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Camera Shots. Extreme long shot/Long shot (XLS/LS) Also known as establishing shots in film. Contains all of a persons body. Shot from far away, it contains a large amount of landscape or surroundings and is often used to establish setting or surroundings. http://instagram.com/p/dwolqcIVYV /.
Camera Shots Extreme long shot/Long shot (XLS/LS) • Also known as establishing shots in film. • Contains all of a persons body. • Shot from far away, it contains a large amount of landscape or surroundings and is often used to establish setting or surroundings.
Camera Shots • Full shot -or- Full body shot (FS) • A complete view of the person. • A little more intimate than the XLS or LS, it can show relationships between people and the setting.
Camera Shots • Mid shot (MS) • A shot from the waist up. • A social shot. • Allows you to see the subject’s face more clearly, as well as their emotions and interactions with others. • Good for formal/informal portraits
Camera Shots • Medium close-up (MCU) • From the shoulders up. • Personal shot. • A closer view of the subject’s face and emotions, but still involving a bit of background.
Camera Shots • Close-up (CU) • Just the face of a person. • Personal shot. • Allows you to see and understand the emotion of the subject. To feel empathy for them. • Good for formal portraits
Camera Shots • Extreme close-up (XCU) • Contains one part of the subject’s face/other object. • Usually quite detailed. • Often creates an intense mood. • Provides an “interaction” between the subject and viewer due to the frame being filled with one thing.
Camera Angles • Bird’s eye angle • Looks directly down on a scene. • Let’s be realistic, very little use in photojournalism and very few opportunities to do this outside of a helicopter. • High angle • Looking down on a subject. • Creates the impression that the subjectis small or vulnerable. • Eye-level angle • At eye-level... of course. • Creates an equal level relationship. • Low angle • Looks up at the subject. • Creates the impression that the subject is powerful or strong. • Can be used to make the viewer feel small or vulnerable. http://revision4gcses.wordpress.com/media-studies/camera-anglesmovementshots/
http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/people/adolf_hitler http://www.theguardian.com/world/picture/2013/aug/19/eyewitness-south-tyneside
Creating a story http://journals.worldnomads.com/divvea/photo/43170/973128/India/Moromi-looks-out-of-the-torn-shards-of-a-tarpaulin-she-currently-lives-in-She
Jeff Wall - After ‘Invisible Man’ by Ralph Ellison, the Prologue http://www.mca.com.au/exhibition/jeff-wall-photographs/ Think about “Mise en Scene”...
References http://www.skwirk.com.au/p-c_s-54_u-251_t-647_c-2411/camera-shots-angles-and-movement-lighting-cinematography-and-mise-en-scene/nsw/camera-shots-angles-and-movement-lighting-cinematography-and-mise-en-scene/skills-by-text-type-film/film-overview http://ryanmillsa2blog.blogspot.com.au/2010/09/camera-angles.html http://revision4gcses.wordpress.com/media-studies/camera-anglesmovementshots/ http://annawu.com/blog/2011/09/focal-length-comparison/ http://instagram.com/p/dwolqcIVYV/ http://www.redbubble.com/people/alexfrayne/works/10259987-tram-stop http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/20/photos-of-the-week_n_3122822.html http://500px.com/photo/59432672 http://500px.com/photo/4264609 http://500px.com/photo/27558279 http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/people/adolf_hitler http://www.theguardian.com/world/picture/2013/aug/19/eyewitness-south-tyneside http://jasonlow08.wordpress.com/2010/06/17/understanding-aperture-depth-of-field/ http://www.mca.com.au/exhibition/jeff-wall-photographs/