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沈阳顺风公司概况介绍 Introduction of Shenyang Shunfeng. 刘春峰. 一、 企业文化与价值观 Corporate culture and values. 顺风公司信奉的真理是:做不好人,就做不好企业;做人要讲品德,做企业必须讲诚信。
沈阳顺风公司概况介绍Introduction of Shenyang Shunfeng 刘春峰
一、 企业文化与价值观Corporate culture and values • 顺风公司信奉的真理是:做不好人,就做不好企业;做人要讲品德,做企业必须讲诚信。 • The truths which Shunfeng corporate espoused are the following: if you are unsuccessful in being an upright person, you will fail in running a company, too; we should to be a person who follows moral principles, and good conduct, our company must carries forward the spirit of high quality, and upstanding credit.
列举顺风公司一些营销理念:Some marketing philosophy of Shunfeng: 1、别把客户当上帝,就把客户当自己 (即换位思考,真正替客户着想。) Don’t regard customers as God, regard customers as ourselves (follow empathy principle, to be a considerate company to our customers) 2、客户不进货,顺风找差错 (假如你的产品质量好、价格适中、技术力量强、售后服务及时、沟通到位…,用户没有理由不跟你做生意。) If the old customers do not buy our products any longer, we should find out our own errors (If our price is reasonable, we are solid in technical force, opportune after-sales services, and also we are with good communication…, then there is no reason for the customers to buy products from other companies.)
3、把困难留给自己,把方便让给客户(为客户提供方便,让客户产生依赖感,他自然就成了你的忠实客户—因为别的竞争对手可能做不到。)3、把困难留给自己,把方便让给客户(为客户提供方便,让客户产生依赖感,他自然就成了你的忠实客户—因为别的竞争对手可能做不到。) Reserve difficulties for ourselves, offer convenient to our customers (offer convenient to our customers, let our customers to depend on us, they will become a faithful customer easily, because they couldn’t find a better service in other companies) 4、不仅要让客户满意,还要让客户感动(“满意”只是为客户提供了基本的服务,而给客户提供超出想象的服务更能让他惊喜!) Don’t only focus on customers’ satisfaction, we should let the customers be deeply moved (satisfaction is the duty which we should do, but if we can make customer touched and give them service which is higher than their imagination, they will be moved.)
5、打铁还需自身硬(企业只有练好内功,提高员工素质、业务能力、企业管理水平,不断创新和完善自我,才能在竞争中立于不败之地。)5、打铁还需自身硬(企业只有练好内功,提高员工素质、业务能力、企业管理水平,不断创新和完善自我,才能在竞争中立于不败之地。) Enterprise itself should be strong (enterprise should improve employees’ quality and the level of management, continuous innovation, perfect itself, in order to secure victories in the competitive market.) 6、在工作中享受成就与快乐;在付出中感受真情与回报 (工作是快乐的,享受工作就是享受生活;真情付出,才能在物质和精神上获得真正回报—鼓励员工勤奋敬业。) Enjoying achievement and happiness during the work; feeling the truth and reward in the giving
二、企业荣誉Enterprise honor • 1、辽宁省保温材料协会会长单位(隶属于辽宁省经委) • Heat Preservation Material Association Chairman Company of Liaoning Province (on attachment to state economic and trade commission of Liaoning province) • 2、辽宁省建筑节能保温协会会长单位(隶属于辽宁省建设厅) • Heat Preservation and of Building Energy Saving Association Chairman Company of Liaoning Province (on attachment to construction office of Liaoning province)
3、辽宁省建筑环保涂料协会会长单位(隶属于辽宁省建设厅)3、辽宁省建筑环保涂料协会会长单位(隶属于辽宁省建设厅) • Environmental Protection Coating of Building Association Chairman Company of Liaoning Province (on attachment to construction office of Liaoning province) (我公司刘春峰先生为以上三个协会会长) • ( Mr.Liu Chunfeng of our company is the chairman of the three associations above)
4、企业已通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证 • (Quality management system conformity with GB/T19001-2000 idt ISO9001:2000) • 5、获得AAA级企业信用等级 • (Enterprise Credit Grade Certificate AAA) • 6、2007年度辽宁省建材行业先进集体 • Advanced Group of Construction Industry of Liaoning Province in 2007
7、2008年度辽宁省保温材料行业先进单位 • Advanced Group of Heat Preservation Industry of Liaoning Province in 2008 • 8、2007年度巴斯夫丙烯酸乳液中国大陆最佳经销商。 • The best seller of BASF Company in Chinese mainland in the year 2007
三、公司中高层管理团队介绍 Managers’ introduction • 顺风公司从事化工建材行业的现有员工200多人,其中管理人员近10人,业务员30多人,技术人员10多人;大中专以上学历人员90多人。主要管理人员介绍: • We have more than 200 staffs in our company now, 10 managers, 30 sale persons, 10 technical persons, numbers of technical secondary school background and college background above is 90. Main managers’ introduction:
刘春峰:董事长,东北财经大学工商管理专业毕业,并留校任教师,从事企业工作已近20年。现主抓公司战略规划、发展方向、人才培养。刘春峰:董事长,东北财经大学工商管理专业毕业,并留校任教师,从事企业工作已近20年。现主抓公司战略规划、发展方向、人才培养。 • Liu Chunfeng: president, graduated from Northeast University of Finance and Economics, industrial and management apartment, ever he is a teacher of Northeast University of Finance and Economics after graduation, running the enterprise for about 20 years. Now his main duty is strategic planning, cultivate talents.
