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BIOFILM TECHNOLOGIES – COMMON TERRITORY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Ludmil Nikolov Biological Faculty of Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”. INSTEAD OF INTRODUCTION. Activity 4.1 . Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies 4.1.1 Nanosciences and converging sciences:
INSTEAD OF INTRODUCTION Activity 4.1. Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies • 4.1.1 Nanosciences and converging sciences: • 4.1.2 Nanotechnologies and converging technologies • 4.1.3 Health, Safety and Environmental Impacts
4.1.2. Nanotechnologies and converging technologies • Pilot lines to study, develop and up-scale nanotechnology-based processes from laboratory • Equipment and methods for nanotechnology • Analysis of the ethical, regulatory, social and economic environment of nanomedicine • Coordination in nanometrology • Examining capacity building in nanobiotechnology
The biofilms They are well spread in the nature self organizing formations consisted of: • Spontaneously fixed cells of: microorganisms, plants or animals on carriers • Produced by themselves substances (EPS - exopolysaccharides, DNA, precipitated salts, etc) • Inclusions of nano- and micro-particles in their structures • Circulating free cells in their structure
BIOFILMS IMPACTS • Biofilms in ecosystems positive rolein acceleration of natural cycles of biogenic elements - C, N2, P, S, O2 • Biofilms in higher organisms – plants, animals and humans controversial roles: negative– dental plaques, diseases prolongation, positive–acceleration of digestion processes in high organisms. • Biofilms in artificial systems: negativerole– metal protection – biocorrosion, decreasing of the working characteristics of equipment and apparatus: water transport – decrease of the transport equipment speed, heat exchangers - decrease of heat transfer coefficients, artificial organs, nano-membranes – plug formations. positive role– biofilm reactors, metal leaching acceleration.
THE AIMS • To draw attention to the analogies of mechanisms of biofilms formation and development with some subjects of nanotechnology. • To show similarities of their exploitation orprevention of development as well as of research methodology with some nanotechnology. • To illustrate one of the positive rolls, which the biofilms can play in industry for highperformance biofilm reactors design and development • To provoke discussion about the possibility of transfer of knowledgefrom one to another scientific fields. • To give examples of so called “converging technologies” with nanotechnologies.
METODOLOGYComparative analysisSIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF BIOFILM TECHNOLOGIES (BIOTECHNOLOGY)WITH NANOTECHNOLOGIES (NANOSCIENCE) The similarities • They are coming into being due to amalgamation of physical, chemical, physico-chemical(and biological phenomena), accepted as summarizing notion of “spontaneous fixation”. • Mechanisms of biofilm formation are similar to those of thin layers formation in nanotechnologies but in addition – they have all the pluses and minuses of their biological character due to the cells, which are both participants and reason of the formation of these specific living systems. • Diffusion character of structure of biofilm in the terms of system approach. • Some subsystems of biofilm large systems are consisted of macromolecules with nano characteristic parameters – exoploysaccharides, enzymes, nonstoichiomentric compounds, nucleic acids (DNA, RNA etc), parts of cells (organelles, protoplasts etc).
METODOLOGYComparative analysisSIMILARITIESANDDIFFERENCES OF BIOFILM TECHNOLOGIES (BIOTECHNOLOGY)WITH NANOTECHNOLOGIES (NANOSCIENCE) The differences • The sizes of the participants of biofilms – microbial cells and moreover - cells of higher organisms (plants or animals) are bigger than the characteristic parameters of subjects of nanotechnologies • Self-organizing character of biofilms as large system • Complicated self-created structures of biofilms • Living matter in processing systems • Necessity of intervene into the processes of self organization
PECULIARITIES OF BIOFILMS AS SELF-ORGANIZING LIVIG SYSTEMS1. BIOFILM STRUCTURES Fig. 1a. Stylized scheme of biofilm system formed on spherical carrier • A – carrier • B – biofilm • C – fluid • 1 – clusters • 2 – exopolysaccharides • 3 – pores • 4 – closed area • 5 – cells • 6 – microparticles • 7 – inert macroparticles • 8 – stream lines a)
1. BIOFILM STRUCTURES Fig. 1b. Stylized scheme of biofilm system formed on plane surface carrier 1. Carrier 2. Biofilm 3. Strongly linked cells in the biofilm 4. Weakly linked cells in the biofilm 5. Dead cells 6. Stream lines 7. Substrate 8. Suspended cells 9. Pores 10. Closed area 11. Exsopolysaccharides 12. Jarosite.
