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RTSC Team Manager Responsibilities. What does a team manager do?. Send email reminders Manage player passes Pay referees Game Card Management Manage team website Coordinate team registration Coordinate uniform ordering Create and maintain contact list
What does a team manager do? • Send email reminders • Manage player passes • Pay referees • Game Card Management • Manage team website • Coordinate team registration • Coordinate uniform ordering • Create and maintain contact list • Support coach with administrative tasks
Send email reminders • Send email reminders early in the week noting team schedule for that week. • Manager should create new email address just for this role. This can easily be transitioned if needed. • Ex readingtonravens@yahoo.com
Manage player passes • Each player has a player pass. These passes are reviewed by the ref before each game. No pass, no game. Manager holds the passes and presents them to the players before each game so the ref can check the players in. Also collect player passes from ref once the game is complete as ref holds the pass for the game.
Pay referees • Before each game the manager pays the referees and obtains signature on referee receipt sheet. These sheets are turned into the league once the last game is played. Coach will provide referee money before the first game. • Referee receipt sheet is on RTSC web under Team Manager.
Game Card Management • For each game manager must provide game card roster which gets attached to the game card. • Manager holds home game cards. • For home games team manager presents game card to opposing team for roster then presents to the referee before check in. • Game card is on RTSC web under Team Manager.
Manage team website • Each team will have their own site to manage. • Add practice and game schedules, field directions and any news items. In the future RTSC webmaster will create and link all the team sites to the main RTSC site and vice versa. • Example existing Ravens site: http://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=njreadingtonravens
Coordinate team registration • Help coach with registration paperwork. Manager will attend registration meeting and collect paperwork. • Registration forms are on RTSC web under Registration.
Coordinate uniform ordering • This item only occurs when ordering new uniforms. Manager will ensure ordering process is shared with the team parents and that the task is completed when required.
Create and maintain contact list • Manager creates and maintains the RTSC team contact list for rollup to master RTSC contact list. • RTSC Team Contact sheet is on RTSC web under Team Manager.
Support coach with administrative tasks • Various tasks will come up throughout the season. Manager assists in those activities such as tournament planning, team meetings or team activities.