王子鹏:副总经理,原任国营造纸企业销售厂长,从事化工产品销售工作30多年,现主管公司原材料(保温原料、涂料原料)销售业务。王子鹏:副总经理,原任国营造纸企业销售厂长,从事化工产品销售工作30多年,现主管公司原材料(保温原料、涂料原料)销售业务。 • Wang Zipeng: vice general manager, national paper and pulp industry manager before, working in the industry more than 30 years, the head of sales and marketing now. • 邵敏:副总经理,主抓公司采购工作,现暂时休产假。 • Shaomin: vice general manager, the head of commodity purchase, she is on maternity leave. • 高爱民:副总经理,主管公司成品加工及工程施工。 • Gao Ainmin: vice general manager, the head of product processing and project construct .
吕会勇:技术负责人,主管公司原料检测部和技术服务部。吕会勇:技术负责人,主管公司原料检测部和技术服务部。 • Lv Huiyong: person in charge of technical, the head of raw materials testing and technical services. • 刘春江:哈尔滨分公司负责人,主抓外埠销售工作。 • Liu Chunjiang: person in charge of Harbin Branch operation, the head of out of town selling. • 张云伟:客服部(内勤销售部)负责人。 • Zhang Yunwei: the head of service department in sales associate. • 马宁:财务总监。 • Maning: Financial Controller • 范继涛、王海波、赵云鹏、张春博:大片区(省区)经理。 • Fan Jitao, Wang Haibo, Zhao Yunpeng, Zhang Chunbo : manager of every province in selling.
四、组织机构介绍(部门设置及业务分工)Organization structure of company 总经理 副总经理 销售部 客服部 技术部 检测部 加工部 工程部 采购部 仓运部 财务部 出纳室 人力资源部 后勤办公室 设备部
1、销售部:30多名销售员,分片区负责产品推销、企业宣传、技术讲解、生产和施工指导等工作。1、销售部:30多名销售员,分片区负责产品推销、企业宣传、技术讲解、生产和施工指导等工作。 • Sales Department: about 30 sellers promote the sale of products and give technical service in their own areas. • 2、客服部:接听客户订货电话,并配合外勤销售人员进行二次营销。 • Service Department: answer the phone call of customers, and cooperate with sales department. • 3、技术部:负责原材料检测把关,检测进货材料,配方调试,为客户提供技术咨询和服务。 • Technical Service Department: raw material testing and fills the product prescriptions, offer technical service to the customers. • 4、生产加工部:为有需要的客户提供成品代加工业务。 • Machining Department: doing products processing for the customers.
5、工程部:承接一些大型的、特殊的施工工程。5、工程部:承接一些大型的、特殊的施工工程。 • Construction Engineering Department: fulfill constructions • 6、仓运部:上门送货、货站配货、进出货装卸、仓库管理。 • Transportation Department: deliver the goods, goods distribution, loading and unloading goods. • 7、采购部:负责选购原材料。 • Commodity Purchase Department: choose the raw materials and purchase raw materials. Cooperate with technical Department. • 8、财务部:记帐、报税、收付款。 • Finance Department: keep accounts; declare dutiable goods, receipt and payment. • 9、其它部门:人力资源部、后勤办公室等。 • Other department: Human Resources Department, Office, Logistics Department.
五、公司发展大事记(列举)Great invents of company (examples) 1、2001年8月9日,沈阳顺风化工有限公司成立,开始在东北地区销售涂料原材料。当年销售额仅30多万元。 Shenyang Shunfeng Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. is found on August 9th 2001 , sell raw materials of coating in Northeast, the saleroom of 2001 is only 300,000 RMB. 2、2002~2003年开始接触保温行业,并陆续开始销售VAE乳液。 In the year 2002 to 2003, the company begins to do heat preservation and begin to sale VAE emulsion. 3、2004年取得日本诺普科(原德国汉高公司)涂料助剂东北地区代理权。 In the year 2004, the company begin to be the agent of Nopco.