1. BIOFILM STRUCTURESFig. 2. Formation of biofilm structures on the frontier with liquid phase at different scales of liquid flow linear velocity А - low velocities ; B – middle velocities ; C – high velocities. 1 – piques on the biofilm surface; 2 – pores (channels); 3 - streamers; 4 - microorganisms; 5 – liquid flow lines; 6 – closed empty room.
1. BIOFILM STRUCTURESFig. 3. Various states of fixed cells at the beginning of biofilm formation Structures A and B: 1 - active cells 2 - inactive cells Structure C: 3 - weakly linked cells 4 - strongly bounded microbial cells
2. DYNAMICS OF BIOFILM FORMATION and FUNCTIONING Admissions: 1. Biofilm formation and functioning is carried out in open systems 2. No mass- and heat transport limitations in the liquid phase 3. No limitation regarding the constant cells concentrations in the liquid phase
Stages of biofilm system developmentStage 1 Fig. 4а.Stage 1.Adaptation of cells to the carrier surface С – carrier; S – substrate; l – distance from the surface of the carrier; 1- swimming cells (suspended cell culture); 2- adhered cell • Start of the stage: cell adaptation • End of the stage: singleattached cells
swimming cells: Cell adaptation Swimming cells reproduction Bioconversion of substrates by swimming cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - EPS on cell surface need for their future fixation - specific compounds for carrier surface preparation for cell fixation (adsorption) - byproducts fixed cells:only sporadic single attached cells PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PHENOMENA Adsorption of nutrients from the liquid phase Adsorption of specific compounds excreted by cells Adsorption of cells on the carrier surface (spontaneous fixation) (Cell fixation on base of electrostatic interactions) BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA
RESULTS • Carrier surface prepared for cell fixation • First adhered cells • Needed products • Prepared surface of cell surface for fixation (adsorption) BIOFILM SYSTEM STATE – homogeneous mechanism of bioconversion (HMBC) • No biofilm formation, isolated cases of attached cells • Domination of swimming cells productivity NECESSITY OF INTERVENTION INTO SELF ORGANIZATION • In the case of processing technologies - artificial carrier surface modification for acceleration of cell fixation • In the case of protective (“impermissible”) technologies – deliberated carrier surface treatment to avoid biofilm formation
Stages of biofilm system developmentStage 2Formation of cell monolayer Fig.4b. Stage 2. Formation of cell monolayer 3 - adhered cells enveloped by exopolysacharides • Start of the stage: singleattached cells; • End of the stage: monocell layer.
BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA swimming cells: • Cell adaptation • Swimming cells reproduction • Bioconversion of substrates by swimming cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring (EPS, precipitated salts, etc) - byproducts fixed cells: • Beginning of the fixed cells reproduction on the carrier surface – isolated cases • Bioconversion of substrates by fixed cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring (EPS, precipitated salts, etc) - byproducts PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PHENOMENA • Adsorption of nutrients from the liquid phase • Adsorption of specific compounds excreted by cells • Adsorption of cells on the carrier surface (spontaneous fixation) • (Cell fixation on base of electrostatic interactions)
RESULTS: • Envelopment of cells with substances for biofilm formation mainly EPS. • First cell configurations on the carrier (cell monolayer formation) • Fixed cell reproduction • Needed products BIOFILM SYSTEM STATE– homogeneous-heterogeneous mechanism (HHMBC) • Domination of swimming cells productivity • Fixed cells start to participate in bioconversion INTERVENTION INTO SELF ORGANIZATION • In processing technologies - no need • In protective (“impermissible”) technologies – mechanical means: high shear stress around carrier surface, scraping off biofilm formed, biocides introduction in the liquid phase etc.
Stages of biofilm system developmentStage 3Biofilm structure formation Fig. 4 c. Stage 3. Formation of the biofilm structure. First critical thickness of the biofilm - δ1Cr • Start of the stage: monocell layer; • End of the stage: polycell layer, first critical biofilm thickness -δ1Cr.
BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA swimming cells: • Swimming cells reproduction • Bioconversion of substrates by swimming cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring (EPS, precipitated salts, etc) - byproducts fixed cells: • Fixed cells reproduction on the biofilm surface and in the biofilm volume • Bioconversion of substrates by fixed cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring (EPS, precipitated salts, etc) - byproducts PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PHENOMENA • Adsorption of cells on the biofilm surface (spontaneous fixation)
RESULTS: • First cell configurations on the carrier (cell monolayer formation) • Fixed cell reproduction • Biofilm structure formation • Needed products BIOFILM SYSTEM STATE– mixed homogeneous-heterogeneous mechanism • Domination of fixed cells productivity • Bioconversion without internal diffusion limitations • Conditions for pure biofilm kinetics investigation INTERVENTION INTO SELF ORGANIZATION • In processing technologies - artificial biofilm thickness control at the first critical value - δ1Cr (by the biofilm reactor design) • In protective (‘impermissible”) technologies – mechanical means: high shear stress around carrier surface, scraping off biofilm formed, chemical means: biocides introduction in the liquid phase etc.
