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WELCOME PARENTS. Ms. Hafer Ms. Daugherty Ms. Pockett Ms. Thompson Ms. Cohen CI Mrs. Gretz Mrs. Spade. Back to School Night. Objectives Parents will be introduced to the instructional components present in our rigorous 2nd grade curriculum.
WELCOME PARENTS Ms. Hafer Ms. Daugherty Ms. Pockett Ms. Thompson Ms. Cohen CI Mrs. Gretz Mrs. Spade
Back to School Night Objectives • Parents will be introduced to the instructional components present in our rigorous 2nd grade curriculum. • Parents and teachers will discuss how we will work together to benefit all our students.
Second Grade ScheduleIndividual Teacher’s classroom schedules will be put in. • Specials • Hafer- Mondays –P.E., Tuesday –Art, Wednesday –Music • Cohen- Mondays-Art, Tuesdays –Music, Wednesdays-P.E. • Thompson- Mondays-Music, Tuesdays-P.E., Wednesdays-Art • Daugherty- Tuesdays-Music, Wednesdays-P.E., Thursdays-Art • Pockett-Mondays- P.E., Tuesdays- Art, Wednesdays- Music • Spade/Gretz-Tuesdays- P.E., Wednesdays- Art, Fridays- Music • On PE days, please be sure to send your child with appropriate shoes. • We will go to the Media Center every other week. Teachers will remind students the day before.
Lunch/Snack • Lunch is at 12:30pm, recess is at 12:00 • We will not be having snack this year. • If you have any questions regarding this please contact me.
2nd Grade Classroom Rules • Listen to others. • Make good choices. • Work hard and keep trying. • Raise your hand. • Follow directions. • Walk when moving in the school unless you are at PE or recess. • Be respectful.
Rewards for All • Class Celebrations- Class Jar, Paperclip Chain • Table rewards • Lunch Bunches • Individual Got Attitude Recognition • School-Wide Go for the Green:
Go for the Green • 1st time- warning- green • 2nd time – yellow: reflection write up and conference with teacher • 3rd time – red: 10 minute loss of recess, reflection write up, conference with teacher, and note home • 4th time – remain on red: 30 minute loss of recess, reflection write up, conference with teacher, and phone call home • If behaviors continue on a single day despite interventions listed above, a parent teacher conference is required. • 3 reds in a week results in an office referral Please check your child’s agenda every day for their color.
Got Attitude! Positive Reward System Positive Behavior Reward System A student receives one (1) “Got Attitude” Stickers for demonstrating respectful behaviors. Each sticker a student earns is recorded on the Go for the Green monthly calendar (provided) with a designation of a star. Once a student has received one (1) sticker, they receive one (1) ticket. Five tickets may be redeemed at lunch for a freeze pop, homework pass or the student may enter their name into a drawing for a chance to win a larger reward. Students may have their name added to the drawing for every 5 tickets they earn. The drawings will be held every quarter.
Grading Policy • Students in 2nd grade will receive report card grades of • “O” for Outstanding (4) • “S” for Satisfactory (2-3) • “N” for Needs Improvement (1) • Daily work may be graded with • 4 - for Outstanding • 3 - for Very Good • 2- for Good • 1 -for Needs Improvement
Grading Policy Continued • Class work, assessments and projects are all components of a student’s grade in each subject area. • Grades are based on rubrics developed for the specific project. Both parents and students will be made aware of the requirements for the activity ahead of time. • Grades are based on multiple and varied measures over time. • At the end of each quarter grades for projects, class work, and assessments will be used to determine a final grade. Report Cards will be distributed on: November 10th and 11th (conferences)
Learning Skills Rubrics will be followed in the classroom as we observe patterns and trends of student’s work to improve learning skills. Learning skills will be reported on the students’ report cards as “I, L, F, R, NI” I=Independent L= Limited Prompting F= Frequent Prompting R= Rarely Demonstrates NI= Not Enough Information
Homework Policy • Homework and projects are extensions of school instruction. Therefore, they are an integral part of your child’s education. • Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. (Mon-Thurs) • Assignments may be given occasionally on Fridays. • * Homework will be checked for completion and understanding.
