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FP7 SCIENTIFIC NEGOTIATIONS. Astrid Kaemena European Commission DG Research and Innovation Environment Directorate - Management of Natural Resources. 18.01.2012. Negotiation Process. Scientific and technical negotiation Administrative and financial aspects

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  1. FP7 SCIENTIFIC NEGOTIATIONS Astrid Kaemena European Commission DG Research and Innovation Environment Directorate - Management of Natural Resources 18.01.2012

  2. Negotiation Process • Scientific and technical negotiation • Administrative and financial aspects • Communication and dissemination aspects • Participants Portal (IT support)

  3. Management The Composition and logic Structure of a Research Project Work plan: Work packages - Tasks (related to objectives) - Timing and milestones Overall objective - Concept - Objectives - Methodology Project deliverables Communication and dissemination Impacts Innovation

  4. Begin of Negotiation • Sending of a negotiation letter(not a commitment to fund) with: • The Evaluation Summary Report • The Negotiation Mandate • An Ethical Review Report (where applicable)

  5. Drafting the Description of Work - the DoW • Address the comments made in the Evaluation Summary Report and the Negotiation Mandate(a separate explanation of how this has been done is requested) • Based on the layout of the Proposal • Follows a specified template

  6. Evaluation Summary Report Pictures taken from: To Do Word Concept www.freedigitalphotos.net • Comments of the evaluation panel on • Scientific/technological excellence • Implementation • Impact and dissemination

  7. Negotiation Mandate Pictures taken from: Check List www.freedigitalphotos.net • Technical clarification and changes to the project to be addressed during negotiations • Maximum Community Contribution • Duration for the project • Deadline for receipt of the first drafts of DoW and GPFs • Deadline for completion of negotiation • Contact details of the responsible Project Officer

  8. Structure of the Description of Work Annex I to the Grant Agreement • Part A of the DoW - Structured Data • Cover Page • Table of contents • A1 The project summary • A2 The list of beneficiaries • A3 The budget breakdown • 8 Workplan Tables (lists of WPs, deliverables, milestones etc…) • Part B of the DoW - “Narrative” text • based on Part B of the proposal, • uploaded as a PDF file Automatically filled via GPFs To be filled in on-line

  9. Based on Part B of the Proposal • B 1.1 Concept and project objectives • Objectives should be: • S – Specific • M – Measurable • A – Attainable • R – Realistic • T - Timely • B 1.2 Progress beyond the state of the art • To be shortened, but “baseline” and performance/research indicators • to be added • B 1.3 Methodology and associated work plan • Overall strategy and general description • Timing of work packages and their components • Description of WP, deliverables -> Part A of the DoW Pictures taken from: Research Ship www.freedigitalphotos.net DoW – Part BConcept, objectives, state of the art

  10. Each significant project element should conclude with a deliverable, which is the concrete output and evidence of the work. Deliverables Work package project deliverable component deliverable task • Deliverables should be: • Limited in number • Specific • Clear and Verifiable • Quality Controlled • PU status if possible - Reports to the EU are no deliverables! - Think carefully about allocated person/months

  11. DoW – Part BImplementation Based on Part B of the Proposal B.2.1 Management structure and procedures B.2.2 Beneficiaries B.2.3 Consortium as a whole Important: Sub-contracting, Third parties etc. to be well explained B.2.4 Resources to be committed Explanations in addition to “project efforts and costs” table of Part A

  12. Based on Part B of the Proposal B.3.1 Strategic impact B.3.2 Dissemination and communication Pictures taken from: Chat Community www.freedigitalphotos.net DoW – Part BImpact

  13. DoW – Part BEthics and Gender B.4 Ethical issues B.5 Gender aspects

  14. Completion of Negotiations • When agreement is reached on • The DoW • The GPFs • The Start Date • The Duration • Any Special Clauses Pictures taken from: Hand in Hand Together www.freedigitalphotos.net

  15. Thank you for your attention!

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