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Graduation Requirements and Diplomas

Learn about graduation requirements, diploma types, Superintendent Determination, CDOS options, and Credit Recovery Procedures. Understand Regents Diploma, Local Diploma, CDOS Credential, and Skills and Achievement Credential (SACC). Topics include subject area credits, state exams, and 4+1 Pathway. Explore CDOS Commencement Credential and its standards. Discover Superintendent Determination process and SACC issuance for alternately assessed students. Key points on eligibility and criteria for various diploma pathways.

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Graduation Requirements and Diplomas

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  1. Graduation Requirements and Diplomas Taylor Eichenlaub - School Guidance Counselor

  2. Overview • Graduation Requirements • Types of Diplomas and Credentials • 4+1 Pathway/ CDOS Option • Superintendent Determination • Credit Recovery Procedures • Test Administration Dates

  3. TYPES OF DIPLOMAS AND CREDENTIALS • Regents Diploma • Local Diploma • CDOS Credential • Skills and Achievement Credential (SACC)

  4. Graduation Requirements Subject Area ELA- 8 Credits SS - 8 Credits Math - 6 Credits Science - 6 Credits Health - 1 Credit The Arts – 2 P.E. - 4 Credits Electives – 7 Credits World Language– 2 Credits (n/a for Tiegerman Total = 44 NYC Credits (NYS 22 Credits) NY State Exams English Math (Integrated Algebra) Global History U.S. History Science (Earth Science or Living Environment)

  5. Regents Diploma • 44 Credits • Students who pass • 5 Regents Exams • (4+1 Pathway) with a 65 • or above have the • opportunity to receive a • Regents Diploma

  6. LOCAL DIPLOMA: SAFTEY NET-LOW PASS OPTION • 44 credits • Compensatory • Option • Students with disabilities who earn a score of 55-64 on Regents exams (including 4+CDOS and Superintendent Determination, still have the opportunity to earn a Local diploma).

  7. Local Diploma:Rules & regulations The student scores between 45-54 on one or more of the five required Regents exams, other than the English language arts (ELA) or mathematics exam, but scores 65 or higher on one or more of the required Regents exams, in which case the lower score(s) can be compensated by the higher score(s); and obtains a passing grade for the course in the subject area of the Regents examination in which he or she received a score of 45-54; and has a satisfactory attendance rate, for the school year during which the student took the examination in which he or she received a score of 45-54, exclusive of excused absences

  8. Continued NOTE: A score of at least 55 must be earned on both the ELA and mathematics exams. NOTE: A score of 65 or higher on a single examination may not be used to compensate for more than one examination for which a score of 45-54 is earned.

  9. example

  10. 4+CDOS • Under the new “4+CDOS” pathway option, beginning June 2016 and thereafter, a student may graduate with a high school diploma if the student meets the graduation course and credit requirements. Four required Regents Exams or Department-approved alternative assessments (one in each of the following subjects: English, mathematics, science, and social studies); and meets the requirements to earn the New York State (NYS) CDOS Commencement Credential.

  11. What is the CDOS Commencement Credential? • The Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential is a certificate that is intended to indicate a student’s readiness for entry-level jobs. • The CDOS Commencement Credential can be awarded either in addition to a Regents or Local diploma or to a student with a disability who is unable to earn a Regents or Local diploma.

  12. CDOS Learning Standards Standard 1: Career Development Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career options, and relate personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions. Standard 2: Integrated Learning Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other settings. Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace. Standard 3b: Career Majors Students who choose a career major will acquire the career-specific technical knowledge/skills necessary to progress toward a gainful employment, career advancement, and success in postsecondary programs.

  13. Superintendent Determination • Parent submitted written request • Student has current IEP and is receiving special education services • The student must have earned the required course credits and have passed, in accordance with district policy, all courses required for graduation, including the Regents courses to prepare for the corresponding required Regents examination areas (English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, social studies and science). • Student scored <55 on up to five Regents examinations (ELA, mathematics, science, social studies and/or additional Regents examination used for +1 pathway assessment) • If the student scored <55 or did not appeal a 52-54 in ELA and/or mathematics, he/she met the requirements for the CDOS Commencement Credential • Student earned required 44 course credits and passed all courses required for graduation

  14. Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC) • SACC is currently for students that are alternately assessed ONLY. • All students who are alternately assessed or unable to obtain a Regents or Local diploma can stay in school until age 21.

  15. Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC) • The credential must be issued together with a summary of the student’s academic achievement and functional performance (Student Exit Summary – see State Developed Model Form Attachment 2) and must include documentation of the student’s: • achievement against the Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) learning standards http://www.p12.nysed.gov/cte/cdlearn/; • level of academic achievement and independence as measured by NYSAA; • skills, strengths, interests; and • as appropriate, other achievements and accomplishments.

  16. Credit Recovery • Students who receive a failing grade (below 65) must complete credit recovery • Credit recovery will be determined by the credit recovery committee and started immediately following report card review • Teachers will be contacted and will be expected to create a credit recovery packet that is student specific • Credit recovery will take place during homework period and SAP

  17. Testing Administration Dates REGENTS EXAMS: JANUARY JUNE AUGUST *Regents are given after the completion of the course.

  18. Questions? Taylor Eichenlaub – School Guidance Counselor Teichenlaub@tiegerman.org 718-476-7163 ext 436

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