Stages of biofilm system developmentStage 4Stable growth of biofilm system Fig. 4 d. Stage 4. Stable biofilm growth. Second critical biofilm thickness - δ2Cr • Start of the stage: first critical biofilm thickness -- δ1Cr • End of the stage: second critical biofilm thickness -- δ2Cr
BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA swimming cells: • Swimming cells reproduction • Bioconversion of substrates by swimming cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring - EPS on cell surface - byproducts fixed cells: • Fixed cells reproduction in the biofilm surface and volume • Bioconversion of substrates by fixed cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring (EPS, precipitated salts, etc) - byproducts - new products obtained due to change of metabolism with substrate limited kinetics PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PHENOMENA • Adsorption of cells on the biofilm surface • Internal diffusion limitation in the zone behind δ1Cr of biofilm
RESULTS: • Well developed biofilm • Fixed cell reproduction in the biofilm volume and surface • Needed products according the technology aim • New products (usually undesired, but sometimes quite possible to be useful) • Linear dependence of biofilm thickness development on time • Second critical biofilm thickness - δ2Cr – S = 0 at the carrier surface BIOFILM SYSTEM STATE– mixed homogeneous-heterogeneous mechanism (HHM) • Domination of fixed cells productivity • Bioconversion under internal diffusion limitations • Conditions for biofilm kinetics investigation with internal diffusion limitations • New products due to bioconversion under changed condition in the biofilm • Biofilm system is still stable INTERVENTION INTO SELF ORGANIZATION • In processing technologies - biofilm thickness control at desired values - higher than δ1Cr(if necessary) • In protective (“impermissing) technologies - mechanical means: high shear stress around carrier surface, scraping off biofilm formed, chemical means: biocides introduction in theliquid phase etc.
Stages of biofilm system developmentStage 5Uncontrolled and unstable biofilm growth Fig.4 e. Stage 5. Uncontrolled and unstable biofilm growth. Cavities formation 4 – cavity • Start of the stage: second critical biofilm thickness -- δ2Cr • End of the stage: cavities formation
BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA swimming cells: • Swimming cells reproduction • Bioconversion of substrates by swimming cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring (EPS, precipitated salts, etc) - byproducts fixed cells: • Fixed cells reproduction in the biofilm surface and volume • Bioconversion of substrates by fixed cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring (EPS, precipitated salts, etc) - byproducts - new products obtained due to change of metabolism with substrate limited kinetics • Cell decay and lysis nearby the carrier surface due to lack of substrates • Products of the decay and lysis in the biofilm volume (possibly also in the liquid) • Cavities formation PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PHENOMENA • Adsorption of cells on the biofilm surface • Diffusion limitation in the biofilm • Detachment of parts of biofilm from carrier surface due to cells decay and lysis
RESULTS: • Thick biofilm with cavities • Fixed cell reproduction in the biofilm volume and surface • Needed products according to technology aim • New products (usually undesired, but sometimes quite possible to be useful) • Non linear dependence of biofilm thickness development on time • Lack of substrates in the deeper biofilm layers • Products of cells decay and lysis BIOFILM SYSTEM STATE – beginning of destruction, HHM • Domination of fixed cells productivity • Bioconversion under internal diffusion limitations • Conditions for biofilm kinetics investigation with internal diffusion limitations • Production of new products due to changed condition in the biofilm • Biofilm system is in the state of the beginning of its destruction INTERVENTION INTO SELF ORGANIZATION • In processing technologies - no need - biofilm system destruction is starting and this process is uncontrollable • In protective (“impermissible”) technologies – mechanical means: high shear stress around carrier surface, scraping off biofilm formed, chemical means: biocides introduction in the liquid phase etc.
