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The School in the Forest

The School in the Forest. Consortium Membership for Urban Public Schools. The Mission. Provide pristine woodland experiences to urban elementary and middle school children.

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The School in the Forest

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The School in the Forest Consortium Membership for Urban Public Schools

  2. The Mission • Provide pristine woodland experiences to urban elementary and middle school children. • Enhance students’ development of observational skills curiosity, scientific thinking, data collection, data analysis, multi-modal documentationand the use of technology. • Encourage an appreciation for the natural environment that leads to future ecological awareness and desire to protect the wilderness.

  3. Step One The School in the Forest Staff visits the classroom to: • develop a relationship with teachers and students • determine curricula links • introduce students and teachers to the concept and mission of The School in The Forest

  4. Getting to Know the Kids

  5. Step Two Classroom teachers visit The Black Rock Forest to: • get comfortable with the environment • explore potential sites for their classes to enjoy, explore, observe and from which to learn • develop, with the Black Rock Forest Staff, a curriculum that supports their classroom work and expands their students’ experience and learning

  6. All AboardTeachers Explore the Forest from the back of the Pick Up Truck

  7. Executive Director Dr. William Schuster Shares His Expertise

  8. Teachers and Staff Check Out the Possibilities at Aleck Meadow Reservoir

  9. Step Three Students Visit The School in the Forest to: • explore and enjoy • observe • experience • collect data • reflect • document their experience • question

  10. PS 176 Arrives at The School in the Forest

  11. Hiking the TrailsLearning to Read Trail MarkersGetting Comfortable

  12. Final Ascent of Black Rock Mountain

  13. Lunch at the Top of the World

  14. Whole Body Learning, Taking the Measure of the Great White Oak

  15. Archeology 101Laying Out the Grid and Digging for Artifacts at the 1835 Stone House

  16. The Boys Dig for Clues from the Past at the Remains of the Old Barn

  17. Beginning to Sort and Catalog

  18. Hmm…They Must have Loved Oysters in the Old Days

  19. Blob Top Bottle and Stopper Dated 1893…An Exciting Find

  20. Collecting Specimens at Aleck Meadow Reservoir

  21. Success Leads to Careful Study of a Newt

  22. From Under a Piece of Bark a Red- Backed Salamander

  23. Look Carefully Kids, Did We Meet the Red Eft’s Mother?

  24. Getting the History of the Land at the 1835 Stone House from Forest Manager, John Brady

  25. Studying Indigenous Peoples

  26. Field Notes Are Important

  27. Hands On Documentation

  28. Proud of Her Work

  29. Sketches Enhance Field Notes

  30. Reflection Deepens Understanding and Appreciation

  31. Field Note Buddies

  32. Step Four Teacher and students solidify learning through follow up classroom activities. • more documentation • sorting and cataloging artifacts • linking to individual teacher’s goals

  33. Appreciation and Understanding

  34. Reviewing Map and Compass Work

  35. Sorting, Cataloging and Questioning

  36. Classroom Art from The School in The Forest Experience

  37. The School in The Forest Extends to Students’ Homes

  38. The Forest Is The School in The Forest

  39. Thank You! The New York Community Trust has generously funded The School in The Forest, for which the Black Rock Forest Preserve is most grateful.

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