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Research Infrastructures under FP7 and opportunities for marine sciences. Lorenza Saracco, DG RTD-B ERA: Research Programmes and Capacity Research Infrastructures Unit. ERA building blocks. Excellent research institutions and universities.
Research Infrastructures under FP7 and opportunities for marine sciences Lorenza Saracco, DG RTD-B ERA: Research Programmes and Capacity Research Infrastructures Unit
ERA building blocks Excellent research institutions and universities Well-coordinated research programmes and priorities (joint programming) Single labour marketfor researchers European Research Area World-class research infrastructures Opening to the world through international cooperation in S&T Effective sharing of knowledge
Importance of Research Infrastructures for Europe • At the core of the Research, Innovation, Education triangle • Extending the frontiers of knowledge • Supporting industrial innovation • Exchanging and transmitting knowledge • Training the next generation of top researchers • For their construction and operation: A European market of 9 billion Euro per year, with an annual growth of 5.5%
Objectives of the CommunityResearch Infrastructures actions • Optimising the use and balanced development of the best existing research infrastructures in Europe • Helping to create in all fields of S & T new research infrastructures of pan-European interest needed by the European scientific community • Supporting programme implementation and policy development (e.g. international cooperation)
Definition of Research Infrastructures • Facilities, resources, and related services usedby the scientific community for • Conducting leading-edge research • Knowledge transmission, knowledge exchangesand knowledge preservation • Includes • Major scientific equipment • Scientific collections, archives and structured information • ICT-based infrastructures • Entities of a unique nature, used for research
Share of RIs Built or Upgraded between 2001 and 2006 34,9 34,9 Biomedical and Life Sciences 30,0 36,7 Computer and data treatment 18,8 44,7 Material Sciences 16,7 45,1 Environmental, Marine, Earth Sciences 9,0 51,3 Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics 35,3 23,5 Social Sciences 19,1 36,2 Engineering 18,8 34,4 Humanities built within these 5 years 3,3 36,7 Energy built before 2000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 but upgraded since then % RIs Research Infrastructures’ pattern is rapidly evolving in Europe
From Globally unique to regionally distributed; Many stakeholders (from ministries to researchers) Underlying and growing use of e-infrastructures; Opportunities but difficulties of interaction between basic research and industry… Lack of funding (public and private); Single countries do not have the critical mass or dimension; need to cooperate… Europe is faced with a wide spectrum of research infrastructure issues
ESFRI E urope an S trate gy F orum o n Research Infrastructures RI policy at EU level has no other choice than continuing reinforcing coordination • At EU level, • At national and regional, • At “variable geometry”, • At global level… This explains the importantrole of ESFRI and others…
Towards a coherent policy for Research Infrastructures: ESFRI • A European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (launched in April 2002) • Brings together representatives of the 27 Member States, Associated States, and one representative of the European Commission (EC) • To discuss the long term vision at European level and to support the development of a European RI policy • A Roadmap Report with 44 projects • Worth ~20 B€ investments over the next ~10 years
Example: 7 pan-European projects identified to serve environmental Sciences in the 2006 ESFRI roadmap Report 2006 IAGOS-ERI AURORA BOREALIS EMSO LIFEWATCH EURO-ARGO European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures March 2009
Few more projects identified in the 2008 roadmap update, for example… Report 2008 EISCAT – 3D EPOS SIAEOS EMBRC European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures March 2009
Existing Infrastructures New Infrastructures Design studies Integrating activities ESFRIRoadmap Construction (preparatory phase; construction phase) e-infrastructures Policy Development / Programme Implementation FP7 Research Infrastructures actions
Preparatory phase projectsfor the Construction of New (or major Upgrade) of Pan European Research Infrastructures • To provide a framework facilitating decision-making between partners from different countries • Work targeted at resolving bottlenecksand addressing most of the critical issues (legal, financial,..) that need to be resolved to allow the project moving forward • Technical work also possible but cannot be the core of the preparatory phase
Member States Stakeholdersincl. EIROs European Commission Inclusion in national Programmes Inclusion in Specific RTD Programme(s) Inclusion in other DGs strategic plans Projects EIB RSFF Preparatory Phase facilitating financial engineering for new research infrastructures 34 of the 35 ESFRI projects supported
Integrating Activity in FP7 • Continuation of the successful FP6 instrument “I3” • 3 to 10 M€ (15 M€ in exceptional cases) • up to 4 years • Collaboration ofexisting researchinfrastructures • Normally all major RI’s in Europe in one field • At least 3 MS or AS • Three types of activities are obligatory in one project • Networking Activities • Trans-national Access and/or Service Activities • Joint Research Activities
Trans-national Access and/or Service activities • Providetrans-national accessto researchers or research teams to one or more infrastructures among those operated by the participants • "Hands on" access • Remote access: provision of reference material, sample analysis… Remote access to distributed infrastructures: “trans-nationality” will not apply • Provide research infrastructures relatedservicesto the scientific community • Access to scientific services freely available through communication networks, e.g. databases available on the web
Trans-national Access and/or Service activities (cont’d) • Specific provisions fortrans-national accessactivities are defined in Annex III to the GA • Access costs = unit cost x quantity of access provided (will not exceed 20% of costs of providing total access to the installation over the duration of the project) • An estimated unit cost will be specified in Annex I • EC financial contribution will be adjusted in the final financial statement (Form C) based on real UC • Specific provisions foraccess to servicesfreely available on Internet are defined in SP 17 • EC financial contribution for access costs will not exceed 20% of operating costs incurred over the duration of the project • the services offered must beassessed periodically by an external boardof international experts in the field, appointed by the project and approved by the Commission.
