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Emerging Companies - meet the innovation

Italian National Council of Research Roma 23.05.2012. Emerging Companies - meet the innovation. geoSDI Programme Milestone. The geoSDI Programme. geoSDI Is a programme to support Civil Protection Actions. For implemeting the Italian Civil Protection

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Emerging Companies - meet the innovation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Italian National Council of Research Roma 23.05.2012 Emerging Companies -meet the innovation

  2. geoSDIProgrammeMilestone

  3. The geoSDIProgramme geoSDIIsa programmetosupportCivilProtectionActions Forimplemeting the ItalianCivilProtection National SpatialData Infrastructure SupportDefenceGeospatialInformation WorkingGroup (NATO) http://www.geosdi.org Itisdevelopedby the Institutefor the MethodologiesofEnvironmentalAnalysis(IMAA) of the Italian National ResearchCouncil(CNR) with the collaborationofmostof the nationalcivil and militaryinstitutionsconcerned.

  4. geoSDI Use case Campania Region: Tourismlogisticsupport

  5. geoSDI Use case EuropeanCommision: EuromedPreventionPreparednessProgramme

  6. Real Time solution EarthquakeSupport: may 2012 Emilia-Romagna Italy

  7. geoSDI Spin off

  8. Investor / Partner

  9. Partnership

  10. Thank you geoSDI Team Web www.geosdi.org Address IMAA CNR, C.daS.Loja, Tito Scalo (PZ) Italy

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