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K-2 ELA Common Core State Standards . Overview of Standards for Literature, Informational Text & Language Revised CCSS K-2 Report Card Job Alike #4 3:00 – 4:30 & 3:45 – 5:15. Content and Language Objective. Content Objectives
K-2 ELA Common Core State Standards Overview of Standards for Literature, Informational Text & Language Revised CCSS K-2 Report Card Job Alike #4 3:00 – 4:30 & 3:45 – 5:15
Content and Language Objective Content Objectives • Teachers will analyze the Common Core standards for Language • Teachers will become familiar with the Reading Standards-Literature and Informational Text • Teachers will identify the changes in the Revised CCSS K-2 Report Card and how each item reflects the Common Core State Standards • Teachers will identify assessments to be used to evaluate academic performance on report card items Language Objectives • Teachers will read, write and discuss as they - familiarize themselves with the standards for Language, Reading-Literature and Informational Text - examine the revised report card items and assessments
Standards for Language Table Activity: 30 minutes • Choose a recorder • Read the standards in your assigned section and write a group summary. • Grammar • Capitalization, punctuation and spelling • Vocabulary Acquisition & Use • Locate instruction in your Scott Foresman TE and Writing Units of Study and complete the graphic organizer • Share Out: Carousel Activity
Share Out: Carousel Activity Directions for Carousel Each group will… • Share completed Language Standards Activity page • Select one person to remain at the identified location to share summary of the Language Standards and instruction with visiting groups • Rotate through locations to learn from the work of other groups
Standards for Literature & Informational Text • All 10 standards for Literature & Informational Text define what students should understand and be able to do by the end of each grade • The new comprehension item on the report card reflects all 20 standards (Literature & Informational Text) Kindergarten: “With prompting and support, demonstrates comprehension of narrative and informational read alouds Grades 1 & 2: “Reads and understands grade level narrative and informational text.”
CCSS K-2 Report Card • Committee of teachers representing all regions of the district aligned K-2 report card to the Common Core State Standards in spring of 2012 • Format, grading and effort keys and number of reporting items remain the same • Report card headings reflect the CCSS strands - Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening and Language • Spelling, grammar and punctuation are now under Language ( formerly under Writing)
K-2 CCSS: Report Card Comparison Partner Activity: 25 minutes • Complete the graphic organizer: Where is the new item found in the standards? How is the item new or different? • Brainstorm assessments that you can use for each item
Content and Language Objective Content Objectives • Teachers will analyze the Common Core standards for Language • Teachers will become familiar with the Reading Standards-Literature and Informational Text • Teachers will identify the changes in the Revised CCSS K-2 Report Card and how each item reflects the Common Core State Standards • Teachers will identify assessments to be used to evaluate academic performance on report card items Language Objectives • Teachers will read, write and discuss as they - examine the revised report card items and assessments - familiarize themselves with the standards for Language
PSU Credit Update… • Course description and syllabus • Orientation to PPS Connect site • Registration isn’t required until the Spring, however assignments start in January • 2 PSU credits can be earned-$55 dollars a credit-$110 total • Payment isn’t required until the summer