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Overview of the SP8-GDH T.Iwata

SP8-GDH collaboration meeting Nov.23.2002 @RCNP. Overview of the SP8-GDH T.Iwata. What’s going on in the collaboration? What is the status in SPring-8?. In the collaboration I. Miyazaki Drawing of the vacuum chamber for the purifier  Iio Circular polarization of LEPS beamToi

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Overview of the SP8-GDH T.Iwata

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  1. SP8-GDH collaboration meeting Nov.23.2002 @RCNP Overview of the SP8-GDHT.Iwata What’sgoing on in the collaboration? What is the status in SPring-8?

  2. In the collaboration I • Miyazaki • Drawing of the vacuum chamber for the purifier  Iio • Circular polarization of LEPS beamToi • Gas Cherenkov counter  Matsuda • Nagoya • irradiation of CH2/CD2 for PT  Wang • pol. CD2 target for dd fusion  Kobayashi • KEK • Modification of the Cryostat

  3. In the collaboration II • Yamagata • Study of the inner gamma detector on the idea of Prof.Igo  Moriya • test of the 3He purifier  Iio • Construction of new laboratory for PT • 2 cranes(1 ton) with XY movement • construction complete in the end of March 2003 • Equipments for PT at Nagoya to be transported • Nagoya-PT magnet to be moved into the lab. • Electric power and cooling water system should be prepared in future

  4. In the collaboration III • Melbourne • Inner detector • Proof of Principle Detector tested with RI • the report  Iwata • Geso visited Yamagata • UCLA • plastic scinitillator bars with triangle cross-section sent to Yamagata for basic tests

  5. Status of SPring-8 • Data taking using the LEPS spectrometer with the deuteron target since September

  6. Budget requests I • T.Iwata • kakenhi:kibann-B(GDH exp. at SP8) 20 M yen/3 years • kakenhi:houga(scin. fiber pol. target) 5M yen/1 year • JSPS collaboration program • Japan-Australia 5M yen/2 years • Japan-US 5 M yen/2 years • Japan-Germany 5 M yen/2 years • Tore foundation (for COMPASS) 50 M yen/5 years

  7. Budget requests II • N.Horikawa • kakenhi: kiban S : 50 M yen ? (COMPASS, SP8, PT) • gakujutu-sousei: 100 M yen (COMPASS, SP8,PT) • Melbourne • Application submitted for construction of ID • no good news

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