Stages of biofilm system developmentStage 6Biofilm destruction Fig. 4 f. Stage 6. Biofilm destruction. Third critical biofilm thickness- δ3Cr 5 – detached part of the biofilm structure • Start of the stage: cavities formation • End of the stage:detachment of parts of biofilm volume
BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA swimming cells: • Swimming cells reproduction • Bioconversion of substrates by swimming cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring - EPS on the cell surface - byproducts. fixed cells: • Fixed cells reproduction in the biofilm surface and volume • Bioconversion of substrates by fixed cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring (EPS, precipitated salts, etc) - byproducts - new products obtained due to change of metabolism with substrate limited kinetics • Cell decay and lysis nearby the carrier surface • Products of the decay and lysis in the biofilm volume (possibly also in the liquid) PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PHENOMENA • Adsorption of cells on the biofilm surface • Diffusion limitation in the biofilm volume • Detachment of cells nearby the carrier surface due to cells decay and lysis • Detachment of biofilm parts from the outer layers to the liquid phase
RESULTS: • Destroyed biofilm • Fixed cell reproduction in the biofilm volume and surface • Needed products according to the technology aim • New products (usually undesired, but sometimes quite possible to be useful) • Non linear dependence of biofilm thickness on time, decrease of biofilm volume • Lack of substrates in the deeper biofilm layers • Cavities formation • Products of cells decay and lysis • Detached biofilm parts swimming in the liquid phase • Third critical biofilm thickness – δ3Cr BIOFILM SYSTEM STATE– system destruction; HHM • Domination of fixed cells productivity : - in the biofilm - in the detached biofilm parts swimming in the liquid phase • Bioconversion under internal diffusion limitations • Conditions for biofilm kinetics investigation with internal diffusion limitations • Production of new products due to changed condition in the biofilm • Biofilm system is in destruction INTERVENTION INTO SELF ORGANIZATION • In processing technologies - artificial retention of detached biofilm parts in the liquid phase (if necessary), i.e. in the bioconversion zone. • In protective (“impermissible”) technologies – mechanical means: high shear stress around carrier surface, scraping off biofilm formed, chemical means: biocides introduction in the liquid phase etc.
Stages of biofilm system developmentStage 7Restart of new biofilm formation. Simultaneous realization of all the stages. 1 - swimming cells (suspended cell culture) 2- adhered cell 3 - adhered cells enveloped by exopolysacharides 4 - cavity 5 - detached part of the biofilm structure 6 - new attached cells Fig. 4 g. Stage 7. Restart of new biofilm formation • Start of the stage: cavities formation • End of the stage:detachment of parts of biofilm volume
BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA swimming cells: • Swimming cells reproduction • Bioconversion of substrates by swimming cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring - EPS on the cell surface - byproducts fixed cells: • Fixed cells reproduction in the biofilm surface and volume • Bioconversion of substrates by fixed cells to: - products (BAC – biological active compounds) according the aim of the technology - substances for biofilm formation and its structuring (EPS, precipitated salts, etc) - byproducts - new products obtained due to change of metabolism with substrate limited kinetics • Cell decay and lysis nearby the carrier surface • Products of the decay and lysis in the biofilm volume (possibly also in the liquid) PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PHENOMENA • Adsorption of cells on the biofilm surface • Diffusion limitation in the biofilm volume • Detachment of cells nearby the carrier surface due to cells decay and lysis • Detachment of biofilm parts from the outer layers to the liquid phase
RESULTS: • Destroyed biofilm • Fixed cell reproduction in the biofilm volume and surface • Needed products according to the technology aim • New products (usually undesired, but sometimes quite possible to be useful) • Non linear dependence of biofilm thickness on time, decrease of biofilm volume • Lack of substrates in the deeper biofilm layers • Cavities formation • Products of cells decay and lysis • Detached biofilm parts swimming in the liquid phase • Restart of biofilm formation • All the phases of biofilm dynamics are performing simultaneously • Repeated biofilm growth: - on the carrier using places of detached biofilm parts - on the outer biofilm surface BIOFILM SYSTEM STATE– system renovation, HHM, all the stage existence • Domination of fixed cells productivity: - in the biofilm - in the detached biofilm parts swimming in the liquid phase • Bioconversion under internal diffusion limitations • Conditions for biofilm kinetics investigation with internal diffusion limitations • Production of new products due to changed condition in the biofilm • Biofilm system is in renovation INTERVENTION INTO SELF ORGANIZATION • In processing technologies - artificial retention of detached biofilm parts in the liquid phase (if necessary) • In protective (“impermissible”) technologies – mechanical means: high shear stress around carrier surface, scraping off biofilm formed, chemical means: biocides introduction in the liquid phase etc.
CONCLUSIONSCOMON TERITORYOF BIOTECHNOLOGY AND NANOTECHNOLOGY IS IN ACTIVE INTERVENTION IN THE DINAMICS OFBIOFILM SELFORGANIZATION AS FOLLOW: 1. PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES • To accelerate the first stage of biofilm formation by means of introduction of specific compounds for modification of the carrier surface 2. PROTECTING TECHNOLOGIES • To find new appropriate approaches to eliminate any possibility of biofilm formation on the material surfaces • To develop new nanotechnologies for biofilm-defended membranes production for ultra filtration under industrial conditions