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Biology Class Jeopardy Challenge

Test your knowledge of the syllabus and lab safety rules in this interactive Jeopardy-style game! Answer questions, earn points, and stay on top of your class requirements. Have fun while learning important information for a successful academic year!

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Biology Class Jeopardy Challenge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Syllabus and Lab Safety Jeopardy!

  2. Rules • I call on each player to pick the question. • All teams discuss and then guess. • Write your answer CLEARLY. • You get a 10 second warning and then a countdown from 51. • All groups with the correct answer earns the point value for the question. • Scoreboard is behind me! Keep track.

  3. Syllabus & lab safety Jeopardy 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL

  4. This is the official name of this class. Syllabus 100 Honors Biology

  5. Notebook Checks, homework, labs, etc. contribute what percentage of your overall grade? Syllabus 200 10%

  6. Mrs. Mason’s planning period (when your parents can call) is this Syllabus 300 2nd Period

  7. Summative work accounts for the majority of your overall grade. What are 2 types of summative work? Syllabus 400 Unit Exams, Formal Lab Reports, Semester Final Exams, Major Projects

  8. These are the 2 materials you will be using for this class and must therefore have EVERY day Syllabus 500 Science Notebook and Pen or pencil

  9. I gave a specific range of values describing how many nights a week you can expect homework. What is that range? More Syllabus 100 2-4but more as we approach a test

  10. Work not turned in on time can earn up to this much (answer in % and number of stamps). More Syllabus 200 75-80% or 2 of 3 stamps

  11. If I allow test rescores, what is the best score you can earn on one? More Syllabus 300 100%

  12. List 3 of the 4 things you can do to get what you missed if you were absent. More Syllabus 400 Check the class website, talk/email me, talk to a classmate to get notes, or see What I missed binder

  13. This specific act (basically taking credit for someone else’s work) will not be tolerated in my class. It will result in an F on an assignment and a disappointed teacher. If you repeat this offense, it will result in a phone call home and a referral, and a very upset teacher. Don’t upset the teacher. More Syllabus 500 Plagiarism

  14. What number of stamps, earned on an assignment, means you have met standard for my expectations? Stamp Policy 100 3

  15. What is the ideal next step to take if you earned either 1 or 2 stamps on an assignment (and therefore are not at standard)? Stamp Policy 200 Fix (using different ink color) and resubmit. The goal with almost all formative work is meet standard

  16. Roughly how often can you expect to complete a notebook check in this class? Stamp Policy 300 Every 3-4 weeks or after 7-10 assignments

  17. What 2 specific symbols mentioned in the Science Notebook Stamp Policy information sheet will I use to draw your attention to something I might want you to fix? Stamp Policy 400 A circle around it or a question mark

  18. When is the absolute deadline for any stamps prior to a notebook check? Be specific. Stamp Policy 500 2:30pm the day before the scheduled notebook check

  19. Where is the eyewash located? Lab Safety 100 • Over there! (In the front corner by my desk)

  20. If a beaker or test tube breaks in a lab, the first thing you should do is: Lab Safety 200 TELL TEACHER

  21. Let’s say you need to dispose of 10mL of hydrochloric acid. Where do you dispose of it? DAILY DOUBLE - Lab Safety Follow specific directions from your teacher, no matter what materials, even if they seem safe

  22. Aside from tidying up your work space, what should you always do after finishing a lab and before leaving class? Lab Safety 400 Wash your hands

  23. What 2 things should you never have around lab stations? Lab Safety 500 Food and beverages

  24. Grab Bag 100 True or False: The use of goggles during lab experiments is optional. Explain why. FALSE, many substances used can cause blindness or pain

  25. Grab Bag 200 There are items you are required to bring to class every day (notebook, pen/pencil) and some that are suggested. What items are these, as listed in the syllabus? Calculator, colored pencils/markers, ruler

  26. Grab Bag 300 On Mrs. Mason’s Top 3 tips for being successful in honors biology, what is the top suggestion? Be present, literally and figuratively, in class every day

  27. Grab Bag 400 Aside from teaching you biology, what 2 skills, specifically mentioned in “Mrs. Mason’s Mission” on the class syllabus do I want to help you strengthen this year? Communication and organization skills

  28. True or False: Test Rescores, if allowed, all follow the same format Grab Bag 500 False. Each rescore is tailored to the unit of study

  29. FINAL JEOPARDY How do you use the eyewash? Place your face in between the two yellow spouts and press the “PUSH” lever on the right side. Flush for 2 minutes.

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