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APELSCIDLA Board Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers & Landscape Architects. History of the Board Board Members Board Staff. Overview of the Board. History of the Board.
APELSCIDLA BoardVirginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers & Landscape Architects
History of the Board Board Members Board Staff Overview of the Board
History of the Board The APELS Board was created in 1920. Landscape Architects joined in 1980 and Interior Designers joined in 1990 – creating the acronym “APELSCIDLA”!
The APELSCIDLA Board • Thirteen member Board • Examines, licenses, certifies and regulates • Approximately 36,000 Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Landscape Architects and Certified Interior Designers and related businesses in Virginia
James R. Boyd - Arch Michael F. LeMay – Arch J. Everette “Ebo” Fauber, III, (Vice Chair)-Arch Nico De Léon – PE Stanley C. Harris, Sr. – PE Wiley V. “Bif” Johnson, III – PE Board Members – § 54.1-403 of the Code of Virginia
John R. McAden – LS Nancy E. McIntyre (Chair) – LS W. R. Stephenson, Jr. – LS Vaughn B. Rinner – LA Andrew M. Scherzer - LA Lorri Finn – CID Cameron C. Stiles – CID Board Members – § 54.1-403 of the Code of Virginia
Kate Nosbisch, Executive Director Marian Brooks, Program Manager Amy Goobic, Administrative Assistant LICENSING STAFF: Sheree Dean, Office Manager Tonia Burrell Joan Leonard Ramona Norris Toni Spencer Jennifer Wynn Board Staff
The Board’s web-site contains the following: Statutes and regulations Contact information Board meeting dates, agendas, and meeting minutes Pending regulatory actions Applications and newsletters Exam information www.dpor.virginia.gov Board’s Web-Site
Levels of Regulation Definitions Exemptions Use of Seal Disciplinary Actions Overview of Licensing
Levels of regulation pursuant to §§ 54.1-300 and 311 of the Code of Virginia: Licensure (aka Practice Act); Certification (aka Title Act); and Registration (no attestation as to minimal competency) Levels of Regulation
Architect: "Architect" means a person who, by reason of his knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences, and the principles of architecture and architectural design, acquired by professional education, practical experience, or both, is qualified to engage in the practice of architecture and whose competence has been attested by the Board through licensure as an architect. Professional Engineer: "Professional engineer" means a person who is qualified to practice engineering by reason of his special knowledge and use of mathematical, physical and engineering sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design acquired by engineering education and experience, and whose competence has been attested by the Board through licensure as a professional engineer. § 54.1-400 of the Code of Virginia Definitions
Land Surveyor: "Land surveyor" means a person who, by reason of his knowledge of the several sciences and of the principles of land surveying, and of the planning and design of land developments acquired by practical experience and formal education, is qualified to engage in the practice of land surveying, and whose competence has been attested by the Board through licensure as a land surveyor. (See § 54.1-408 for Land Surveyor B) Certified Interior Designer: "Certified interior designer" means a design professional who meets the criteria of education, experience, and testing in the rendering of interior design services established by the Board through certification as an interior designer. § 54.1-400 of the Code of Virginia Definitions
Certified Landscape Architect: "Certified landscape architect" means a person who, by reason of his special knowledge of natural, physical and mathematical sciences, and the principles and methodology of landscape architecture and landscape architectural design acquired by professional education, practical experience, or both, is qualified to engage in the practice of landscape architecture and whose competence has been attested by the Board through certification as a landscape architect. “Landscape Architect” is also a restricted term pursuant to § 54.1-409. § 54.1-400 of the Code of Virginia Definitions