4、2005年开始经销原科莱恩公司(现日本合成化学)可再分散乳胶粉、科莱恩公司(现德国信越)纤维素、罗门哈斯公司杀菌剂(LXE)、杜邦钛白粉。4、2005年开始经销原科莱恩公司(现日本合成化学)可再分散乳胶粉、科莱恩公司(现德国信越)纤维素、罗门哈斯公司杀菌剂(LXE)、杜邦钛白粉。 In the year 2005, our company begins to sell the re-dispersible emulsion powder of Clariant company( Japan Composite Chemical), cellulose ether of Shinetsu Chemical, bactericide of Rohm and Haas, titanium pigment of Du Pont. 5、2006年开始经销德国巴斯夫公司丙烯酸乳液,并于第二年获得最佳经销商奖。 In the year 2006, our company begins to sell the Acrylic emulsion of BASF, and became the best seller in 2007. 6、2006年取得美国伊士曼公司成膜助剂(TEXANOL)东北地区独家代理权。 In the year 2006, we became the sole agency of Eastman Texanol in Northeast
7、2007年获得德固赛(现赢创德固赛)色浆东北地区独家代理权。7、2007年获得德固赛(现赢创德固赛)色浆东北地区独家代理权。 In the year 2007, we became the sole agency of Degussa( Evonik Degussa) in Northeast of China. 8、2007年开始在东北地区经销美国塞拉尼斯VAE乳液。 In the year 2007, we begin to sell VAE emulsion of Celanese. 9、2008年开始经销台湾大连、天津科垣等厂家胶粉。 In the year 2008, we begin to sell re-dispersible emulsion powder of Taiwan Dalian, and Tianjin keyuan. 10、2008年原材料销售额近1.5亿元,较2001年增长400多倍。 In the year 2008, our saleroom is 1,500,000,000 RMB, it is 400 times of 2001.
六、目前经销的主要产品类别及供应商Main products and suppliers 1、水性涂料原料类(部分)waterborne coating raw materials
2、保温材料类 Heat preservation materials 公司还经销淀粉醚、憎水剂、减水剂、抗裂纤维等其他保温砂浆配套材料。 We have starch ethers, water repellent, water reducer and other products used in thermal mortar.
四、关于销售业务的介绍 Introduction of business • 1、销售覆盖范围及客户数量介绍 • The introduction of marketing areas and customers • 我公司现销售范围包括辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省及内蒙古东部地区(赤峰、通辽、乌兰浩特、海拉尔等市)。2008年有效进货客户2,000多家(含涂料和保温两个行业,有不少客户涂料、保温兼做)。 • The marketing areas of our company including Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and the east area of Inner Mongolia ( the cities including Chifeng, Tongliao, Wulanhaote, Hailaer). In the year 2008, the customers’ number is 2000(including coating and heat preservation).
2、销售及仓储基地 • Sales department and storehouse 公司营销总部设在沈阳市,另哈尔滨设有办事处和仓储库。其中沈阳仓储库面积3,800平米左右,哈尔滨仓储面积3,050平米左右。同时,公司正在大连和长春联系仓储地点,预计今年底前完成布局,形成沈阳、哈尔滨南北两个基地,大连、长春两个仓储库,四点一线的整体格局。 • The head office of sales department and storehouse is at Shenyang, and there is also a branch in Haerbin. The storehouse at Shenyang is about 3800 square meters, and the storehouse in Haerbin is about 3050 square meters.At the same time, our company is searching storehouses in Changchun and Dalian, we will finished it by the end of 2009, at that time, we will have four storehouse areas in the four cities.
