH GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Consultant: • Prof. Dr. Ayşe Karasu, PHYS TURNITIN GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
GSNAS Personnel GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
GSNAS Personnel GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
GSNAS Personnel GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
GSNAS Personnel GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
GSNAS (36 Departments) 11 Interdisciplinary Departments: • Archeometry, ARME • Bio-chemistry,BCH • Bio-technology, BTEC • Geodetic and Geographical Infor.Tech., GGIT • Polymer Science and Technology , PST • Cement Engineering, CEME GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
GSNAS (36 Departments) 11 Inter-disciplinary Departments: • Micro and Nanotechnology, MNT • Earthquake Studies, EQS • Bio-medical Engineering, BME • Earth System Science, ESS • Occupational Helth and Safety, OHS GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
MS to PhD For MS students to transfer to a PhD program (after BS), they must apply at the end of the 2ndsemester and fulfill the high success requirements specified for each program by the department administration. The minimum requirements for transfer are as follows: minimum CGPA of 3.00 in undergraduate the completion of a minimum of 6 courses (18cr.) minimum CGPA of 3.50 in MS program. When the masters CGPA is at least 3.80, the criteria related to the undergraduate CGPA is not required. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
PhD to MS Students who have been admitted to a PhD program with BS degree and have successfully completed a minimum of 7 courses can transfer to the MS program. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
ADMISSION TO THE DEFICIENCY PROGRAM (DP) (Article 15) • The Deficiency Program is administered for adaptation of students to the program they have applied for. The DP cannot be more than 18 credits. Duration is maximum two semesters... • The course program of a master's student who has been admitted to the DP is made up of undergraduate and graduate level (only 1/3 of total course number) courses. These courses cannot be substituted for the courses necessary for completion of the concerned MS program. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
c.The courses that a doctorate student in the DP must take during this program cannot be substituted for the courses necessary for the completion of the concerned doctorate program. d.Students attending the DP can take graduate courses besides deficiency courses on the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Department and approval of the AC-GSNAS in NI status. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
e. An MS DP student must maintain a CGPA of at least 2.50 and not receive a grade lower than CC in undergraduate courses and CB in their graduate courses in order to begin their regular graduate program. Doctorate students who have been accepted to the DP must maintain a CGPA of at least 3.00 and not receive a grade lower than CC in undergraduate courses and CBin their graduate courses to be accepted into the regular graduate program. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Success in courses • In MS programs course grades as CC and CB are considered as constrained success and below CC unsuccessful • In PhD programs course grades as CB is considered as constrained success and below CB unsuccessful GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
MASTER'S PROGRAM (Section 4) a)Master's program can be administered with thesis and without thesis. b) Transfer between Master's with thesis and Master's without thesis programs can be evaluated by the AC-GSNAS upon application of the student and the recommendation of the Department. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
MASTER'S PROGRAM WITH THESIS (Article 31) • A masters program with thesis is comprised of at least 7 courses, not being less than 21 credits, a seminar course and thesis studies. The normal period is 2 semesters and maximum period is 4 semesters to complete course work in a masters program with thesis. However, with the approval of their advisors, students can in subsequent semesters take additional departmental courses (under NI* status) with or without credits. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
The thesis supervisor for the student is proposed by the AC-GSNAS upon approval of the Department no later than the end of the student's second semester. Thesis supervisors are chosen from the full-timefaculty members and instructors. If the student's thesis subject requires more than one supervisor, a co-supervisor may be appointed. AC-GSNAS makes decisions about the appointment of the thesis supervisor, co-thesis supervisor and for their change. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Students must register for Thesis work (xx500) and the Specialization Field course(xx8xx) offered by her/his supervisor every semester following the semester, in which the supervisor is appointed. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Students, who complete the required course work and the seminar course but cannot complete the thesis work until the end of the 4th semester are given 2 additional semesters to complete the thesis work. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
A student may take undergraduate courses on the condition that the courses have not been taken during the undergraduate program. However, at most 2 of these courses may be counted to the Master's course load and credits. • On the recommendation of the Department Chairperson and with the approval of the AC-GSNAS, students may take graduate courses at other universities (maximum 2) to be counted towards their program requirements. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Maximum period (azami süre) to complete the Master's program with thesis is 6 semesters. The student must apply for his/her thesis defense at the end of 6 semesters. Only the jury can extend the duration for 3 months for the necessary improvements. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
MASTER'S PROGRAM WITHOUT THESIS (Article 35) • The minimum required course load is 10 courses and a semester project course which totals no less than 30 credit hours. The student must register for the semester in which they take the semester project course and give a written report at end of the semester. • By the end of the first semester, a supervisor for the student is proposed by the Department who gives advice concerning the course selection and the semester project. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Until the supervisor is appointed, the Department Chairperson is responsible for advising students concerning course work and issues related to registration. • Maximum period to complete the Master's program without thesis is 6 semesters. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Students may take undergraduate courses on the condition that the courses have not been taken during the undergraduate program. However, at most three of these courses may be counted to the Master's course load and credits. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
DOCTORAL PROGRAM (Section 5) • A doctoral program, for students who hold a MS degree, is based on • at least 7 courses, not being less than 21 credits in total, • a doctoral qualifying examination, • a thesis proposal and • thesis defense exam. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
DOCTORAL PROGRAM (Section 5) For those who have been accepted with a BS degree (D after BS), this program is comprised of • a minimum of 42 credits and 14 courses, • a doctoral qualifying exam, • a seminar, • a thesis proposal and • thesis defense exam. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
The maximum period to complete course workis 4 semesters for students holding a masters degree, and 6 semesters for students accepted with a BS degree. • The thesis supervisor for a doctoral student is proposed by department...approved by the AC-GSNAS no later than the beginning of the student's third semester... Supervisors are selected from the full-time faculty member (öğretim üyesi) holding a doctorate degree. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Students must register for the thesis studies (xx600) and the specialization field course (xx9xx) offered by their supervisor every semester following the semester in which the supervisor is appointed. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
DOCTORAL PROGRAM (Section 5) Doctoral program must be completed within 8 semesters by students who hold a MS degree and 10 semestersby students holding a BS degree. Students who have completed the required course work, passed the doctoral qualifying examination and whose thesis proposal have been accepted but could not complete the thesis work until the end of the 8th/10th semester are given a maximum of 4 additional semesters to complete thesis work. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Doctoral Qualifying Examination (Article 40) • ... The Doctoral Qualifying Examination is given to doctoral students holding a MS degree within their 5th semester, and to doctoral students enrolled with a BS degree within the 7th semester at the latest. • The Doctoral Qualifying Examinations are held twice yearly, in May and in November. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Doctoral Program • Maximum period (azamisüre) to complete the PhDprogram is 12 semesters. The student must enterhis/her thesis defense exam at the end of 12semesters. Only the jury can extend the duration for 6months for the necessary improvements. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Adaptation Procedures (SECTION 6) GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Article 19 • at any stage of graduate degree programs for two consecutive semesters or intermittently for more than three semesters or for those students who do not register, when they register again to the program for the completion, "Adaptation Procedures" apply the relevant provisions of the 6th Section. GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen
Unsuccessful students (MS with thesis) (Article 44) Within 6 semesters if • A student is not successful in the required courses/ • GPA<3:00/ • not entered thesis defense exam/ • student's thesis is rejected by the jury/ rejected after 3 months of extension GSNAS, METU, Canan Özgen