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This document provides an overview of the data formats and processing methods used for the ISUAL and CDR instruments, including details on camera images, spectrophotometer measurements, array photometer data, and flight software data readout.
Types of Science Data • Camera • Aurora • Sprite-Burst • Sprite-Continuous • Spectrophotometer • Fast (triggered) • Slow (background) • Array Photometer NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Aurora Mode • Camera images taken at regular intervals (1 second) • Spectrophotometer runs continuously in slow mode (1 sample/sec) • No Array Photometer NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Sprite Burst Mode • Camera triggered to take 8 rapid exposures and stop. • Spectrophotometer triggered to take one array of samples and stop. • Slow-Spectrophotometer takes samples continuously, not triggered. • Array Photometer triggered to take one array of samples and stop. NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Sprite Continuous Mode • Data acquisition triggered by a Sprite Event. • Camera takes exposures at a fixed rate. • Spectrophotometer takes samples at a fixed rate. • Slow-Spectrophotometer takes samples once per second • Array photometer takes samples at a fixed rate. • Rapid multiple events will cause continuous data taking NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Instrument Readout • Instruments acquire digital data and fill memory buffers • Data in buffers is compressed • Packets are Generated • PVCFs are generated from packets • PVCFs are transmitted to spacecraft, which wraps them into Transfer Frames NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Flight Software Instrument Data readout Compressed data CCSDS Packets PVCFs NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Science Packets • Header packet • Time Stamps • Parameter settings (exposure length…) • Ancillary Data (Voltages, Temperatures,..) • Multiple Data packets • only compressed data plus whatever information is required to uncompress it • Telemetry packets defined in 8565-X7H NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Data on the Ground • PVCFs arrive at ground station encapsulated in Transfer Frames • GSE Simulation: PVCFs • SOH packets arrive at ground station [undefined] • GSE Simulation: packets NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Ground Data Processing PVCFs CCSDS Packets (level-zero data) CDF files NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Level-Zero Data • Level-zero means CCSDS Packets • Science Data packets are extracted from PVCFs • SOH data is already packets NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
CDF - Science Data • Separate CDF for each data source • Skeleton complies with ISTP recommendation • Camera - Aurora • Camera - Sprite • Fast-Spectrophotometer • Slow Spectrophotometer • Array Photometer Details at http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/spdf/istp_guide/ NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Sprite Camera CDF Time of image "EPOCH" CDF_EPOCH 1 0 T Voltages and temperatures "PHOS_HV" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 T "MCP_HV" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 T "MCP_TEMPERATURE" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 T "PHOS_TEMPERATURE" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 T "FWHEEL_TEMPERATURE" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 T "LENS_TEMPERATURE" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Sprite Camera CDF (continued) Other Ancillary data "DATA_QUALITY" "INSTRUMENT_ID" CDF_UCHAR 3 0 F "SCIENCE_MODE" CDF_UINT1 1 0 T "TRIGGER_STATE" CDF_UINT1 1 0 T (pre-trigger, trigger, post-trigger) "EXPOSURE_DURATION" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 T "FILTER" CDF_INT1 1 0 T "TRIGGER_TIME" CDF_EPOCH 1 0 T "TRIGGERING_PHOTOMETER” CDF_INT1 1 0 T “TRIGGER LEVEL” CDF_FLOAT 1 0 T "DAY_SENSOR_STATUS" CDF_INT1 1 0 T NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Sprite Camera CDF (continued) Inertial Position "XPOS_ECF" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T "YPOS_ECF" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T "ZPOS_ECF" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T Velocity "XV_ECF" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T "YV_ECF" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T "ZV_ECF" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T Quaternion "Q1" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T "Q2" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T "Q3" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T "Q4" CDF_DOUBLE 1 0 T NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Sprite Camera CDF (continued) Field of View "HFOV" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 F "VFOV" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 F Fixed Orientations "INST_AZIMUTH" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 F "INST_CO_ELEVATION" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 F "INST_ROLL" CDF_FLOAT 1 0 F NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Sprite Camera CDF (continued) (may be used by CDAWEB, required by ISTP guidelines) "Z128" CDF_UINT2 1 1 128 F T "Z512" CDF_UINT2 1 1 512 F T Image array "CAM_IMAGE" CDF_UINT2 1 2 128 512 T T T "DEPEND_0" CDF_CHAR { "EPOCH" } "DEPEND_1" CDF_CHAR { "Z128" } "DEPEND_2" CDF_CHAR { "Z512" } . NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey
Further data processing • IDL will be primary analysis tool • Matlab possible too, but will not be developed at SSL • ISTP-compliance enables use of many existing IDL-routines for reading/display NCKU UCB Tohoku CDR July, 2001 Data Formats and Science Data Processing H.U. Frey