The "practice of engineering" means any service wherein the principles and methods of engineering are applied to, but are not necessarily limited to, the following areas: consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning and design of public or private utilities, structures, machines, equipment, processes, transportation systems and work systems, including responsible administration of construction contracts. The term “practice of engineering” shall not include the service or maintenance of existing electrical or mechanical systems. § 54.1-400 of the Code of Virginia Engineering
Renewals automatically mailed to address of record . Reinstatement period is unlimited. If a regulant reinstates, it is as if they never had a gap in licensure, certification, or registration. Renewal & Reinstatement
There are several exemptions contained in law : § 54.1-401 exempts certain actions from licensure (also includes provisions for incidental work); § 54.1-402 exempts certain individuals from licensure (however, if a regulant performs such work, they are required to sign and seal the work); and § 54.1-402.1 exempts certain state and local government employees from licensure requirements under certain conditions (also see the provisions of § 54.1-406 D & E). APELSCIDLA Exemptions…
§ 54.1-406 License Required A. Unless exempted by § 54.1-401, 54.1-402, or 54.1-402.1, a person shall hold a valid license prior to engaging in the practice of architecture or engineering which includes design, consultation, evaluation or analysis and involves proposed or existing improvements to real property. Unless exempted by § 54.1-402, any person, partnership, corporation or other entity offering to practice architecture, engineering, or land surveying without being registered or licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, shall be subject to the provisions of § 54.1-111 of this title. Any person, partnership, corporation or other entity which is not licensed or registered to practice in accordance with this chapter and which advertises or promotes through the use of the words "architecture," "engineering" or "land surveying" or any modification or derivative thereof in its name or description of its business activity in a manner that indicates or implies that it practices or offers to practice architecture, engineering or land surveying as defined in this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of § 54.1-111. License Required…
18VAC10-20-760 Use of Seal • The application of a professional seal indicates that the professional has exercised direct control and personal supervision over the work to which it is affixed.
If the original professional of record is no longer employed by the regulant or unable to seal the work, that work may be sealed by another professional, but only after a thorough review of the work to verify it has been accomplished to the same extent that would have been exercised if the work had been done under the direct control and personal supervision of the professional affixing the seal. Use of Seal (cont.)
Total of 12 cases: December 2005 - June 2008 Violations Include: Signed/sealed letter on letterhead of unlicensed engineering company with which he was not employed. Action in Another State – 2. Submitted drawings that were unsealed, unsigned and undated. Cheated on NCEES Engineers Exam. Disciplinary Actions
Entered into an agreement; failed to complete the jobs required in the agreement. Failed to notify the Board of license revocation in another state – 2. Submitted plans not marked as “incomplete”, “advance” or “preliminary work.” Disciplinary Actions (cont.)
Felony conviction resulting in revocation in another state. Stamped plans prepared by unlicensed individual not under his direct control and personal supervision. Placed his seal on work of another regulant in another state without permission (also, did not date stamp plans, did not have direct control or personal supervision of the calculations he stamped and signed, implied by stamping and sealing plans that he had a business relationship where one did not exist). Disciplinary Actions (cont.)
Sanctions Included: Fines ranging from $150 to $3,000 Required continuing education courses Probation Banned from PE Examination for a 4-year period Revocation of license Disciplinary Actions (cont.)
