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A recent scientific investigation into the use of modafinil and armodafinil as possible weight loss supplements has yielded significant results for the fitness community. According to a published study in the 2012 edition of the Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology Journal
Armodafinil Online: Drugs Waklert & Artvigil Lead to Weight Loss Although the primary motive for most people to use brands like Waklert or Artvigil is for the cognitive enhancement properties and wakefulness-promoting capabilities - recent data suggests these ?ootropi?s ?a? also ?e useful for regulati?g people?s ?eight. A recent scientific investigation into the use of modafinil and armodafinil as possible weight loss supplements has yielded significant results for the fitness community. According to a published study in the 2012 edition of the Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology Journal, nootropics such as Waklert or Artvigil may, in addition to their cognitive benefits, help individuals lose body fat. In early 2005, a study was conducted on several schizoaffective patients who suffered from weight gain as a result of their antipsychotic medication. The treatment plan for the patients was to take a 100mg dosage of armodafinil every morning on an empty stomach. The result was that every patient consistently lost weight, indicating that the nootropic does stimulate weight loss and have fat burning properties. To explore this phenomenon further, a study was conducted in 2006, with the resulting article being published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. The results suggested that the weight loss associated with armodafinil use was due to a decrease in appetite. Others have attempted to explain this drop in appetite by suggesting that the individuals who buy armodafinil online and consume it, end up actively raising their dopamine levels. Dopamine is known as the ?re?ard drug? a?d gi?es us our ?feel good? refle? ?he? ?e eat, ha?e se? a?d e?er?ise. Therefore, ?he? ?ootropi? users? dopa?i?e le?els i??rease, the? do??t feel the ?eed to eat as ?u?h, as the? alread? ha?e ple?t? of the ?feel good? dopa?i?e ru??i?g through their ?rai? – lowering their appetite. Others have suggested that armodafinil burns fat because it boosts our metabolisms. This is often e?plai?ed due to the drug i?du?i?g ?akeful?ess a?d ofte? i??reasi?g ?oti?atio?. It?s therefore theorised that the less a person sleeps, the more weight loss they experience because they end up burning more calories from being awake and moving around. Further research into the metabolism-boosting effects of this drug, reveals that it may boost metabolism because it raises the users heart rate. When taken, armodafinil has been found to slightly increase heart rate. It is thought that this may have a positive metabolic effect because the body burns more calories the faster the heart beats. A study published in 2003, examined the cognitive enhancement properties of individuals under the influence of armodafinil. The test subjects were administered 150mg doses and then put through a series of tasks that required deep thought and careful decision making. Interestingly enough, the patients that were prescribed the drug outperformed the placebo patients in every cognitive task. Therefore, researchers have suggested that the possible weight loss from the
nootropic could be linked to an increased ability to make intelligent and rational decisions – due to the cognitive enhancement properties. It was said that patients who were under the influence of the drug had stronger self-control and a deeper understanding of topics, which could greatly assist in individuals adhering to strict weight loss diets. Overall, researchers are still u??ertai? as to ho? e?a?tl? ar?odafi?il ?ur?s fat. So?e sa? it?s due to the la?k of appetite, others sa? it?s due to the i??reased heart rate, ?hile others argue its due to the cognitive enhancement properties – one thing is for certain however, it will help with weight loss. That?s ?h? it?s ?e?o?i?g ?ore a?d ?ore ?o??o? for people to resort to either buy armodafinil online or buying Modalert/Modvigil online. The shortcut these supplements have on your weight-loss journey maybe be immense in the long run, so get familiar with your nootropics.