Agendas • All homework assignments will be recorded daily. • A responsible caregiver is expected to review all completed homework assignments and then sign the student’s agenda daily. • Parents can also use the agenda book to communicate with CGES staff.
College Gardens Standards of Communication • Communication Folders (Blue Folder) • Daily use folder for notes to and from school • Homework will be kept on a daily and or weekly basis • Graded materials will be sent home in this folder on Thursdays • Blue papers indicate importance for instruction and should be saved as reference for families and student to review at home. • Newsletters • PYP newsletters will include grade level information • Keeping in contact • Understanding that time is limited and valued staff should respond within one to two school days.
Primary Years Programme Community Students Transdisciplinary Skills Units of Inquiry IB Learner Profile PYP Concepts Action PYP Attitudes
Reading PYP Units of Inquiry and Flexible Grouping • Whole group lessons based on 2nd grade’s essential learnings, and PYP unit integration • Guided Reading Groups meet 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week reading a variety of books based on student’s reading level. • Individual activities for tasks focusing on a special need or individual choice. (seatwork) • Centers will also be used based on Unit of Inquiry, reading skills, and word work. • We ask that your child read for at least 20 minutes every night as part of their homework.
Words Their Way • Inquiry-based, cooperative learning approach to spelling/vocabulary • Differentiated by stages of spelling • Sorting: students sort words noticing spelling/sound patterns (badge vs. page) • Hunting: students hunt for words in text that follow the weekly pattern • Spelling/meaning connection: roots, word families, etc.
Words Their Way Weekly Homework Draft • *This is a draft of what each week’s homework will look like. It may change over the course of the year.* • Keep your homework in your folder.Put your name on the assignment and all pages. Staple any pages together to hand in on Friday. • Monday: Cut apart and sort your words into categories like we did in school. Read your words or pictures out loud. • Tuesday: Use the word list above. Sort your words by writing them into the categories. Write the words in columns under the key letters on your paper. • Wednesday: Play “I Spy” Word Hunt. Look for 8 – 10 more words that have the same spelling patterns and sounds. Use any written materials as a source of words; newspapers, books, magazines, cereal boxes, junk mail etc. Write the words in the correct category at the bottom of your lists. • Thursday: Practice “Rainbow Writing.” Use the word list above. Write the word and trace over it 3 times in 3 different colors to make a rainbow word OR using their words in sentences • Friday: Assessment
Writing • Integrated into the Units of Inquiry • Students are expected to respond in writing with organized and well-developed paragraphs. • Students will be Writing to Express Personal Ideas, Writing to Inform, and Writing to Persuade • 6 + 1 Traits of writing will be integrated with Units of Inquiry Ideas Sentence Fluency Organization Voice Word Choice Conventions
Math EIC (Elementary Integrated Curriculum) • A new model for curriculum, assessment, and instruction • Aligned to the Common Core State Standards and our PYP units of inquiry • A unique integrated curriculum designed to develop a college-ready mindset in all students by fostering critical and creative thinking and academic success skills • Will provide extension for our most advanced students and scaffolding for students in need of support
Peace Begins with Us Planet Patrol All Good Writers May the Force be with You Cycle of Life One Person Can Make a Difference PYP Throughout the Year
Our First Unit of Inquiry IB Theme: Who we are- An inquiry into the nature of the self, beliefs, and values, personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health, human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures, rights and responsibilities, what it means to be human. Unit Title: Peace Begins with Us Central Idea: A citizen’s behavior influences their community. Lines of Inquiry: • Respect • The ways people cooperate to solve problems • The elements of a peaceful community
PYP Field Trips • Forces- In-school Mad Science Fundamental Forces • All Good Writers: Imagination Stage • Planet Patrol- Audubon Society • Cycle of Life- Brookside Gardens