3、物流配送介绍Introduction of transportation公司现有各类车辆近30台,内部设有自己的物流车队。200公里以内路程可以送货上门;远途用户的货物,送到各配货站发运。There are 30 goods vans in our company, if the customer is not far from 200 km away, we could transport the goods by our own van, if it is too far away, we will use freight depot to help us.4、销售程序介绍Introduction of selling process 外勤销售员推介产品→客服人员接听客户订单→出纳室开票及审核货款→调度派车装货→送货到客户厂内或由货站配货→售后跟踪或技术支持。 Introduction from sales men work done outside the office → customer service inside job to answer the phone call from customers and make the order form → accountant do the form and check the payment → dispatching the goods → transport the goods by our vans or using collection depot → technical service or after sales service
五、在东北地区行业内的优势总结 Advantages of our company in Northeast1、规模优势Advantage of economies of scale目前,在东北地区涂料、保温行业,顺风公司在资金投入、人员数量、客户数量及网络资源、销售量、商品档次、经销品种及配套等硬件指标上均占有绝对优势。Nowadays, we have advantages in the amount of investment, number of customers, number of employees, saleroom, products stander, kinds of products, supporting facilities and completed infrastructure in the coating and heat preservation industry.2、技术优势Advantage of technology顺风公司十分重视经销商品的质量以及对原材料的合理应用,公司购置了必要的产品检测仪器,并设立了自己的原材料检测实验室和成品检测实验室,从事产品检测、工艺配方研发、生产指导和技术咨询服务的人员有十几人。We have necessary testing facilities, and we have our own lad to test raw materials and products, and we have more than 10 persons who are professional in technology.
3、物流配送优势 • Advantage of transportation • 顺风公司几十台车辆的配送队伍,能够给客户提供方便快捷的配送货服务。 • The vans in our company, could offer goods fast to our customers. • 4、培训机制优势 • Advantage of trading • 每年三、四个月的专业技术培训是顺风公司的一大特色,目前公司已与辽宁省建科院和建研院等科研单位,沈阳化工学院、理工大学、建筑大学等大专院校,德国瓦克、德国巴斯夫、美国德固赛、美国伊士曼等供应商,以及生产及施工单位,建立了良好的培训交流关系,利用销售淡季,组织管理部门、销售部门全部员工进行培训,以提高员工的专业知识水平和业务能力。 • We have nice cooperation and exchanges relationships with construction science academy of Liaoning province, Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology, Shenyang Polytechnic University , and the BASF, Degussa, Eastman, when sales are slow( from November to March next year), we will do some trading to improve the employees’ ability.
5、员工敬业精神和服务意识优势 • Advantage of high spirits in respecting work • 顺风公司从管理层到普通工人,几乎都能做到加班加点、任劳任怨;几乎所有的员工都能做到对客户以诚相待、认真负责,这是公司的至胜法宝。 • In our company, from the managers to ordinary workers, we can working overtime every day, and have no complain; we have strong sense of responsibility, and give true love to others. • 6、信誉优势 • Advantage of reputation • 顺风公司对所有供应商的信誉承诺是:绝对不拖欠供应商一分钱;对客户的信誉承诺是:绝不卖假货,假一赔无限(即以全部的库存产品做赔偿)! • We promise to our suppliers: we will never fall behind in payment; we promise to our customers: we have no false article.
7、关联行业互补优势 • Advantage of industry situation • 顺风公司同时经销涂料原料和保温原料,二者生产和施工联系密切,施工一体化程度高,容易系统控制工程质量。当然对销售人员提高销售成功率也具有事半功倍的作用。 • Our company sale coating raw materials and heat preservation raw materials at the same, it has advantage in integration industry and quality, it also give convenience to our sale men. • 8、从业经验优势 • Advantage of experience • 顺风公司自2001年开始经销涂料原料、保温原料和防水原料,现已有八年多的时间,此期间公司锻炼了一批队伍,培养了一批销售和技术人才,探索出了一条营销管理模式,积累了一些行业技术经验,为未来的发展打下了坚实的基础。 • From 2001, we have 8 years’ experience in the industry, during these years, we have cultivated our employees, and already have our own type of management.
六、未来的发展规划 Development planning • 1、完善仓储网点布局: • Fulfill storehouses: • 公司将以沈阳、哈尔滨两地为中心,以长春、大连两 翼仓库为补充,尽快完成营销和仓储基地布局,努力做到发货无死角、销售无盲点。 • We have two main storehouses in Shenyang and Haerbin, and two assistant storehouses in Changchun and Haerbin, we will fulfill them as soon as possible. • 2、公司长远战略布局 • Long-term strategy: • 公司已在沈阳胡台新城开发区购置了100亩土地(67,000m2)、在哈尔滨江北呼兰区购买了25亩土地作为储备,为公司未来下一步发展,建立综合性的营销服务中心做准备。 • We have bought a 67000 square meters land to construct our own industrial building; it is a long-term strategy of our company.
3、营销侧重点规划 • Emphasis of sale: • 随着建筑节能政策的深入推广,外墙保温领域将会有更大的发展空间。我公司也会把经销的发展重点放在保温材料上,在人力、财力、物力、技术、服务等方面加大投入力度,力争取得更加辉煌的成绩。 • With the promotion of construction energy conservation policy, external heat insulating system has a bigger room to develop. So that we will give more emphasis to heat preservation industry.