FP 7 future calls0verall strategy • Three calls for proposals for 2010-2013 • A targeted approach • For each of the calls, a list of defined topics • Each topic corresponding to one project, e.g.: "Research Vessels", "Virus archives", "Historical archives“… • More topics will be published than can be funded to ensure competition
Identification of topics A draft list of topics, based on: • Scientific landscapes established by ESFRI RWGs • Published national roadmaps (DK, FR, IE, NL, NO, ES, SE, UK; as well as third countries such as AU, USA) • Other policy documents (CERN, SCAR, etc.) • Currently funded I3/Integrating Activity projects and Coordination Actions (FP6 and FP7) • Input from last bottom-up calls • A one-day workshopwith 40 high-level experts • Further inputfrom other directorates / DGs / Programme Committee
Outcome of the work • 79 topics in 6 fields…divided in three calls • Environmental sciences and non nuclear energy • Life sciences • Mathematics, computer-related sciences, data • Social sciences and humanities • Physics, astronomy, nuclear / particle physics • Analytical facilities and engineering • Environmental sciences and energy • 16 topics environment, 7 topics energy: 29% of the total of the number of topics!
Distribution of the topics between calls Call A (WP 2010) Published Jul. 2009 Call B (WP 2011) Autumn 2010 Call C (WP 2012) Jan. 2012 Budget:~90 M€ Budget:~ 100M€ Budget: ~ 160 M€ 23 topics Expected number of funded projects: ~ 12 35 topics Expected number of funded projects: ~ 18-20 21 topics Expected number of funded projects: ~ 10
WP 2010 (call A): environment • Topics for new communities (I3) include: • Long-term ecosystems research network of sites and experimental platforms, for multidisciplinary research and data collection • RI for polar research: interdisciplinary observation and monitoring stations including atmospheric, terrestrial and marine studies • RI for coastal research, including for integrated coastal zone management and planning • RI for water resource observation, water resource management, hydrological observation
WP 2011 (call B): environment • Topics with existing I3 projects in the RI program • Multidisciplinary ocean, marine & coastal data centres • RI for carbon cycle observation • Topics for new communities : • Observatories and data centres for biodiversity research WP 2012 (call C): environment I n d i c a t i v e • Topics with existing I3 projects in the RI program • Research vessels • Integrated marine stations supporting research on aquatic ecosystems based on mesocosm studies • RIs for earth systems modelling
RIs for Marine sciences FP6-FP7 projects Geo-Seas 4.9 m€ Assemble 8.7 m€ More than 52 M€ FP7 I3 Eurofleets 7.2 m€ Mesoaqua 3.5 m€ Upg BlackS.Scene 3.4 m€ Euro Argo 3 m€ FP 7 PP Aurora Borealis, 4.5 m€ EMSO 3.9 m€ FP6 I3 SeaDataNet 8.7 m€ FP6 CA BlackSeaSCENE, 2 m€ FP7 - Call B: IA CeMACE 1 m€ FP6 CNI/DS FP7 - Call A: PP/IA DesignAct 0.5 m€ 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Conclusions • Research Infrastructure action support to Marine sciences • Well represented in the ESFRI roadmap • FP7 funding of 3 « Preparatory Phase » projects and more projects to come in the next call • FP7 funding of 4 « Integrating Activity » projects and one « e-Infrastructure » project • Future IA topics for the next FP7 calls for proposals
For further information • Research Infrastructures in Europa http://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures • ESFRI on CORDIS http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/ • FP7 and Capacities Specific Programme http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities/ • Research Infrastructures on CORDIS (FP6) http://cordis.europa.eu/infrastructures/