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AEGIS training systems

AEGIS training systems. CPI 494/598, April 21 Kurt VanLehn. What is the Combat Information Center (CIC) setting?. Team TAO (boss) Watchstanders (4+) Tracking aircraft in airspace Deciding whether hostile & friend How to find out more about eadh Paced like a video game

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AEGIS training systems

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  1. AEGIS training systems CPI 494/598, April 21 Kurt VanLehn

  2. What is the Combat Information Center (CIC) setting?

  3. Team TAO (boss) Watchstanders (4+) • Tracking aircraft in airspace • Deciding whether hostile & friend • How to find out more about eadh • Paced like a video game • Team members have roles • AAWC – mental of the tracks & their threat level

  4. Who is being trained? • TAO? Newer system (GRTS specialized tasks) • AAWC? Older system (Chi systems: AETS)

  5. What is the task(s) to be trained? • Track? • TAO trainer was teaching how to deal with Watchstander’s errors; command by negation • Fro watchstanders, the task is to how to act fast in situation; id tracks based knowledge radar frequency of missle; speeds of planes; • Procedure for propert id of track • Procedure fo getting more info

  6. What is difference between old and new ITS re: simulation • Older was embedded • Not a computer programmed • AETS live • Uses the real equipment • Intructor training target: 4:1 • Vs. 42:1 for TAO trainer • Used Automated Role Players for TAO

  7. What tutoring occurs during the task? • Watcherstander trainer • Knobology is mastered • Understanding their job & role; • Low-level procedures need feedback immediately • TAO trainer • Catching mistakes immediately gets feedback • Low-level proceudres/syntax; acknowledgements; protocols • delays

  8. Why is tutoring needed during the task? • Training benefits • Reduces future mistake • Increases speed • Keeps the simulation on track

  9. What tutoring occurs in debriefing? • Watchstanders • Before tell them what they will be doing • Afterwards, conceptual stuff • Radar fequency is flawed • Tradeoff between conservative vs. liberal • TAO has high level problems discussed afterwards

  10. Why must instructors be involved? • Watchstanders • Help “hard cases” • They are responsible, so need control & involvement • Tutoring system is not perfect • Discuss borderline advice

  11. How does the tutoring system know what the “right” actions are? • High Level Actions? • Simplified, abstract • Low leval actions might be too variegated • TAO

  12. How does the BTN (Behavior Transition network) function?

  13. How does the ITS maintain “situation awareness” • Demons • Watch for short sequences of evewnts or pattern of data • Trigger a BTN

  14. How does the matching work?

  15. What is a blackboard architecture? • Post events & data common DB • Demons watch & respond • They post even more data • The blackard is partition into subspaces, • Hierarchy • closed

  16. How to do the simulated watchstanders (ARPs) work? • Temporal interval matching • Softnees on the degree of match

  17. How could this ITS’s effectiveness be evaluated? • Use the system’s scores • Compare ITS vs. baseline instruction (real human teachers) • Everyone use systm w/o feedback as post-test? • Use the simualtor w/o feedback/turoing system.

  18. What is the student model? • Keeping track of mastery of skills or knowledge • Ratio of use/failure • Recency • Score

  19. Is there an outer loop over tasks? • Watchstander? • Scenario IS a task • Humans chose the scenarios • Informated by student models; but nothing automatic • Scenario is done by whole team • TAO • There is an instructional planner that trains to mastery on set principles • Instructors can set thresholds on mastery levels per principle basis

  20. How else is the student model used? • TAO trainer? • Level of feedback is proportional to mastery • Level of mastery determines whether role players make mistakes • When novice, seeing/participatin worked example

  21. When do the ARPs make mistakes? Why? • When trainee is beyond novice on the relevant principles • The sequence of principles might be from mechanical to conceptual.

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