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This working group aims to document and disseminate good practices in sub-granting resources to community-based organizations (CBOs) providing support for children affected by HIV/AIDS. The group will also track resource flows and promote alignment and coordination among donors, NGOs, and government departments. Through research, action plans, and advocacy, the group seeks to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of resource disbursal mechanisms.
Update on Communities and Resources Working Group September 2009 Washington
Members Stuart Kean, World Vision International (Co-Facilitator) Peter Laugharn, Firelight Foundation & CCABA (Co-Facilitator) Christine Nare Kabore, UNICEF W & C Africa Region Tom Fenn, UNICEF E & S Africa Region Rachel Yates, UNICEF HQ Patricia Lim Ah Ken, UNICEF HQ Sally Smith(?) UNAIDS Isabel de Bruin Cardoso, Focal Person, E & S Africa RIATT Martha Newsome, WVI and Facilitator, E & S Africa RIATT Increasing Effectiveness Working Group Kate Harrison, Comic Relief & Co-chair European Funders Group Kate Iorpenda, International HIV & AIDS Alliance Gopa Kumar Nair, Save the Children – UK Nigel Taylor, Consultant
Potential members • World Bank Global HIV & AIDS Programme (Evaluation of the Community Response): Rosalia Rodriguez-Garcia • European Funders Group • Global Fund • USG
Activities • Co-facilitators met twice • Produced scope of work • Conference call to discuss scope of work • Mapping of member activities • Circulated proposal for potential joint activity
Scope of group’s work 1. Making the case for community based organisations • Produce an inventory of roles, functions and effectiveness • Comparative advantage vis-à-vis the state providing services to vulnerable children • CBO sustainability Members interested: Firelight Foundation ‘Learning Agenda’, World Bank (Evaluation of the Community Response), CCABA Cohort study 2. Resource flows • Document and share good practices for sub-granting resources to CBOs • Donor principles for sub-granting Members interested: Save the Children UK, World Vision UK, Firelight Foundation, Comic Relief, European Funders Group, RIATT (Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund)
Scope of group’s work 3. Resource tracking • Tracking resources to CBOs for vulnerable children • Donors and civil society involvement in tracking mechanisms, strengthening 3 ones Members interested: World Vision International, UNICEF, RIATT, European Funders Group, Firelight Foundation, CCABA (GF & PEPFAR) 4. Alignment & coordination • Document effective mechanisms for improving harmonisation & coordination of vulnerable children programmes: donors, NGOs & government departments Members interested: RIATT
Expectations of group activities • Will create a strong evidence base, consensus statements and guidance for implementers • Not only include research but dissemination which will encourage the implementation of emerging good practices • Should not be constrained by timing of next Global Partners Forum • Link closely with RIATTs to improve implementation • Use action research when possible to increase scale-up
Proposed area for group activity: Document sub-granting good practice Background: • Save the Children UK & World Vision UK Research proposal • Originally action research in 3 countries in southern African countries to document sub-granting best practice (2-3 years) • Three phases: 1. Collection and documentation 2. Implementation and monitoring 3. Dissemination and advocacy • Key outputs: 1.Best practice guidelines 2.Action plans 3.Monitoring reports of implementation of action plans 4. Enhanced mechanisms for fund disbursement at community level
Proposed area for group activity: Document sub-granting good practice • Conduct research to document sub-granting good practice in 3 countries in eastern, southern and western Africa (3-4 months) • Hold dissemination workshop organised by RIATT and potential follow-up activities with sub-granters • Potential link to review of donors’ good practice and identification of development of principles of good practice
Proposed area for group activity: Document sub-granting good practice • Purpose: Identify, document and disseminate good practice models in developing sustainable resource disbursal mechanisms to community groups providing support to children affected by HIV and AIDS • Outputs: • Good practice guidelines and tools documenting effective resource disbursal to community groups providing support for children affected by HIV and AIDS • Possible - Action plans detailing how existing initiatives to disburse funding will be enhanced and expanded based on initial findings