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In my opinion too much table salt causes acne. This is the pattern I see.
If you start to research the causes of acne, you might ask yourself "Does Salt Cause Acne?" Let's first start out by asking the question "What is salt?" There are many different types of salt. Some are natural and some are not. Some salt is also Iodized, and so when we are looking for patterns to see which foods are causing the acne, your food journal and the foods you buy need to be carefully selected.
So if we suspect that we break out after eating a lot of salt, what type of salt did you overdose with. If the label of the food you are eating says that the ingredient is "Salt", then the type of salt that you were eating is "Table Salt" In my opinion too much table salt causes acne. This is the pattern I see. That is why I try to only consume un-iodized sea salt. So does salt cause acne or is it the type of salt. I eat sea salt and Himalayan Pink Salt.
Also if you notice a breakout after eating a lot of salt, think if it was a salty bag of potato chips. The salt found in most snack foods is usually regular table salt. Even then if you break out after eating a bag of potato chips made with sea salt it could very well be the types of oil that is in the potato chip. Anytime you heat an oil to high temperature it changes and damages the oil. It might be the oil that is breaking you out. So why don't you do an experiment on yourself to see if you can eliminate acne by not eating foods that could possibly cause acne?
First, stop eating junk food because it is full of table salt. Go and buy some un-iodized sea salt. Any time you start craving something salty reach for you sea salt. If you eat meat, cook it yourself and only put sea salt on it. If you buy a pre-cooked chicken in the grocery store, it probably has table salt and MSG in it. MSG has many other names that they use to sneak it in without you knowing it. So you suspect that salt causes acne but the thing is, is that most salty foods probably have bad oils that are making you break out, or it is table salt. Or it could be the MSG that is breaking you out.
The causes of acne are easily corrected. You have to get rid of the foods and substances that your body perceives as toxic. Every person on the planet has unique genetics that partially determine which foods you will be allergic to. Also if you can clean out your digestive tract by eating foods that cleanse and displace the rotting toxic food residues from inside your intestines, then toxic foods and residues will not be stuck in the body where they can be re-absorbed. Constipation is a cause of acne. It is a very big factor. Foods like bread and cheese will indirectly cause acne because the bread and cheese mixture causes constipation. I used to eat a lot of pizza and that is when my acne was at its worst. This is what made me start researching the same things you are researching right now.
You see, milk and dairy is known to cause mucus and acne. Type in milk and acne into the search engine and you will find tons of people who say that milk and cheese make them break out in acne. Also bread has gluten in it and gluten is known to cause autism and a huge long list of symptoms. A pizza also probably has a lot of salty pepperoni on it. Most pepperoni contains lots of table salt, and saturated animal fat, nitrates, and msg.
So you are looking for the causes of acne. Does Salt cause acne? I say that eating too much table salt probably does. But also is it the salt, or the salty foods you are eating might contain bad types of oils and other ingredients that are causing acne even more than the salt was. One final word. I totally quit eating all salt for a month about 7 years ago, and after about one week my skin quit being oily and then it felt like sandy bumps started falling of my skin, and then my skin was perfectly clear.
Zenmed acne review: http://www.ratedacnetreatments.com/review/zenmed/