Who? What? Where? When? Why? Overview of Continuing Education
WHO? Architects Professional Engineers Land Surveyors Landscape Architects (effective July 2010) Basically, all licensed professions under the APELSCIDLA Board. Overview of Continuing Education
WHAT? Section 54.1-404.2 of the Code of Virginia requires completion of the equivalent of 16 hours per biennium of Board approved continuing education activities. The regulations are drafted broadly to allow licensees the flexibility to meet continuing education requirements through a variety of methods as long as the coursework falls within the regulation 18VAC10-20-683.C. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? Reg 18VAC10-20-683.C.1 – CE activities must: Be related to the practice of the profession of the license being renewed. Have a clear purpose and objective that will maintain, improve, or expand the skills and knowledge relevant to practice. NOTE: The regulations do not preclude acceptance of CE from other states or federal agencies, or for profit or non-profit sponsors, as long as the requirements of 18VAC10-20-683 are met. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? May be in areas related to business practices such as: - project management - risk management - ethics NOTE: CE credit hours are valid only during the two year period prior to license expiration date. There is no allowance for carry-over of CE credit hours. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? Curriculum must be consistent with the purpose and objective of the CE activity. Sponsors must have sufficient resources to provide the CE activity and provide documentation of completion to those who successfully complete the CE activity. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? Instructors must be competent in the subject being taught, either by education or experience. Fifty contact minutes shall equal one CE credit hour. For segments less than fifty minutes, the sum of the segments may be totaled for computation of CE credit hours for that one CE course or activity. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? One semester credit hour of approved college credit equals 15 CE credit hours. One quarter credit hour of approved college credit equals 10 CE credit hours. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? Self-directed activity must have an assessment by the sponsor at the conclusion to verify the individual has achieved the purpose and objective of the activity; credit will not be awarded if the individual has not passed the assessment. CE credit will not be granted for serving as an officer in an association or serving on a committee. CE credit will not be granted for community service, “Career Day”, or other lay presentations. CE credit will not be granted for authoring papers or articles for magazines or journals. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? Licensee may be granted credit for the initial development or substantial updating of a CE activity. Credit may be received for the initial teaching of a course that otherwise meets the requirements at twice the amount of credit that students of the course would receive. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? Additional credit for subsequent offerings of the course or activity with the same content will not be permitted. Licensees will not receive credit for completing the same CE activity with the same content more than once during the license period immediately prior to the expiration date of the license for renewal. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? Licensees will not receive credit for completing the same CE activity with the same content during the two years immediately prior to the date of receipt by the Board of a reinstatement application. Only CE activities completed during the license period immediately prior to the expiration date of the license shall be acceptable in order to renew. NOTE: Submission of CE documentation is NOT required for renewal. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? CE activities utilized to satisfy the CE requirements to renew a license shall be valid only for that renewal. Individuals shall maintain records of completion of CE activities that comply with the requirements for three years from the date of expiration of the license. Individuals shall provide documentation of CE to the Board or its agents upon request. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? CE activities used to renew for a preceding license cycle shall not be accepted for subsequent renewal or reinstatement. When applying for reinstatement, evidence of compliance with CE requirements shall be included with the reinstatement application package. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? CE activities submitted in support of reinstatement shall not be more than two years old as of the date a complete reinstatement application is received by the Board. CE activities submitted for reinstatement shall only be valid for that reinstatement and shall not be applied towards subsequent renewals or reinstatements. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? The Board may conduct a random audit of licensees to determine CE compliance. Licensees selected for audit shall provide documentation of all CE utilized to renew the license within 21 calendar days of receiving notification of audit. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? 18VAC10-20-687 Exemptions and Waivers Board may grant exemptions or waive or reduce the number of CE activities required in cases of certified illness or undue hardship. Such exemptions, waivers, or reductions shall not relieve the individual of their obligation to comply with other requirements of this chapter. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHAT? 18VAC10-20-790 Sanctions Board may discipline or sanction, or both, any license holder who fails to comply or misrepresents any information pertaining to CE requirements. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHERE? There is no requirement that CE activities must take place in Virginia. There is no requirement that CE activities be in a formal classroom setting. There is no requirement specifically addressing what types of CE courses or activities must be completed. Licensees located not only in Virginia but worldwide have the flexibility to meet CE requirements in a variety of settings. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHEN? Continuing Education Regulation 18VAC10- 20-683 went into effect April 1, 2009; there is a 12 month delayed enactment clause. Therefore CE will be required for all licensees renewing or reinstating on or after April 1, 2010. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)
WHEN? Licensees were notified by the Board in Vol. 25 of its Spring 2006 Newsletter, Dimensions. Licensees were again notified by the Board via postcard mailed US Mail, March 2008. Licensees were again notified by the Board in Vol. 26 of its Fall 2008 Newsletter, Dimensions. Licensees were notified by the Board via postcard mailed US Mail, March 27, 2009. Overview of Continuing Education(cont.)