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Connection Details for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems

Connection Details for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems. Michael P. Culmo , P.E. Vice President of Transportation and Structures CME Associates, Inc., East Hartford, CT. “Connections Details for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems” Project Goals:.

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Connection Details for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems

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  1. Connection Details for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems Michael P. Culmo, P.E. Vice President of Transportation and Structures CME Associates, Inc., East Hartford, CT

  2. “Connections Details for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems”Project Goals: • Gather details of Connections that have been used on accelerated bridge construction projects • Investigate transfer of technology from other markets into the bridge market • Parking Garages • Stadiums • Buildings

  3. Available Technologies • Corrugated Void Pockets • Developed in Iowa • Very good punching shear capacity • Footings • Integral abutments • Pier caps • Easy to form • Reduces shipping weight

  4. Available Technologies • Corrugated Void Pockets – Integral abutments

  5. Available Technologies • Corrugated Void Pockets – Integral abutments

  6. Available Technologies • Corrugated Void Pockets • Cantilever Abutments • Cantilever Walls

  7. Available Connection Technologies • Grouted Couplers • Emulates a reinforcing steel lap splice • No special design required • Multiple companies – non-proprietary • Used in vertical construction for many years • parking garages • Stadiums • Bridges • Favored by Northeast States • Seismic • Used in buildings (ACI) • Previously tested in Japan • New testing underway at Univ. of Nevada

  8. Grouted Reinforcing Splice Connectors • Installation Video on YoutubeTM • Search “Georgia Pier Construction”

  9. Testing data Grouted Splice coupler @ end of column

  10. Testing data Control Column w/o Grouted Splice Coupler

  11. Pile Supported Footings Pile supported footings • Use corrugated pipe forms • Used for integral abutment stems also

  12. Pile Supported Footings Pile supported footings • Use precast stem with CIP Footing • Good for footings with closely spaced piles

  13. Available Technologies • Grouted PT Ducts • Similar to grouted couplers • Good for development into mass concrete • Lap splices? • Check conflicts with transverse bars

  14. NCHRP Report 681 Detail Grouted PT Duct • Similar to grouted sleeves • Used in several states • Tested for high seismic regions • Significant adjustability • Details, specifications and design information available

  15. Other Sources for Details • Utah DOT ABC Website • www.udot.utah.gov (search ABC) • Piers, abutments, walls, decks • PCI Northeast • www.pcine.org (Bridge resources) • MassDOT • Working on new ABC manual • NCHRP Report 681 • Development of a Precast Bent Cap System for Seismic Regions • Web search “NCHRP Report 681”

  16. Manual Distribution • Availability • Published June 2009 • Is available through FHWA Highways for LIFE website www.fhwa.dot.gov/hfl/

  17. NEW FHWA ABC Manual Accelerated Bridge Construction Experience in Design, Fabrication and Erection of Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems

  18. Previously Published FHWA Manuals 2006: Decision-Making Framework for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems 2007: Manual on the Use of Self-Propelled Modular Transporters to Remove and Replace Bridges 2009: Connection Details for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems

  19. Goal of New Manual • Overview of all aspects of ABC • Fill in areas that are not covered in the other manuals • Dovetail with Every Day Counts Initiative • Compliment SHRP2 R04 Work • “Innovative Bridge Designs for Rapid Renewal”

  20. Manual Outline • ABC Definitions • Chapters • Introduction: Why use ABC? • Accelerated Bridge Construction Techniques • Planning and Scoping Projects with ABC and PBES • Implementing ABC in a Transportation Agency • Prefabricated Bridge Elements • Miscellaneous Bridge Elements • Construction • Long-term performance of Prefabricated Elements • Design and Analysis

  21. Chapter 1 Introduction • Purpose of the Manual • Why use ABC? • Public perception of ABC Public Perception Utah experience with ABC: Polling results

  22. Chapter 2 • ABC Technologies • Foundation and Wall Elements • Rapid Embankment Construction • Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems • Structural Placement Methods • Fast Track Contracting • Contracting Provisions • Best Value Selection • A+B and A+B+C Bidding • Incentive and Disincentive Clauses • Warranties • Lane Rental • Applicability of ABC Technologies to Different Bridge Projects FHWA Every Day Counts ABC Toolbox

  23. Chapter 2 • Fast Track Contracting • Design/Build Flowchart

  24. Chapter 2 • Fast Track Contracting • CMGC Flowchart

  25. Chapter 3 • Planning and Scoping Projects • ABC Decision Making process • Is ABC Appropriate? • Decision Process for Selection of ABC Methods • What type of ABC should I use? • Defining the problem • Flow charts for determination of appropriate ABC methods • Structure type selection analysis including overall project costs • Public Involvement

  26. Chapter 3 • Planning and Scoping • 3 Basic types of ABC in use today • Prefabricated Bridge Elements • (LEGO bridges) • Individual prefabricated elements • Modular Prefabricated Elements • Larger components made up of several prefabricated elements • Large Scale prefabrication • Full structures • SPMT bridge moves • Lateral skidding/sliding • Barge installations

  27. Chapter 3 Planning and Scoping: Decision flowcharts • Used to determine the appropriate methods of ABC • Construction with Prefabricated elements (LEGO Bridge) is always an option • Identifies other potential options • Based on the following assumptions • ABC is already on the table • The time and cost are not factors at this point • A time and cost analysis is recommended after determining the appropriate ABC methods for the site

  28. Chapter 3 Determination of appropriate ABC methods

  29. Chapter 3 Determination of appropriate ABC methods

  30. Chapter 3 Determination of appropriate ABC methods

  31. Chapter 3 Determination of appropriate ABC methods

  32. Chapter 3 • Once appropriate methods of ABC are determined • Investigate all viable options • Time for each option • Traffic management for each option • Determine mobility Impacts • Calculate overall project costs • Determine User Costs

  33. Chapter 4 Utah Model Implementing ABC in a Transportation Agency

  34. Chapter 5 Typical Prefabricated Elements

  35. Chapter 6 • Miscellaneous Bridge Elements: • Bearings • Railing/Barriers • Joints

  36. Chapter 7 • Chapter 7: Construction • Fabrication • Erection • Grouting • Shoring • Paperless submissions • Accelerated testing needs

  37. Chapter 8 Example: UDOT SPMT Bridge after 3 years in service • Long-term Performance • Durability of PBES based on lessons learned • Case Studies Conventional Construction SPMT Install Edison Bridge in Florida 15 years in service Corrosive environment Conclusion: Cracking in deck is no worse than conventional construction (better in some cases)

  38. Chapter 9 • Design and Analysis • Design of bridges for SPMT moves • Precast Substructures • Integral Abutments • Cantilever abutment • Piers • Full Depth Deck Panel • Post tensioning • Issues not covered in LRFD • Mechanical Connectors in hinge zones - seismic • Corrugated void shear capacity

  39. Appendices • Design Examples and Guidance • Full depth precast deck panels • Precast Concrete Piers • Precast Integral Abutments • Erection and Lifting calculations for deck panels • Reference Documents that contain Design Information • Standard and Proprietary Products • Sample Construction Specifications • UDOT – Precast Substructure Elements • UDOT – Precast Concrete Deck Panels • UDOT – Bridge Construction using Self Propelled Modular Transporters • UDOT – Structural Lightweight Concrete • MassDOT – High Early Strength Concrete

  40. Manual Distribution Availability Published in November 2011 Available On-Line Free Download www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/abc

  41. Questions

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